308: The One With The Flood

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I look at Cheryl who's going through some of the stuff in our now ruined basement. She opens a box with a bunch of Jason's stuff. "It's all ruined." She whispers about to cry. "I can't do this." She says walking out. I take a deep breath and follow her. "Cheryl we need to do this!" I tell her as we go upstairs. "Just have someone come and clean this all out everything is ruined anyways!" She yells. "I can't look at this stuff right now." She says quietly. I nod. "I'll go through stuff and see what is ok." I tell her. "Go back to the hotel. I'll take it from here." I whisper. "I'll be back around lunch." She nods. "Can you stop my Thorne Hill?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah."

I walk into the hotel room. "I'm in the bathroom!" I hear Cheryl say quietly. I walk into the bathroom and see Cheryl in the bath. "Feeling relaxed?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "Not really. This wine sucks." She says clearly drunk. "But you drank the whole bottle, ok!" I whisper. She looks at me. "What?" I shake my head. "Nothing." I say taking off my clothes and getting in. "Well?" She ask quietly. "I was able to recover some stuff but the storm took out almost our entire basement." I tell her. "What about Thorne Hill?" She ask quietly. "Your mom's room is completely intact, so is Nana Rose's room." I say quietly. "The stuff we had in Jason's room was ok, so you still have all of that!" I tell her. "What about our room?" She ask quietly. I look down. "Everything in there is gone. There was a tree that fell directly onto our bedroom." She takes a deep breath. "But that's just the stuff we had over there." I say quietly. "There wasn't much to lose." I move closer and wipe some of her tears. "Is the garden ok?" She ask quietly. "No, but we were planning on redoing that anyways." I whisper. "Was it flooded?" She ask quietly. "No, just everything was kinda ruined from the wind." I tell her. "We'll get through this." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I promise." I whisper kissing her. "You hungry?" I ask changing the subject. She nods.

I walk into Pops. "Hey Toni." Veronica says smiling. "Hi!" I say some what sadly. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "Cheryl's in pieces right now." I tell her. "Did you guys get hit that bad?" I nod. "Both houses. I know it's a weird problem to have." She shrugs. "Well, you were working on one house and living in the other so it makes sense." She says quietly. "Yeah, in her grandmother's house the entire basement flooded, that had almost everything Jason ever owned. In Thorne Hill there's currently a tree in where our bedroom was about to be so! Can't really live there." I explain. "Where are you guys staying?" She ask quietly. "5 seasons." I whisper. "How are you taking it?" She ask concerned. I shrug. "I feel bad because most of the stuff that got ruined was Cheryl's and I think the only thing I lost really was a couch that I was planning in getting rid of so, there's that." I say quietly. "Anyways! Can we get our usual, but can you make Cheryl's milkshake a coffee? She hasn't gotten much sleep lately." She nods. "Of course." I nod. "Thank you V." She nods.

I walk into the hotel room. It's more of a small and fancy apartment. "I'm back!" I say walking over to the bed. Cheryl looks at me, her hair is still wet from the bath and she's in a bath robe. I sit in front of her. "How you feeling?" I ask moving some hair out of her face. She shrugs. "Hung over." I hand her the coffee. "This might help a bit." I tell her. "Did you get our usual?" I nod. "Yup." I smile. I put the bag on the bed and pull everything out. "Veronica gave us extra onion rings." I say quietly. "I'm not complaining." I smile. We sit there and eat in a very comfortable silence. "So I was talking to Veronica and she said that she's gonna get Archie to help clean out the basement tomorrow." I tell her. "Do you think you can handle being there?" I ask her. "I kinda need to be." I nod. "Ok, I also ordered a dumpster so we can throw things away." She wipes her tears. "It'll be ok." I whisper. "Can I ask you one question?" I nod. "I need you to be honest and not lie to me to make me feel better." I nod and take her hands. "Of course." I whisper. "Did you see his jacket?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath and nod. "Yeah." I whisper. "And?" I can see how broken she is and how hard it's gonna be to hear what I'm about to tell her. "It didn't make it." She starts crying. "Do you think it can be fixed?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say wiping her tears. "But we might be able to keep it somewhere safe, and keep it from getting worse. Ok?" She nods. "That and his jersey are the things I really want." I nod. "His jersey is fine." I tell her. She sighs in relief. I kiss her forehead and wipe more of her tears. "Are you gonna go back?" She ask quietly. "Not today. My back was starting to hurt." She smiles a little. "You're such an old lady." I nod. "Yeah, it's years off playing football, without any protection besides a helmet, Sweet Pea and Fangs! And them being 5 times my size and tackling me to the ground because it was funny to them." I tell her. She smiles a little and pulls me into a kiss. "I know it's not the best of circumstances but I kinda need a distraction and you are the best at that." She whispers running her hand down my chest. "If that's what you want." I say quietly. "Unless you don't want to." She says as her eyes get big. "Oh no I wouldn't mind having sex right now." I tell her before crashing our lips together. We both lie back not breaking contact.

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