202: The One Where Toni Gets Arrested

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"Fangs Fogarty?" Sheriff Keller ask walking into the Wyrm. "Yeah?" Fangs ask quietly. "You are being for the Grandtheft Auto by Veronica Lodge. You are under arrest." Keller walks over to Fangs and puts the hand cuffs on him. "You can't do this!" Sweet Pea and I chase after them. "It was me!" I yell. They both look at me. Fangs shakes his head. "I broke into Veronica's car and stole it." I lie. "You realize this is a felony and this wouldn't be your first." I nod. "I know. It was me! He tried to stop me, but I was pissed at what her family did to mine." I explain.

"Toni, you know that this is a felony?!" Cheryl ask quietly. "I know." I say quietly. "You can go to jail!" I nod. "You don't think I know that?"
I ask quietly. "Why are you doing this?" She ask quietly. "Because! I can afford to deal with the consequences! Fangs can't. I helped steal her car! I helped break into it! It was my idea! He just knows how to do all that fancy shit." She takes a deep breath. "I'm not bailing you out." I nod. "I know." I say quietly. "Just be safe." I nod. "Can I talk to Fangs?" I ask quietly. She walks out of the holding room and Fangs walks in. "Why did you do this?" He ask pissed. "No serpent stands alone."

Veronica walks over to my cell. "You know, I'll drop the charges if you do something for me." She says quietly. I look at her. "What? Like move drugs for you or something? So daddy's little girl doesn't look guilty?" I ask quietly. "I need you and Fangs to drive up to Canada and get booze since you're old enough." I look at her. "Fangs is a recovering alcoholic." I say quietly. "I don't care! Do it!" She yells. I stand up and go over to her. "What's my payment?" I ask quietly. "I will drop the charges against you and Fangs." She says. I take a deep breath. "Fine, but we keep Fangs out of it. None of this is his fault." I say quietly. She takes a deep breath. "Take Cheryl." She say looking at me. "I'm not bringing her into this. She's already been hurt enough by my shit." She nods. "Take Sweet Pea." I nod. "Fine. I need a passport." She looks at me. "I got it taken away a few years ago from my first felony." She sighs. "I'll get you one." I nod. "When can I get out of here?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "Soon." I nod and go back to the bed. I take a deep breath. "You'll need your truck." I sigh. "When?" I ask quietly. "In about a month." I nod. "It'll give you enough time to get your shit together." I nod. "So how many felonies do you have to your name?" She ask. "This will be my second one." She nods. "You're 22! How do you get a felony before you graduate high school?" I take a deep breath. "Racial profiling." I whisper. She nods. "It wasn't my fault. So I just went to jail for like 2 years and got out a few months ago. The victim described the robber and thought it was me. Didn't help that I had been friends with that person and my DNA was all over the place." She looks at me. "Who was it?" She ask quietly. "The robber or person who accused me?" I ask. "Both." She whispers. "Reggie Mantle thought he saw me rob his house. It was some other kid, I don't know who." She nods. "How about I get that one off your record too." I take a deep breath. "You were innocent anyways." I shake my head. "No, I did my time." I look at her. "What did he do it?" She ask quietly. "Because your family has fucked over so many people. I think he had enough."

I walk over to my truck with Sweet Pea. "Does Cheryl know?" I shake my head. "And don't tell her." He nods throwing the empty bags in the back. "What if you stay there?" He ask quietly. I look at him. "What?" I ask confused. "You need to escape from the life you created here! Why don't we go up to Canada and you stay there?" He whispers. "I can't leave Cheryl or Fangs or you!" He nods. "Also, I'm to far into this to escape." I say quietly. "Let's go." I whisper. We start to go into my truck and Cheryl walks over to us. "Where are you guys going?" She ask quietly. "Canada!" I say. "You don't have a passport." I pull the fake one out. "Toni, if you get caught, you're going to jail! You already have a felony! Don't make it worse." I sigh. "Cheryl you're not my mom!" I say slightly pissed. "Toni! You can't go to jail!" She yells. "Why not?!" I ask. "Because! You can't leave me alone with the baby!" She says. My heart drops. "The what?!" Sweet Pea and I both say shocked. Cheryl walks closer to me. "I'll leave you guys to talk." Sweet says before awkwardly walking away. "That night, before you got arrested, I think the condom broke." She whispers. "What are you gonna do?" I ask quietly. "What do you mean me?" She ask pissed. "Cheryl, it's not my body." I say quietly. "But it's your kid! We're gonna decide what to do together." I nod. "I still have to go to go." I look at her. She nods. "Just be safe." I nod. "I love you."

