376: The One Where Toni Drops Everything

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I walk out to the bar. "There's a phone call for you." Fangs says. "It's Cheryl she couldn't reach you on your phone so she called the bar." He says quietly. "Everything ok?" I ask. He shrugs handing me the phone. I put the phone up to my ear. "Hey Cher! Everything ok?" I ask her. "My water broke, Veronica is bringing me to the hospital." She tells me. I look at Fangs and he's smiling. "Ok! I'll be there in a minute." I tell her hanging up the phone. "I have to-." He stops me. "Go have a baby." He tells me. I grab my jacket and keys and run out.

I walk into the delivery room. "Hey!" I say smiling. I look at Cheryl. "How far are we?" I ask her. "Not even close." I nod. "Ok." I smile. I look at Veronica. "I'll be in the waiting room." She says awkwardly. She gets up and walks out. "I didn't want to be alone so I gave permission for her to be here." I nod. I pull a chair to the bed and sit down, I look at her and take her hand. "How are you feeling?" I ask her. "I'm really scared." She tells me. I smile a little. "You'll be ok." I whisper. "You're so amazing." I look at her. "What about you?" She ask quietly. "I'm shitting my pants right now." I tell her. She smiles. "Good to know we're on the same page." I  nod. "What happened to your phone?" She ask quietly. "I dropped it in the sink while it was full of water. It won't turn back on." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "It's fine. I need a new one anyways, I was planning on getting one." I feel her squeeze my hand. "Oh god!" She says quietly. "You're ok!" I tell her rubbing her arm. She loosens her grip. I wipe her tears. "I can't do this." She tells me. I shake my head. "Yes you can!" I tell her. "I'm scared." I nod. "I know! You've got this." I tell her. "I'll be here the whole time holding your hand the whole time. You don't really have a choice at this point." I remind her. "It's kinda hard to back out." I whisper. She nods as I wipe her tears. "You've got this." I smile. She nods. She looks at me. "I love you." I tell her. She smiles. "I love you too."

I look at Cheryl as the doctor hands her our baby. "Hi!" She whispers. "I know you." She whispers. "We're complete strangers to you though." Cheryl says smiling. I look at Cheryl and kiss her head. "Do you guys have a name?" Our doctor ask quietly. "No! Not yet." Cheryl says quietly. "Well for now baby boy blossom." Our doctor says quietly. "Topaz-Blossom." Cheryl says quietly. "Really?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, my last name is kinda cursed." I nod. "Fair." I whisper. "We'll pick one when we pick a name see which one works better." She nods. I smile.

I look at our son. "Hey kiddo." I whisper. "I'm your mommy. You have 2 of us. No dad though. But you'll have your uncle Fangs. And he's weirdly a good influence." I tell him. "Also don't be scared by his name, it's a nickname!" I say quietly. He looks at me and smiles. "You look so much like your mommy." I whisper. I reach my hand out. He grabs my finger, his hand is tiny and barely wraps around my finger. "God! I can't wait to watch you grow up." I tell him. I look at Cheryl as she walks into the room. "I could have gotten you something to ea-." She stops me. "I've been in this room for 2 days I needed a change of scenery." I nod. She sit back in the bed. I can see worry on her face as she looks at our son. "You ok?" I ask her. "I'm afraid he's gonna get my actual nose." She says quietly. "Cheryl, he would already have it." She nods. Cheryl had a nose job in high school, she had a deviated septum and they had to completely reconstruct her nose. I look at her. "Really?" I nod. "Yeah! It's hard to miss a deviated septum." I tell her. "Apparently not." She says quietly. "Ok you could have died and they would have thought you were faking for attention." I say quietly. "Fair enough." She says quietly. "You know as bad as my parents were I am not afraid of becoming them because they gave me a free handbook on what not to do." She tells me. I nod. "The only thing is if you protect them to much they kinda hate you forever." She nods. "You want them to leave but you also want them to be able to comeback whenever they need to." I explain.

I walk over to the bed. Fangs, Veronica, Betty and Sweet Pea are standing over the bed looking at the baby. "Does he have a name?" Betty ask quietly. "We had a few in mind. Toni you can pick which one." Cheryl says quietly. "I really liked Casey." I tell her. She looks at our son. "Casey?" Veronica says quietly. "She's right." Cheryl says quietly. "God! This is so hard." Cheryl says holding back tears. "It's ok! You'll figure it out." Betty says quietly. "Easy for you to say! You've had your kids names planned out since you were a kid." I say quietly. "You have?" Veronica ask concerned. "Yeah." Betty smiles. "Tell us, what are they?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Well, if it's a girl, I was gonna name her after my mom." Betty says quietly. "And if it's a boy?" Cheryl ask eagerly. "I don't want to say." Betty says quietly. "We won't take it." Cheryl says quietly. "Ok, Daniel." Cheryl looks at our son. "That's my name." Fangs says quietly. "Take it." Betty says quietly. "What?" Cheryl ask confused. "Name your kid after your family." I look at Fangs. "I don't hate that name, just you thought it would be funny to call me Fangs and it stuck." Fangs says quietly. "How are you guys related?" Veronica ask quietly. "Our parents got married. He's my step brother." I tell her. "Oh! Ok." She nods. "I think I like Daniel." Cheryl says quietly. "Me too." I smile.

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