253: The One With The Party Downstairs

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"It's so loud downstairs." I whisper. "Yeah, but it's quiet up here, it's nice." Cheryl says quietly. I kiss her again and we make out for a minute. She takes off her shirt and I panic. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "What?" She ask concerned. "I'm not ready." I say quietly. "I thought I was. Like I'm emotionally prepared, physically too, but at the same time I'm not. I'm sorry." I explain to her. She looks at me. "Ok. I'm kinda happy you were gonna say that because I don't know how much longer I could have gone." She whispers. "Wait, you wouldn't have let me go all the way with you right?" I ask quietly. "No, I was about to stop you actually." She says getting off my lap. "Ok, good." I whisper. "W-what do you want to do?" I ask quietly. "Sneak out of here, go to Pops?" She ask quietly. I nod. She puts her shirt on. We get up and slowly. She kisses me. "I love you." She says quietly. "I love you too baby." I whisper. I take her hand and we go out of the bedroom. "Also probably best our first time wasn't in Archie's bedroom." I whisper. "Yeah, let's go." I whisper. We quickly walk out and go to my truck. I drive off and go to Pops. Pop Tate walks over with some fries knowing we're gonna order them. I rap my arm around Cheryl and take some of the fries. "Hey!" She hits my chest jokingly. "What?" I ask smiling. "I was gonna take those!" I kiss her cheek. "I'm sorry baby. They are for the both of us though!" I whisper. I smile. We hear the bell ring and I see my mom and my sister walk into Pops. "Oh god." I say taking my arm away from Cheryl. "You're not out to her are you?" She ask quietly. "I am! Kinda! She's usually to depressed to care. Why is she here with my sister?" I ask her. I get up and go over to my mom and sister. "Mom! Hey! What are you guys doing here?" I ask confused. "We wanted dinner!" Mom says excitedly. "It's 11 o'clock at night! She needs to be in bed! Why isn't she with her Babysitter?" I ask getting more and more pissed. "I don't know why you don't trust me with my own daughter sweetheart!" She says. "Because I've practically raised her mom!" I yell. "Jess, come on, let's go." I say reaching my hand out. "I wanna stay with mommy." She says quietly. My heart drops. "You sure?" I ask quietly. I look at mom. "I want her home and in bed by 12!" I say pissed. I go back to Cheryl. "You ok?" She ask me. I don't take my eyes off my sister. "She's on drugs!" I say in shock. "I don't think so." She says quietly. I look at her. "Your mothers bipolar maybe she's actually taking her medication." She suggest. "She's fucked us both over to many times for me to trust her!" I say louder than I meant to. "Do you want to go back to my place so we don't have to see your mom?" She ask quietly. "Can we finish these fries first?" She nods. "Of course." She whispers kissing me. "I'm still sorry about earlier." I say quietly. She sits up. "Don't be." She smiles.

I move some hair out of Jessica's face. "You're so beautiful." I whisper. She looks at me. I smile. "How was dinner?" I ask quietly. "Good! Mommy and I went to the movies after." I look at her. "You what?" I ask quietly. "You guys went to the movies after I said I wanted you home by 12?" I ask her. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." She says sadly. "No! Don't be! It's not your fault!" I sigh. "You know mommy won't be like this all the time right?" I ask her. "What do you mean?" She ask confused. "You know how she spends a lot of time in bed and then she gets really happy like this for a few days?" She nods. "I'm afraid that's gonna happen again and I don't want you to get hurt." I say sadly. She looks down. "What do you want me to do?" She ask quietly. "Just don't get your hopes up."  I whisper. "Can I be happy she's like this now?" She ask sitting up. "If you want to, but I just want you to know this isn't gonna last long." I whisper. She nods. I kiss the top of her head. "Get some sleep. You have to get up for school in the morning and it's almost 3." I whisper. "Do you have school?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I lie. "Yeah, I do." I whisper. "Go to sleep!" I say quietly. I get up and turn off the lights. "I love you kid." I whisper. "Love you too T." I smile. I walk out of her room. I walk down into the kitchen. "You said that you would take her home and have her in bed by 12." I say quietly. "Antoinette, I thought she'd like it." Mom says quietly. "Yeah, she did, but she's 7 and it could have waited for tomorrow, well, today at this point." I say quietly. "She still thinks you're in school." She says. "I had to drop out of school to support this family because you won't take your fucking meds!" I yell. "You don't have to stay." She says standing up. "I need to take care of Jessica! Because you can't and you won't stay on your god damn medication!" I yell. "Fuck you!" She says not knowing what else to do or say. "Get out." I say calmly. "What?" She ask quietly. "Get out!" I yell. "I have no where to go." She says quietly. "Sleep in the middle of the train tracks and get hit by a train please!" I yell. She slaps me. I punch her. "Don't try to hurt me, you've already done that a few to many times." I say quietly. "If you're not getting out I'm taking Jess and leaving." I say looking at her. "Because unlike you, I have a place to go!" I say going over to the fridge and grab some ice. I look out the window because if I look at my mom I will kill her. "Are you gonna go to your little fags house?" She ask pissed. "My what?" I ask calmly. "You and your stupid fag of a girlfriend!" I can see the rage in her eyes and she can probably see mine. "You know, for someone who's culture has been suppressed for hundreds of years, you'd think that you would be a little bit more understanding for other people." I say quietly and trying not to rip her fucking heart out. I take a deep breath to hopefully staying calm. "It's different, you didn't choose to be black." She says quietly. "I didn't choose to he Bisexual either!" I say quietly. "Yes you did. Luckily you can always just get married to a guy." She says quietly. "You know what, I'll marry a woman just to spite you." I say pissed. "You're marrying a man!" She says standing up. "Yeah?" I ask turning around. She nods. "How are you going to enforce that?" I ask quietly. "I will find someone for you." I nod sarcastically. "Ok! Cool! I'm 17, you can't force me to get married, once I turn 18 in a week, you literally have no say over my life!" I whisper. "I can marry whoever I want." I say quietly. "Can you at least marry a black girl?" She ask. I take a deep breath. "You fucking hypocrite!" I say pissed. "My father who you never let me see is white!" I tell her. "Yeah and you're clearly fucked up because he's white!" She says pissed. "Ok, so now I have to marry a woman who's is fish belly white, like not an ounce of color in her." I say smiling. She pushes me back and I yet again I punch her in the face. "I hope you die from fucking aids you faggot!" She yells. I step back and go into my room. I grab my bag, pack enough clothes for a few days and grab my phone and all my fancy things. I go into Jessica's room. I grab her bag and do the same thing for her stuff. I go over to her and wake her up. "Hey, do you want to go to Cheryl's for a few days?" I ask smiling. She nods happily. I pick her up and we walk out. "I'll see you later." I say to my mom.

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