372: The One With The Confession

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I look at Cheryl as she drinks her milkshake. I hear the phone ring and Pop Tate pick it up."Yeah, I'll put her on." I hear Pop Tate say quietly. I ignore it because there's a few other people here and who would be calling me at 10:30 at night on a Monday? "Toni?" I look over. Fangs! That's who. "Fangs?" He nods. I look at Cheryl. "I have to get this!" She nods. I get up and go to the phone. I take it and put it up to my ear. "Hello?" I ask quietly. "Toni! We need you at the bar!" Fangs says quietly. I sigh. "I'm a little busy." I say looking at Cheryl. "It's 10:30 on a Monday! What the hell could you be doing?" He ask quietly. "I'm on a date." I whisper. He gasps. "Are you cheating on Cheryl?!" I groan. "No asshat! With Cheryl!" I say pissed. "Can you let me enjoy my night out with my wife? We don't get to do this a lot! Especially after I took over." I whisper. "What's going on?" I ask quietly. "Penny is here. We have her tied to a chair." I groan and look at Cheryl. "I can't leave Cheryl here, I promised I'd stay." I whisper. "Is FP there?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. Do you want me to put him on?" He ask quietly. "No, he's in charge!" I tell him. "Why not me? I'm your second in command!" He ask quietly. "Because you interrupted my date." I say before hanging up. I walk back over to the table. "What did he want?" She ask quietly. "They have Penny tied to a chair. I didn't ask why or what happened! I don't really care as long as Fangs isn't in charge." I tell her. The phone rings again and Pop Tate picks it up. "Yeah, I'll get her again." He says quietly. I sigh hearing it and get up. "It's Fangs again." I take a deep breath and take the phone. "What?" I ask annoyed. "She knows who killed your family." He says quietly. "Are you saying that to get me to go?" I ask him. "I'm serious." He says quietly. "I'll be there in 20 minutes." I say quietly. "Get as much information as you can out of her without beating her face in. I want to be the one to do that." I tell him.

