237: The One With The Roomate Part 2

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I walk into the bedroom. It's been a few weeks since Toni's surgery. She's a little more mobile but still needs help getting in and out of her wheelchair. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. "Do we have to go to the check up tomorrow?" Toni ask quietly. "Yes!" She looks at me about to cry. "Toni! What happened?!" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "What happened that makes you hate going to the doctors?" I ask annoyed. She looks down. "I honestly don't know." I sigh. "You went on google and found horror stories about going under didn't you?" She nods. "Why do not want to go to the doctors specifically?" I ask quietly. "Were you touc-." She stops me. "No! It just adds to the stress. Also sick people!" I look at her. "W-what?" I ask. "Like people go to the doctors when they're sick and I don't want to get something." She says. "You have a nephew who thinks his own boogers are a nutritious dinner!" She nods. "You see the way I react!" She shouts. "You do always make him shower!" She looks at me. "Thank you!" I roll my eyes. "So we've been together a while now and it took the 3rd surgery and round of pain meds for you to finally confess to me that you're just a germaphobe?" She nods. I sigh. "God I love you." I smile. "You're a complete mess in bed though." I say sitting down on the bed. "Yeah? I don't mind mess I mind germs! Like I'm ok with clothing in the floor! I don't like it because it's just annoying but I'm not freaking out about it!" She explains. I kiss her. "I love you too." She says quietly. "Do you need anything?" I ask quietly. "You're gonna hate me." I roll my eyes.

I look at Toni who's drying her hair. "I hate you with a burning passion!" I say quietly. She looks at me. "Thank you." She smiles. "Help me into the chair?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I rap my arms around her back and help her into her wheelchair. "I'm gonna watch tv." I say quietly. She slowly goes into the living room. I follow her into the living room. "Do you need help?" She shakes her head. "I'll just stay in the chair, I don't feel like moving." She says quietly. She looks at me. "I don't know where the remote is." She says awkwardly.

"How's Toni doing?" Betty ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "She's stopped panicking all the time! Finally realized why she hated going to the doctors and going into surgery!" I explain. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Well, she read way to much into people waking up in surgery! And she doesn't like going to the doctors because sick people!" I explain. She sighs. "Toni's so weird sometimes." I nod. "Definitely. But I love her so it's ok." I say quietly. "Who's with her now?" She ask concerned. "She's with her sister. We were getting sick of each other." She looks up. "That's not good!" I smile. "Toni's just really high on medication and is just being an idiot like more than usual and she's getting annoyed and she's letting it out on me. Not like in a abusive away! It's just mostly eye rolls and snarky comments because she's 7!" I say quietly. "We both agreed that we both needed time alone." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'll be home in like an hour." I say.

It's been a few weeks and Toni can finally start walking around. She needs crutches, but she's more mobile so it's ok. We slowly walk into Pops. I help Toni sit down. "I have a question." She says quietly. I look up her. "Do you wanna get married?" She ask quietly. "Not right this second obviously but like soon." She adds. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I want to get married."
I say looking up. She smiles. "Ok." She nods. "I have a ring but it's at home." She says quietly. "It's ok." I say quietly. She nods.

Idk what else to do with this one I just wanted to give an update on this one shot

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now