235: The One Where Cheryl Goes On The Run

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Betty and I walk into the bedroom and see Cheryl. "I don't- I don't know what to do." I say quietly. She sighs. "How long has she been like this?" She ask concerned. "A few days. I thought it would blow over by now." I say quietly. "You're the only person she's really friends with." I whisper. "Also you have an in with her family and might know something I don't." I say quietly. She looks at me. "What was she like before?" She ask quietly. "She was ok. Like she wasn't great! But she was ok." I say quietly. "She started loosing interest in stuff, like she loves painting and drawing and she just didn't want to do anything. Like every night she sits me down and makes me do one of those color by number things! But this week she didn't want to do it." I explain. "Has anything like this happened before?" She looks at me. "Not like this." I say. "Do you know if she's been to see a doctor or anything recently?" She ask quietly. "Not- not that I know of." I whisper. "Do you mind if I try talking to her?" I shake my head. "Go ahead!" I say "I'll leave you guys for a minute." I say before walking out. A few minutes later Betty walks out. "I talked to her, I'm not a doctor but from what you said earlier and what she said you should talk to a therapist about getting her diagnosed with Bipolar." She says quietly. I look down. "Have you heard from her mom?" Betty ask sitting down at the small table. "No, Cheryl said she was out of town and I don't have her number so I can't call her." I say quietly. "Do we actually know if she's out of town?" She ask. "Yeah, because I picked her up before this happened her mom was leaving." I explain. "Do you want to coffee?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Ok, it's not great but it's ok." I say getting up. "Do you know when her mom will be home?" She ask quietly. "Tomorrow morning, Cheryl's supposed to pick her up."

Penelope walks out of the airport. "Cheryl your mom's here." I was finally able to get her out of bed. She shrugs. I get out of car and greet Penelope. "You're not Cheryl." I nod. "Yeah, somebody doesn't want to get out of the car." I say quietly. She looks at me. "She ok?" I shake my head. "Can we talk when we get you home?" She nods. We get into the car and drive off. I take Cheryl's hand. We get home. Cheryl goes straight upstairs. I look at Penelope after handing her bag to her. "She's been really depressed the past few days. I don't- I don't know what to do and I can't set up an appointment with her doctor." She nods. "I'll get that done, I'll get one for tomorrow." She says. "Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" I ask. "No, go ahead. Just saying I probably won't be home when you up. I have work."

Cheryl comes running at me with a bat. "Hey!" I yell as I stop her from hitting me. "They're after me!" She says panicking. "Who?" I ask quietly. "The monsters." She looks at me and I can see how all I see is a scared little girl. "It's just me." I whisper. She starts crying. I slowly take the bat out of her hands and pull her into a hug. "It's ok." I whisper. "No one is after you." I tell her. I kiss the side of her head. "No one's gonna hurt you. I'm here, you're safe." I whisper in her ear. "You're ok!" I remind her. "Come on, let's get some food in you, after that you have an appointment with your new psychologist." I say quietly. She shakes her head. "No!" I cup her cheeks. "Cher, it's not up to you." I whisper. She shakes her head and slowly backs away. "I'm not going." I nod. "Ok, then how about we just go to Pop's and get breakfast?" I ask knowing she's not gonna realize what I'm doing until it's too late. She nods. "Ok?" I nod. "Let's get dressed." She slowly goes up to her room. I quickly grab the bat and put it somewhere Cheryl can't get to it. A few minutes later Cheryl walks downstairs. "Better?" She nods. I smile. "Come on." I say quietly.

We pull up to the psychiatrist's office. "No!" Cheryl says looking at me. I get out and get her out of the car. Before she can run I grab her arm. "Come on." I whisper. "No!" She screams. "Please!" She begs. We go inside. "I don't need help." She says trying to compromise. "Please let me go!" She yells. Somehow she breaks from my grip and runs off. I run after her but she managed to get my keys and take my car.

I walk into Pops. "Veronica have you seen Cheryl like after we left?" I ask going up to the counter. "No why?" She ask. "Ah! I was supposed to be bringing Cheryl to see a psychiatrist and when we got there she took my keys and ran." I explain. "Oh! Betty was telling me about how something was up with Cheryl, she didn't say what it's none of my business. I don't know where she is but maybe check Thornhill than maybe if she's not there than Sweetwater, she might be at the spot Jason was found." I nod. "Yeah. Her mom might have checked but I'll go back." I say quietly. I walk out and go to Sweetwater. I walk around. "Cheryl?!" I yell. "Cheryl?! Come on! This isn't funny anymore!" I call out. My phone goes off and I see a text telling me Penelope found Cheryl. I sigh in relief and go to meet them at the hospital. I walk in. "Where was she?" I ask quietly. "She managed to get to Greendale before your car ran out of gas." I nod. "Where is my car?" I ask. "It's getting gas and will be dropped off at your place." I nod. "Cheryl is in her room if you want to go see her. She's in room 29." I nod. I go and find her room. I walk into her room. "Cher..." I whisper. She looks at me. I walk over to Cheryl and cups her cheeks. "Hey!" I smile. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Hey! It's ok!" I tell her. I pull her into a hug. "I'm just happy you're safe." I whisper. "Your mom is talking to your doctor." She starts crying. I rub her back. "Your safe." I whisper. "I'm sorry I put you through this." She says between sobs. Penelope knocks on the door and motions for me to come out and talk to her. "I have to go talk to your mom. You sit tight ok?" She nods. I walk out of Cheryl's room. "Well?" I ask Penelope. "They think it might be Bipolar 1, she was having hallucinations, wasn't sleeping, taking risk. All of the signs." She explains. "When was this?" I ask quietly. "Right before I left and I guess you got her coming down and getting depressed." I nod. "I didn't think anything of it, I just thought she was excited about summer." She tells me. "Anything else?" I ask. "They think she might also have gone undiagnosed with ADHD. They think she might have developed a Dissociative Disorder after Jason died." She says quietly. "They think? Isn't this their job?" She nods. "They need to do further testing to be sure." I nod. "They also think she has anxiety but I could have told you that years ago. I just didn't think it was bad. We'd found ways to help her." I put Cheryl's meds in front of her with a glass of water. "I'm fine." She whispers. "Ok, so they're working! Take your meds so they stay working." I say quietly. She takes her meds. "Finish the water to, I've barely seen you drink anything." I whisper. "Where's mom?" She ask quietly. "Still at work! She's gonna be back after you go to sleep. It's a late shoot. She told me to make sure you took your meds." I tell her. She takes her meds. "Speaking of... do you want to do one of those color by number things?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Come on." I smile. She gets up and we go to her room to do one. "I'm happy to see you're doing better." I say quietly. She smiles. "I love you."

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