396: The One With The Family

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I look at my son Jason as he walks out of the school. "How was school buddy?" I ask smiling. he looks up and I can tell he's sad. "What's wrong?" I ask kneeling down in front of him. "Someone made fun if me for having two mommy's and no daddy." He says as he starts to cry. I take a deep breath as I realize Father's day is coming up. I wipe his tears. "Did you tell the teacher?" I ask quietly. He nods. "She talked to him but I'm still sad." I nod. "Did he apologize?" I ask him. He nods. "Still hurts though?" He nods. "I'm sorry buddy." I whisper. "Can I be honest?" I ask quietly. He nods. "I don't really know what to do in these situations. But know, that every family is different, and in ours there's 2 mommy's and in some there's 2 daddy's and sometimes there's only one of each and in some, like mine growing up it's just the kids and one parent. And in some families there 2 parents but they aren't together and that's ok. Not every family is the same, like mommy and I only had you. But like your friend Tyler he has 2 older brother's! No one gets to define what you call a family ok?" I explain to him. He nods wiping his tears. "You said you didn't know how to do these situations and then you did." He tells me smiling a bit. "You think so?" He nods. "How about we head home now?" He nods. I stand up and take his hand. We start walking to the car. "What other families are there?" He ask quietly. "Well, you know Spiderman?" I ask him. He nods. "He lives with his aunt and uncle! Some kids don't live with their parents. Some families don't have kids, they might have a few dogs and call that their family." I explain. "Some families might just be friends of yours because you consider them family or you might not have a family so you're friends are the closest thing to a family." I tell him. "What about you?" He ask quietly. "Well, as you know it was just me and your grandpa." I tell him. "Why didn't you have another parent." I take a deep breath. "Ah! My mommy died when I was younger." I tell him honestly. "Will that happen to you or mommy?" He ask scared. "We aren't going anywhere. Your stuck with us forever." I tell him. "Why did your mommy die?" He ask quietly. "She was really sick. And not the kind that you got a few weeks ago." I say quietly. Before you get mad about me telling him what happened to my mother, just know we promised to tell him the truth and not sugarcoat everything, there are somethings we can't tell him but we will try to tell him in a way that he'll understand and also not traumatize him. "What about mommy?" He ask quietly. "Well, she had a mommy and a daddy and a brother. Her grandmother also lived with her." I tell him. "Why don't we see them?" He ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Well her brother died, we've told you that. That's who you're named after." I tell him. He nods. "What about her mommy and daddy?" He asks me. I take a deep breath. "That is a question for mommy." I tell him as we get to the car. I help him into his car seat. "Why did you only have me?" He ask as I buckle his seat. "Well, we haven't made that decision yet, but right now we're happy with just you." I tell him. "Do you want another kid?" He ask quietly. "Maybe. Do you want a little brother or sister?" I ask him. "No!" He says very adamantly. I nod. "It's not your choice bud but we'll keep your opinion in mind if we ever want another kid." I tell him before getting in and driving off.

I walk into the kitchen. "What are you making? Smells good." I ask before kissing Cheryl's cheek. I look at the food. "I can't have shrimp." I tell her. "I know, it's gonna be over so pasta you can have that and I made you some chicken, I just really wanted to try the recipe." She explains. I smile. "Ok. I was concerned for a second. It's not like you to make something we all can't eat." I say quietly. "I don't think Jason is going to like it so that's also why I made the chicken." I nod. "Speaking of Jason. We should probably sit him down and talk to him about this Sunday." I say lowering my voice. "What's Sun-." She stops herself. "Oh god." She whispers. "This hasn't been a problem before." She whispers. "Yeah, I guess they were making stuff for Father's day and he said some kid said something about him not having a father. I already talked to him but I think we should talk to him together." I explain trying to keep my voice down so Jason doesn't hear me. "What do we tell him?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "I already told him about different families and stuff like that but I think we should tell him that this Sunday is father's day and we're going to do something with my dad, because it also includes grandfather's and he can celebrate that with him." I tell her. "We should also tell him to make whatever he is making in class for my dad." I say quietly. "I like that idea. What if he has questions about his father?" She ask quietly. "He probably would have asked me already when we were talking but if he has questions we just tell him. We aren't hiding that from him he's just never asked." She nods. "How was work?" She ask changing the subject. "Good! Fangs is up my ass again." I tell her. "What this time?" She ask quietly. I sigh. "You aren't going to be happy about this-." She stops me. "We aren't moving!" I shake my head. "Don't worry!" I tell her. "Um... I might have to go to Japan for a week for work. There's some famous pop star they need interviewed and me and Sweet Pea are the only ones who know Japanese." I tell her. "Japan?" I nod. "It's a week, we are going to interview him and follow him around with cameras for a week." I tell her. "When?" She ask quietly. "The week of your birthday. I'm trying to get out of it! But I don't think I can. I am at least trying to get this pushed back or forward." I explain. She looks at me. "If you push it forward you're missing your son's 6th birthday." I nod. "It might be sooner than that." I say quietly. "Either way I don't have a choice on this Sweet Pea doesn't have a family to look after so he doesn't really care when we go he just wants to go to the Pokémon cafe." I tell her. "Really?" I shrug. "That's the only thing he wants to do when we have time off because where we're gonna be is right by it." I say quietly. "Mommy!" We both hear. "Yeah?" I ask. "My nose hurts." I turn around and see Jason's nose bleeding. I grab  a paper towel and go over to him. "Hold this against your nose." I say quietly. I pick him up and bring him into the bathroom. I put him on the toilet. "Did you hit yourself in the face or something?" I ask him. He nods. "With what?" I ask quietly. "The big dinosaur." I nod. I kneel in front of him. "Let me see bud." He moves his hands out of the way. I throw the paper towel away and give him some toilet paper. "Head up." I say quietly. He lifts his head up and I look inside. "Nothing looks broken." I tell him. "But you're gonna have a bruise on your nose." I say holding the toilet paper up to his nose. "I think your nose has stopped bleeding. Let's get you cleaned up." I say quietly. I grab a wash cloth and get it wet. I wipe his hands and face since they're covered in blood. "We should change your shirt. Do you want to just get in your PJ's?" I ask him. He smiles. "Ok." I smile. We go into his bedroom and I help him change. Once we're done we walk into the kitchen and eat dinner together. "Do you like the shrimp?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Not really." He says quietly. I nod. "That's ok, you want some chicken? It's your favorite!" He nods.

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