384: The One Where Toni Overshares

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"Antoinette?" The sub ask. "That's me! You can just call me Toni." I say quietly. "You're not a man." I sigh. "With an I." I add. "You think you're so cool don't you?" She ask quietly. "I don't actually. I have a girlfriend that is completely out of my league and I can barely sit still and I can't sleep at night and I don't know when to stop dumping my trauma and issues on total strangers." I explain. "Get out of my class!" She yells. "It's not your class but ok. I don't want to be here." I say before getting up. I grab my bag and walk out of class. I go down to the office. "Ms. B?" Weatherbee ask. "Yeah." I say quietly. "She just called. Sit here, you're not in trouble but I don't want you going back to class." He says quietly. I sit down on the bench. "What actually happened?" He ask quietly. "She called my name and I told her to call me Toni and she said I wasn't a man and then I told her it was with an I and then she yelled at me asking if I thought I was cool. Then I told her I wasn't and kinda over shared and then she kicked me out and I came here and explained what happened to you." I explain. He nods. "Ok she said you were being a smart ass and called you something homophobic, I'm gonna make some calls and get her fired." I nod. "Please don't file a lawsuit." I shake my head. "I don't have that kind of money." He nods. I look out the window and see Cheryl. I smile and she immediately runs in. "What did you do?" She ask quietly. "Correct a teacher on my name." I say quietly. "Oh! Is it who I think it is?" I nod. "She would have to because that's where you should have been." I tell her. "She's such a bitch." She says sitting next to me. "Why are you here?" I ask quietly. "Even with a late pass she didn't let me sit down and kicked me out." She tells me. "Where were you?" I ask her. She looks at me and I nod. "You ok? You only go when something's up." I ask her. "Yeah just stressed." She says quietly. I look at her. "I'm serious!" She says. She sighs knowing I'm not gonna take that answer. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." I nod. "Can we talk about tonight say 7:30, at Pop's, over some-." She stops me. "Over some milkshakes? Yeah sure." I smile. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you too." She says quietly. "Why are you here Cheryl?" Weatherbee ask quietly. "I got kicked out of the same class as Toni because I am mentally ill and need therapy but my mother won't let me go to actual therapy so I go to the school therapist so my parents don't know." Cheryl explains. "And I over share?" I ask her. "You're rubbing off on me."

I look at Cheryl. "Do you want to have sex?" I ask her. She nods. "Isn't your dad about to be home?" I nod. "He's afraid to come into my room. He's walked in on me naked or masturbating to many times." I tell her. She looks at me. "I need to learn when to shut up." I say before sitting up and go over to the door. I lock in and go start to take off my shirt. I start to walk over to her while taking off my pants. I fall face first into the floor. I jump back up. "You didn't see that. I promise I can be sexy." She smiles taking off her shirt. I lie in bed. "Where were we?" I ask smiling. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "You need to get your shit together." 

I look at Cheryl as she drinks her milkshake. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. I look at her. She looks down. I take her hands. "What's wrong Cher?" I ask quietly. "Talk to me." I whisper. She starts crying. "Cher!" I stand up, go over and sit down next to her. I wrap my arms around her. "Cheryl what's wrong?" She looks at me. "Are you ok?" I ask her. She looks at me and shakes her head. "I don't know." I nod. "Do you want to stay with me for a few days?" I ask her. "I saw the bruises earlier." I tell her. I pull her into a kiss. "You can stay with me and my dad as long as you need." I remind her.


I walk into class. "Cheryl is Toni here today? You guys usually come in together." Our teacher ask quietly. "Oh! Yeah! She's just getting breakfast in the Cafeteria. She'll be here in a minute." I tell her. "Ok." I sit down at my desk. A minute or two later Toni comes running in. "I'm here!" She yells in a panic. "You're good!" Toni nods and sits down next to me. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. "Just slowly losing my grasp in reality." She tells me. "I don't need to be having this conversation right now." I nod.

I look at Toni who's sitting on the bed staring off into space. "What happened earlier?" She looks up at me as I sit next to her in the bed. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "You are a mess right now." She nods. "What's going on?" I ask her. "I don't know." She whispers. She looks at me. "What happened?" I ask her. "I don't know." She whispers. I look at her. "Your mom?" She nods. "Last night she came by around 1 am. She didn't ask for money or anything. She just wanted to see me." She says quietly. "How did I miss this?" I ask her. "You were asleep." She tells me. "We're both going through a lot." I whisper. She nods as I lay my head on her shoulder. I notice her hands shaking a bit. "We've been together for a while now and I feel comfortable enough asking you this now, but why are your hands always shaking?" I ask her. "Remember how I told you when I was born I had that stroke?" I nod. "That caused my hands to tremor like this. It gets worse when my anxiety is bad which is a lot." She explains. "You could have asked me that at anytime." She tells me. "Yeah! But I didn't want you to think that was all I cared about or something." She looks at me. "Also I didn't really care but sometimes it's noticeable and I wonder why you do it." She nods. "It's not a big deal. I'm so use to it." She tells me. "Is this why your hand writing is so bad?" I ask quietly. She smiles. "Yeah." She says quietly. "Why did you never tell me?" I ask her. "I thought you knew, I guess it never really came up. Somehow." She whispers. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Don't be." I smile. She pulls me into a kiss. We both immediately deepen the kiss. I move so I'm able to kiss her better, I end up straddling her. We make out for a bit, our hands moving all over each other's bodies. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." She says quietly. I kiss her again. We slowly lie back in the bed and make out some more. I move down to kiss her neck. She moans quietly. "Wait." She stops me. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "Can we just make out for a bit longer?" She ask quietly. I nod. She pulls me into another kiss. I look at her. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. I can tell she's lying, I can see the tears being held. "Toni..." I get off her. "What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks at me and she's still holding back tears. "I don't know. I really don't know." She says quietly. She sits up. She has a panicked look on her face and she's holding her chest. "Toni." She looks at me and starts crying. I pull her into a hug and comfort her.

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