266: The One Where Toni Goes Back to Prison

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"So, are you and the other fag getting married?" I look over at Fangs's dad. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Because if you do I will be there to bomb the place!" He says smiling. "Was Fangs adopted?" I ask smiling. "If not then clearly he was raised by his nice, not racist or homophobic mother!" Fangs walks over and
I watch Fangs punch his dad in the face. They get into a fight. I sigh and join so Fangs doesn't get his ass kicked. After a few minutes I feel someone grab me and put my hands in handcuffs.

"Toni..." I look down. "You're on probation." I nod. "Cheryl I'm sorry! Fangs started it and honestly he wasn't gonna make it out alive." I whisper. She looks at me. "You can go back to jail! Toni!" She yells. I sit down on the bed. "I'm sorry." I whisper. I lie down. "You better have a good argument by tomorrow morning!" I nod and roll over.

I look at the judge. "What do you plead?" He ask. "Guilty." I respond. I hear Cheryl groan. "Can you explain what you did?" The judge ask quietly. "Um... I was with my friend and his dad was calling me by some homophobic words and my friend being the idiot he is decided it would be a good idea to get into a fight with him and knowing he probably wasn't going to make it out alive I stepped in to help. Clearly I haven't learned anything." I say pretty much asking to go back to jail. "Was it self defense?" He ask. I nod. "You still broke your parole, but because of the context, I'll cut your agreed on sentence in half to 6 months but if this happens again you're going to prison for 3 years is that understood?" I nod. "Yes sir." He hits his the gavel. A police officer comes over and puts me in handcuffs. I look at Cheryl. She looks so disappointed. I look down. We go away and we immediately go into the bus.


I look out of the window of Pop's. Veronica hands me a coffee. "Hey V." I say quietly. She smiles. "Did the trial happened yet?" She ask noticing Toni isn't here. "Yeah." I whisper. "How long?" She sits down in front of me. "6 months. The judge understood what happened but she still broke parole so he cut her some slack." She nods. "You ok?" She ask quietly concerned. "I don't know." I whisper. "Do you want to stay with me for a few days?" She ask quietly. "Or do you want me to stay with you?" She ask. "Can I stay with you for a few days?" I ask her. "Cheryl I just offered it to you!" I roll my eyes. "I'll pack for the weekend." She nods. "I just don't want to be alone right now. I'm not going to do anything I just need company." I whisper. She looks at me. I hear the bell ring and Fangs comes in, he runs over to us. "I heard what happened! This is all my fault-." I stop him. "It's ok Fangs. I know what was for a good reason." I tell him. He sits down next to me. "Who said you could sit down?" He looks at me. "It's fine." I whisper. "But I do need you to get up because I have to pack some shit." I tell him. "And find a way to kill Toni and get away with it." I whisper.

Toni sits down and picks up the phone. "Hey Cheryl." She whispers. "How you feeling?" I ask her. "I'm ok." She says quietly. "Are you still mad?" She ask quietly. "I'm not happy Toni. But it's life." She nods. "Heard you've been staying at Veronica's." I look at her. "Fangs came and visited me the other day." She says. "I thought this was the first week I could visit you." I say confused. "No, it's ok though. I think I accidentally gave you the wrong information. I honestly meant to tell Fangs to come this week and you last week." I nod. "It's ok." She looks down. "I'm sorry. I did this." She whispers. "Toni, I don't blame you!" She looks up. "You were protecting Fangs! It's ok." I whisper. "I just worked so hard to get out of prison and make life better for me and for you and I ruined it in one moment." She says clearly upset. "Just do your time and we can move past this." She nods. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Are you getting your medication in there?" I ask changing the subject. She nods. "Yeah. There was a mix up at first but it got all straightened out." She says quietly. I nod. "Good." I smile a little. "I don't want you to get depressed in there." She nods.

6 months later

Toni walks out of the gates. "You ok?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath and nods. She comes over and I pull her into a kiss. "God I've missed this." She whispers. "Do you want to head home or what?" I ask her. "I have to meet the my Parole Officer first." She says quietly. I nod. "I'll drop you off." I whisper. She smiles.


"So you were originally arrested for involuntary manslaughter. Correct?" My Parole Officer ask. I nod. "Yeah, I was driving home from work and accidentally hit a woman and it ended up killing her." She nods. "How long did you spend in prison for that?" She ask quietly. "Ah! It was supposed to be 7 but I got out on 5 with parole for good behavior and since it was my first time being arrested and all of that nonsense." She nods and writes it down. "Why did you break parole in the first place?" She ask looking up. I take a deep breath. "My friends father was being abusive and my friend was protecting me but I had to step in before he got killed." She nods. "So clearly you know what is going to happen." I nod. "Yeah. I'm just going to say it now, you don't have to worry about the drug testing, I'll do them but I don't even drink so you don't have to worry to much. I am on some medication for anxiety and depression so I really don't know if it's going to effect anything." She nods. "I have your medical records right here don't worry." I smile a little. "You ok?" She ask concerned. "Yeah, I was just doing really well about what happened until I got arrested for breaking parole and it really set me back a few years with coming to terms with it." I tell her. "Like I was ready to move on with life and get married to my girlfriend." I whisper. She nods. "I get it. But I'm not your therapist you should have just said yes." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. She hands me a cup. "You know the drill."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now