233: The One Where Toni's Mom Comes Home

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None of this is consistent! Just go with it

Cheryl sits next to me. "Happy birthday baby." She whispers handing me a small present. "Please say this isn't anything fancy!" She shakes her head. "No, but you'll like it." I open it and it's some new video game since I've gotten through all of mine, it's a little concerning how fast I go through them. "Ah! Cheryl." She look me. "These are all for the Playstation." She nods. "I have an Xbox." I say. She looks down. "It's ok, we'll go to game stop tomorrow and exchange them." I tell her. "That's why I put the receipt in the bag. My dad looks at me. "I have a surprise for you!" He says. "A motorcycle?" He smiles. "No better." He says going to the door. He opens the door and my mom walks into the house. I get up. "Oh! Toni!" She smiles going over to me, she cups my cheeks. "You're so grown up." I pull away. "You never loved me." I whisper. "You're so selfish! Where were you when I was got my first girlfriend? Where were you when I got my first boyfriend? You were never there for me when I needed a mom the most! Like when you just let my uncle do what he did to me." I yell. "Do you think that I wanted to leave all those years ago?" She ask quietly. "No, but you were to high to realize it until the damage was done! And let me guess, you're doing your steps? Yeah, that's what I thought because it's about fucking time since you do this every 2 years!" I yell. "You know what? I hope you do get sober, I'm still not going to be your daughter anymore, but at least when you decide to shoot up again it'll kill you!" I say before I walk out and go into my room. I slam the door and sit in the middle of my room.


I look at Toni's parents. "Cheryl, I'm sorry you had to see that." Her dads says quietly. "You're Cheryl!" Her mom says excitedly. "Yeah." I nod. She shakes my hand. "I've heard so much about you, the news really tries to paint you as the enemy. I don't believe any of it, but I'm sorry about your brother." I look at her. "Why would you say something so personal like that?" I ask starting to see why Toni hates her mother so much. I look at her. "That's what I thought." I say before going to Toni's room and checking on her. I knock on the door. "Go away!" She yells. "It's me." I say quietly. She opens the door. "Do you need a hug?" I ask. "No, complete opposite. I just want you here." I nod walking into her room. She lies on the bed while I go sit at her desk and play with her pencils. "I feel like I was punched in the face you know?" I nod. She looks at me. "I was doing so well without her." I look at her. "That's what happens when you have a parent like your mom." I tell her. "It's not your fault." She nods. "You really ripped into her." I say.

I look at Toni. She's completely spaced out. "Is she ok?" Betty ask concerned. I nod. "Yeah." I whisper. I go to rub Toni's arm but she pulls away. She just stares out the window. "Toni eat!" I tell her. "I'm not hungry." She whispers handing me her fries. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She says getting up, hopping over the booth and walking to the bathroom. "I could have gotten out." I whisper. "She does that all the time." I add. She looks at me. "She's really not into physical contact is she?" I shake my head. "No, it gets worse when her mother is is town." I say quietly. "Her mom is back?" I nod. "She surprised Toni on her birthday of all days. I had a whole date night planned and her mother came and stepped all over it." I say quietly. "You haven't had sex yet have you?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "No, that's what I was kinda hoping her birthday dinner would lead to." I say quietly. "I can only touch her in 2 places without her jumping anymore!" I whisper. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "Ah! That's not really my story to tell, Toni hasn't even told me the full story but something to do with her uncle." I say quietly. She nods. "She also can't talk about a lot of it legally." I say quietly. "Does she know?" She ask quietly. "About?" I nod. "Yeah. It's not why we haven't yet."


I walk over to Cheryl . She looks at me. "I want to go home or just not be with your family! Like 7 of them walked up to me thinking I was a maid." She nods. "It's almost over." She says placing her hand on my hip, it's really comforting for me. "I stick out like a sore thumb." I whisper. She looks at me. "Do you want to sneak up to my room?" She ask quietly. We start to go upstairs when we get stopped. "Where are you guys going?" Cheryl's mom ask quietly. She takes her hand off my hip and I take a deep breath. "We're going up to my room." She says quietly. "No girls allowed in your room! You know this! We don't need you being more sinful than you already are." Her mom says. I look down. "I'm sorry you feel that way, but we aren't planning on doing anything. We just don't want to be down there and we need to work on something." She says before bringing me upstairs. "I'm sorry about her." She says quietly. "Can I?" She ask. I nod as she takes my hands. I smile. "See, not that bad." She says quietly. I let go. "To much?" I nod. "I'm sorry." She smiles sadly. "It's ok." She whispers. "I just wouldn't be this jumpy if it wasn't for my uncle." I say sitting on her bed which is actually really comfortable. "I know, I get it." I look at her. "No you don't." I whisper. "I do more than you think. You know why?"Cheryl goes and grabs her chair from her desk and sits in front of me. "Why do you think my entire family hates me?" She ask. "I thought it was because you're-." She stops me. "That doesn't help but it's not. It's because my family thinks Jason was falsely accusing my father of raping him and I was the only person who believed him. I might not know exactly what you uncle did to you but I've seen what that does to someone so young! Toni, I'm gonna go at your pace, because I saw Jason not do that with his girlfriend and he ended up killing himself because he couldn't run from what happened anymore." She explains. I slowly go and cup her cheeks. She looks at me as I pull her into a kiss. I stop quickly. "It's ok." She whispers. I kiss her again she cups my cheeks and kisses me back. "Whatever your comfortable with Toni." She says quietly. I know she's ready to rip my clothes off and I feel bad, but I can't. "I just feel bad." I say quietly. "Toni, that's what masturbation was made for!" Cheryl says sitting on the bed. I look at her. "I'm kidding. Toni I'm ready I'll admit that, but if you're not it's ok! I'm not going to pressure you. But I swear to god if we have another conversation about this for the next week I'm going to scream." She says. "I just feel like it's the only thing we've been talking about lately!" She whispers. "What if I tell you I'm ready?" I ask. "Are you?" She ask. "Maybe." She smiles. "But we need ground rules!" I say quietly. She nods. "I don't want a lot of touching! Ah! So not foreplay. I'm not really comfortable with um... you know... going down on anyone." I say awkwardly. "Anything else?" She ask. "I don't want it to be a spur of the moment thing. I want it too be nice and at my house." She smiles. She looks at me. "You know, I had a date planned for your birthday, but your mom came home. Maybe we can do that but we go to your place after instead of here if that's what you want."

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