389: The One With The Kitten

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I hear a some kind of car pull into the gravel driveway. I look through the window and see Archie in his truck. I go to the door and open it. I walk over to him and see him holding a black and white kitten. "Where did this little guy come from?" I ask petting the cat. "I don't know, he was just sitting by my truck when I came out." He tells me. I look at him confused. "Why did you bring him here?" I ask him. "Veronica is allergic, I don't want to bring him to a shelter, and I know you've had a cat so, I figured you would at least know what to do." He explains. "You want me to take him in?" He nods embarrassed. "Ok! Cheryl will kill me but, I don't think she'll say no to this adorable face!" I say grabbing the kitten. I look at him. "Ah Arch?" He looks at me. "Yeah." He says quietly. "He is a she." I tell him. "Oh." I smile. "It's fine. I'll bring her to the vet and convince Cheryl." I say smiling. "Can you keep me updated?" I nod. "Yeah! Of course." I smile.

I look at the kitten who's resting. "You need a name." I pet her. "It would be to much of a cliché to name you Oreo wouldn't it be?" I ask smiling. I gasp. "Kitten for now. I guess." I smile.

I look at Cheryl. "She's mine." She says taking the cat. "We still have to bring her to the vet and hope she isn't chipped." I tell her. "Does she have a name?" She ask quietly. "No. I couldn't come up with anything original." She nods. "Oreo, Panda, Zebra." I say quietly. "I don't think anyone has named their cat, zebra." I nod. "Do you want-." She stops me. "No! How about we bring her to the vet and then figure it out from there?" She ask quietly. I nod.

The vet hands the cat back to me. "She does not have a chip. From where you said that she was found her mother was probably a stray, she's healthy and we gave her all the shots she needs. You can take her home if you guys want, there are a few adoption-." Cheryl stops the vet. "She's ours!" I smile. "Ok! Do you have a name?" She ask quietly. "No. But we'll think of one."

Cheryl and I look at the cat. "Ooh! Stevie. Like Stevie Nicks! I was playing Fleetwood Mac and she seemed to like it." I suggest. She looks at me. "I like that."

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