I walk into the Wyrm. "Where is she?" I ask Sweet Pea. "Downstairs." I go downstairs and go to a room, Fangs and FP are standing there staring at her. go straight over to Penny. "Who?" I ask quietly. "Me." She says smiling. I don't hesitate and punch her. "You're that weak! You'll believe anything." She says quietly. I punch her again and again and again until I've let all my anger out. "Can you guys leave us?" I ask FP and Fangs. They nod and walk out. I punch her again. "You killed my son!" I scream. She laughs. "Just a small price to get to you." She whispers. I punch her again. I grab her hair and make her look at me. "You killed my son!" I whisper. "What about your baby daddy?" She ask quietly. "It's the Andrews boy isn't it?" She ask quietly. I let go of her hair and step back. "How do you know that?" I ask in shock. She looks at me. "I have my people." She says quietly. "How long have you known?" I ask her. "Before I killed your family. Does he know?" She ask quietly. "No." I whisper. "He doesn't know he's the father." I say quietly. "So you were a slut in high school." I punch her. She smiles. "I know everything about you Toni." She says quietly. I pace around the room in agony. "You were born on March 1st, 2001." She says quietly. "That's not a secret." I whisper. "It was a particularly warm Thursday! Especially for upstate New York. You were born in Riverdale General! Your Mother Antoinette had a C-section because you refused to come out! Your Father James almost passed out watching you be quite literally cut out of your mother." She explains. "Shut up." I whisper. "Your father worked with Fred Andrews on his construction site." I groan. "Shut up!" I say louder. "Your mom and Mary Andrews were actually very close." She says quietly. "Shut up!" I yell. "You and Archibald got very close, in fact your sophomore year you got pregnant with his son. Who was born March 11th, 2017. Him along with your parents died September 18th 2019. Thanks to me." She explains. "Why did you do it?" I ask quietly. "You father owed money." She tells me. "So you killed my whole family?" I ask her. "They got in the way." I punch her. "Why did you kill my whole family?" I ask her. "Your father owed me money!" She says quietly. I punch her again. "I got that part! Why did you kill my whole family?" I ask again. "Your bustard of a father owed me money." She says quietly. I punch her again. "Good for him! Why did you have to kill him and my whole family over that?" I ask her. "He wouldn't pay me back." I punch her probably for the millionth time. "Why did you kill my whole family?" I ask her. "The Topaz bloodline needed to be stopped!" She say quietly. I punch her. "Your family has been in the serpents for too long. It needed to come to an end." She whispers. I punch her again. "Why did you keep me alive then?" I ask her. "Because I know you can't have anymore children." I look at her. "You're 27 and you can't have kids. That must be sad." I take a deep breath. "You aren't gonna hit me again?" She ask quietly. "I'm not in the mood." She nods. "I-I have to go." I whisper. I begin to walk out. "You're a pussy just like your father." I turn around and hit her. Repeatedly until she's unconscious. I check her pulse. She's not dead. I sit down on a chair in front of her. I wait about an hour for her to regain consciousness. "Shouldn't you be with your wife?" She ask quietly. "Shouldn't you been dead?" I ask her. "Like your family?" She ask smiling. I go over to her and punch her. "This is fun." I say smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow." I whisper. I walk out of the room. Fangs looks at me in shock. "What?" I ask quietly. "Did you kill her?" He ask quietly. "Not yet. Keep an eye on her." I whisper. "Is FP still here?" I ask quietly. "No. He went home." He says quietly. "What about Sweet Pea?" I ask quietly. "He should be here." I nod. "You two take turns watching her. Everything she says to you isn't real! She's trying to get into your head." He nods. "Unless she's dying or something then call me. I have to get home to my wife." I tell him. "I'll see you later." I whisper. I go upstairs and get Sweet Pea. "Go downstairs and keep an eye on Penny." I whisper. "Fangs is there take turns." I whisper. He nods. "I'll see you later." I say before walking out if the bar. I get in my truck and go home. I walk into the house and it's quiet and dark so I go upstairs. I walk into the bedroom. I look at Cheryl. "Your covered in blood." She whispers. "I had a little talk with an old friend." I say walking towards the bathroom. I go in a clean my hands off. "What happened?" She ask coming into the bathroom. "She killed him." I whisper. "I let out all the anger I've had since I was 19 all on her." I whisper. "Do you feel better?" She ask quietly. "A little." I whisper. She nods. "You aren't gonna go out and become a vigilante right?" She ask quietly. "Getting revenge?" She asks me. "I would be lying if I didn't say I never thought about it." I whisper. "I've waited years to get my revenge. I don't know what I'm gonna do after this." I whisper. I slowly take my shirt off. "I should burn this." I whisper walking into the bedroom. "You ruined the date." I nod. "I had to go." I whisper looking at Cheryl. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I don't usually let Serpent business get in the way of my personal life but when Fangs said that she knew about what happened. I couldn't let it-." She stops me. "I know! I'm not mad. I'm kinda impressed you were willing to drop everything." She says quietly. "This is the only time I'll do something like this I promise! It just might be until I get an full confession out of her." She nods. "Or until she's dead." I add. "Don't kill her, she probably has people that'll feel the same you did." She whispers. "It'll be an endless cycle." She tells me. "I've never wanted someone dead so badly." I whisper. "I know but you need to think about the repercussions." I nod. "I kinda hope if I'm beating her face it her heart happens to stop." I whisper. "I'm not gonna shoot her or anything." I say quietly. She nods. "Want a bath?" She ask quietly. "It's kinda late." I whisper. "I mean an actual bath." She says quietly. "I think I'll just take a shower, I'm tired and I don't want to wait. Tomorrow I'd take one." She smiles. "I'll get some clean clothes for you." She says quietly. "When you're done, I'll help you with your hands." She whispers.