9 months later

I lie down on the couch holding my sleeping son Anthony. I turn on the Tv and watching whatever looks interesting. There's a knock on the door. "It's Sweet Pea!" He says. "I can't move at the moment! You know where the key is!" I say loud enough for him to hear. He walks into the house. "Oh!" He smiles. "You were able to take him home!" I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. "When is Cheryl getting back?" He ask quietly. "I don't know." I say sadly. "Do you need help?" He ask quietly. "It would be nice." He nods. "What can I do right now?" He ask sitting down on the couch next to me. "Just sit there and keep me company." He nods. "Can you stay over tonight?" I ask quietly. "Of course." I smile. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "You seam off." I whisper. "I don't know if I could be in your shoes." He says. "I'll help you, if something like this happens to you." I say quietly. He looks at me. "Have you heard from Fangs?" He ask quietly. "No. You?" He shakes his head. "Do you think something happened?" He ask sitting up. "Like what? Do you think he fell off the wagon?" He nods. I sigh. "He might have. I'll go see him tomorrow morning." I nod. "Ok." He nods. "You don't have to knock, keep the key, I have like 10 spares because Cheryl keeps losing them and getting new ones and than I find it in her car a few days later." He smiles. "Just tell me you're coming over don't just storm in." He nods. "Cool."

I walk into the hospital room. "Hey, baby." I smile. "Where's Anthony?" She ask quietly. "You're gonna want to kill me." She sighs. "Sweet Pea?" I nod. "Why?" She ask. "I needed a break to see you, I didn't really want him here. I don't want him to get something." She nods. I sit down on the bed. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! It's Fangs." I whisper. "He ah... he fell off the wagon. Sweet Pea found him drunk in his bathroom." I explain. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "I don't want to talk about it." I say taking a deep breath. "How's the hospital?" I ask quietly. "I get food in bed, so that's nice." She whispers. "You really scared me." She nods. "I didn't have a choice." I whisper. "I know." She says quietly. "If he ask, he was conceived after a romantic date and he was planned. Not in the bathroom at some bar, completely unplanned." She looks at me. "Well, he was kinda planned. We knew the risk of not using a condom and if I got pregnant than I got pregnant." I nod. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "I can tell something is bothering you." I look at her. "I think I need to go back on my meds." I whisper. "The reality of everything caused me to sink again." I say. "I thought having this kid would help, and I'm so happy to have a kid, but what happened to you, it just shook me up and I think the lack of sleep is really getting to me." I explain. "And I'm not saying that it's your fault, it was kinda out of your control." She nods. "You gonna go talk to your therapist?" I nod. "After I leave here." She cups my cheeks. "Do you know when you are getting out?" I ask desperately trying to change the subject. "Sometime next week, they need to run a few more test." She explains.

I walk up to the counter. "I'm here to pick up my medication." I say quietly. "Name?" The pharmacist ask. "Ahh! Antoinette Topaz." I say quietly. He types my name. "Oh! You're here for your antidepressants." I look down. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I'll get them to you in a minute. Just fill out the paperwork." I nod. I fill out the paperwork.

I walk into the house. "How was he?" I ask walking over to Sweet Pea. "He's sleeping." He says looking at Anthony. "Why did you name him Anthony?" He ask quietly. "It was my grandfather's name." I say quietly. "He was the only person who really took care of me when my parents weren't there." I explain. "What's that?" He ask looking at the bag. "Meds. So I don't spend his entire childhood in bed." I say sadly. "Oh..." I nod. "How's Cheryl doing?" He ask quietly. "Good! She'll be out of the hospital sometime next week." He nods. I look at him. "Did Josie kick you out again? Is that why you're here?" I ask. He looks down. "Yes and no. I was planning on reaching out to see if you needed help anyways. It was timing." I nod. "What did you do this time?" I ask quietly. "Lost my job. I found a new one, I start next week! But I'm not going to be home as much." I nod. "It's crazy to think all of this started thanks to Fangs's impulsiveness." I say quietly.

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