I walk out of the bathroom. "You don't have to do all this for me." I whisper. "I feel like one of those guys who has his wife to everything for them." I tell Cheryl as I lie in bed. "I like doing it. And it's not like you don't do the same." She looks at me. I smile. I look at her. "You sure?" She nods. "Can you help me with my hands?" I ask handing her the bandages. I look at her. "Yes." She smiles. I smile. She slowly starts bandaging my hands. "The more I've thought about this the more I feel like a monster for I just did but I couldn't- I couldn't stop myself." She looks at me. I look at her. "Please don't go around hurting people because you're angry and please don't do turn it on me." She says scared. I cup her cheek. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You're the last person on earth that I would even think about hurting." I tell her. "She had information on me that I hadn't told anyone even you. She knew who Anthony's father is." I whisper. "Who is it?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "You're gonna hate me." I whisper. "Fangs?" I shake my head. "Jughead?!" She ask sitting up. "I didn't even know him when I got pregnant with Anthony." I tell her. "Sweet Pea?" I shake my head. "The only other person I can think that you are friends with is, Ar...Archie." I look down. "Archie?!" I take a deep breath. "He doesn't even know. Veronica definitely doesn't know! I never told a soul!" I whisper.

I get off my motorcycle and take my helmet off as I realize the front door to the house is wide open. I drop my helmet and run inside. "Mom?" I call out. "Dad?" I walk around the house, it's quiet. Except the kitchen sink running no one is by it. I go and turn it off. I see a foot hanging out of my son's bedroom. "No." I whisper. I walk over and see Anthony on the floor. I kneel down and roll him over. He's clearly been choked to death. I hold his body and cry. I look around the room and see he was holding a lightsaber. Probably trying to protect himself. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm sorry baby." I whisper stroking his hair.

I jump awake. I feel a hand on my back. "Toni.
It's ok. It was just a dream." Cheryl whispers. I look at her. "Well, it wasn't originally but now it is." She whispers. "You talk very loudly in your sleep sometimes." I nod. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I whisper. "It's ok." She says quietly. I take a deep breath.

I punch Penny. "He was just a child!" I yell. "He wasn't even in the room!" I whisper holding back tears. "He was a witness." I punch her again. "He was a child!" I scream. "He was my baby!" All the pain and anger are being let out right now. "I have wanted nothing but for the person who killed my son to be dead. And now I have you in my grasp." I whisper. "Are you gonna kill me?" She ask quietly. "Maybe." I tell her. "I have an in with Keller, he'll let this slide." I tell her honestly. "But unlike you, I won't be able to live with myself if I kill you. I know you'll find pleasure out of it. So I won't but you will be going to prison for a very long time. I did my own research and found all 39 people you've killed and sent it to the police." I tell her. "I didn't kill 39 people." She says quietly. "No, but the justice system is flawed and I have more power in this town then you do, so I can get you to go to prison for the rest of your life for murdering people we all know you didn't actually kill." I tell her honestly. "I will happily abuse my power if it means you go down for a very very long time." I explain. I hear a knock on the door. "They're here!" Fangs says quietly. I open the door and let Keller in. He arrests Penny. "You skank!" She yells. "Go fuck yourself you killed my son." She looks at me. I watch Keller take her away. "You ok?" Fangs ask quietly. "This isn't gonna bring him back." I whisper. He shakes his head. "No but it'll hopefully bring you some peace since she's not walking free and this won't be hanging over your head as much." I nod. "She can't hurt you anymore." He tells me. "I should consider going to therapy." I whisper. "I'll see you later." I say patting his shoulder.

I look at Cheryl as she drinks her milkshake. "Hopefully this date doesn't get ruined." I tell her. She smiles. "It was for good reason." She says quietly. "Are you a lot calmer now that she's behind bars?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I whisper. "She took my only chance of having a family away from me." I whisper. "Not necessarily." I look up at her. "Neither of us can have kids." I whisper. "Also I don't know if I can emotionally have another child. I don't want to be worried about if someone is going to come into my house and kill them. Even if it's not Penny. I have pissed off a lot of people the past few days." I tell her. "I think we'll be ok though. I think Penny's little gang were looking for someone else to be in charge." I say quietly. "I can start to put this all past me." I say smiling a bit. "It's not gonna bring him back. I've accepted that. I know it's not gonna bring my parents back either." I whisper. "Thank you for not killing her." She whispers. I look down and nods softly. "Do you feel like you have some closer?" She ask quietly. "I don't- I don't know. Hopefully." She nods. "I think I have closer. At least a little." I whisper.

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