265: The One At The Party

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"Can I ask you something?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "We've been friends long enough that I feel comfortable enough asking. When we take test and stuff in class, you leave with that teacher who's always up everyone's asses. Why?" She ask me. I look down. "I have Dyslexia. I just go to the special education room to get extra time and have less of a distraction." I explain. She looks at me. "I get told that I'm just like everyone else but they treat me like I'm an idiot! Like Mr. Marin said that I was really small for someone like me!" I say accidentally unloading. "I'm sorry, you probably don't care." I whisper. "No, I do, you clearly need to unload some shit, you can tell me whatever." She says smiling a bit. "Like right now?" She nods. "At first I thought he was saying because I'm black and live on the southside of town and that would have been another problem, but then he said that he's so happy that I decided to stay in public school instead of going to a school for kids who aren't going to college because of their learning difficulties." I say pissed. "You know it's really hard being diagnosed by  when I was, because usually girls don't show symptoms until at least middle school and I started showing symptoms in kindergarten. It was just hard for me from day one." I tell her. "I remember you coming into school screaming and crying in first grade." She says quietly. "I felt really bad." She whispers. "I'm sorry I didn't try to be friends with you or anything. I just was caught up in my own things at that time." I nod. "It's ok! I had my friends so it wasn't like I was alone or anything." I say quietly. "You going to that party on Friday?" I ask her. "Um... you realize the party is at my house right?" She ask quietly. "Oh! It just has Reggie's name attached to it I thought that was his house!" I tell her. She smiles. "Right now it is. About a year ago, he had enough of his dad and he asked if he could stay with me! And since it's just me and my nana so we have space for him. Then he planned a party without even checking with me." She explains. I nod. "Are you going?" She ask me. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I'm not much of a party person though." I whisper. "Fangs is kinda making me come." I add. She nods. "It's ok though!"

I walk into the living room and see Cheryl. She walks over to me and she definitely smells like alcohol. "Are you drunk?" I ask concerned. "Yeah!" She says clearly not wanting to be. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "I need to go lie down but I don't want to be alone." She whispers. I look around and see Jughead of all people clearly up to something. "Have you been hanging out with Jughead?" I ask her. "Not really but he kept giving me drinks." I nod. "Hey, let's go upstairs." I whisper. We slowly go upstairs. "Which room is yours?" I ask quietly. She points to her room. She starts to fall over so I hold her hips and we go to her room. I help her onto the bed. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Don't be." I say taking off her shoes. "Sit up!" I say standing up. "Why?" She ask quietly. "So I can put you in something more comfortable. I don't think you want to go to sleep in this dress it's to nice." I tell her. She sits up. "Where are your sweatshirts?" I ask quietly. "Top drawer." She whispers. I get one for her. "No not that one, that was Jason's and I might throw up!" I nod and grab a different one. I go over to her. "Can I?" She nods and I take off the top of her dress. "I'm sorry you have to do this." She says quietly. "Why? We've been friends for a while now, it was bound to happen." I whisper. "I'm gonna take off your bra, ok?" She nods. I reach behind her back and take it off. "You ok?" I ask her. She looks at me. "What?" I ask quietly. She pulls me into a kiss. I pull away. "I'm sorry." She says thinking she did something bad. "Hey! It's ok! You're not sober and I don't want you doing anything you'll regret!" I whisper. "Let's get this on you ok?" She nods. I take her sweatshirt and put it on her. "Sweat pants?" I ask her. "Same one." I nod and grab her sweatpants. I help her up and slowly take the rest of her dress off and put on her sweat pants. I help her onto the bed. "You good?" I ask her. "Can you grab the garbage can?" I quickly grab it and she throws up in it. I move hair out her face and put it in a ponytail. There's a knock on the door. "I'll see who it is." I tell her. I go over to the door and open it a little. "What's up?" I ask seeing Veronica. "I saw you and Cheryl go upstairs a few minutes ago, I just wanted to sure everything was ok." She says quietly. "Yeah. She got really drunk, she's currently throwing up and I kinda need help getting her to the bathroom." She nods and comes in.

I hand Cheryl some water. It's the next morning, the party ended around 2 am. I spent the entire night with Cheryl to make sure she was ok. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "Um... Jughead got you really drunk." I tell her. "Did he do anything?" She ask panicking a bit. "Not that I know of, I got here before he could. That's what I got from Reggie." She nods. "What was Jughead gonna do?" She ask me. "Um, get you back from sending his dad to jail." I whisper. "I don't know if he kept putting stuff in your drink or not but that's not what I'm worried about right now." I whisper. She looks at me. "Did you stay with me all night?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah, Veronica came in to check on you." I say quietly. She looks at me. "What did I do?" She ask. "You threw up a lot." I tell her. "I feel like I did something really stupid." She says quietly. I look at her. "Not really!" I say quietly. She looks at me. "You just threw up and passed out after a while and rambled about your brother." I tell her. "You also kissed me." Her eyes widen. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "Oh, it's ok! You were drunk and probably drugged so I just stopped you knowing you might regret it." I tell her. She looks at me. "What if I wouldn't?" She ask quietly. I look at her confused. "Wh-what do you mean?" I ask her. She looks at me. "I don't know." She says sitting up and shakes her head. "Cheryl." She looks at me. "Do you have feelings for me?" I ask her. "Tell me. I won't be mad either way." I tell her. "I do, but I don't want it to ruin our relationship." She says quietly. I nod. "Ok." I say quietly. "You're not mad?" She ask quietly. "Cheryl, I just told you I wouldn't be mad either way!" I say smiling a bit. She nods. "Oh! And I have feelings for you too." I smile. She smiles. "But um... I'm not really ready for a relationship right now." I tell her. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She looks down. "Maybe we can try something because I know if I don't act now I will go crazy!" I tell her. I look at her. "Just nothing big." I look down. "I don't mean it like I want to hide our relationship or anything, we can hold hands and stuff I really don't care. I just want to go slow." She kisses me. "I know what you mean." I smile.

"Why is my test in Spanish?" I ask the sub. "Because I thought it might be better for you." She says quietly. "I can barely read and write in English! Also I don't speak Spanish!" I tell her. "You don't?" I shake my head. "But your last name is Topaz." I nod. "Good for me. You can thank my great grandparents for that." I say quietly. "Do you speak any other languages?" She ask quietly. "Do you have a test in ASL?" I ask. "N-no." She says confused. "Then I would like this test in English and an apology for being racist." I say quietly. The class laughs a little. "I'm not racist it was a simple mistake." I nod. "Yeah you are, because you just assumed that I spoke Spanish simply on my last name." I explain. "Go to the office." I nod. "Happily." I say getting up and grabbing my shit. I go down to the office. "What seems to be the problem Ms. Topaz?" Ms. Bell ask quietly. "The sub in History sent me here after I called her racist." I say quietly. She nods. "Ok, I'll call down. This is a trend with you and usually you're the one in the right. Sit down and honestly just stay here for the rest of the period, I'm not gonna get Weatherbee for this unless it's needed." I nod and sit down. I look over and see Jughead walking out of school with some police officers and Cheryl watches it happens. I take a deep breath. The sub walks into the office. I look at her. "You were being a disruption." She says quietly. "You belive that!" I say standing up because she blocked my view on Cheryl. "You were being disrespectful." She says. "I was just correcting you." I say quietly. "You're the one who kept talking out of your ass." I whisper. "You can't talk to me like that!" I nod. "Ok. But you can't talk to me like you were in class." I say back.

I look at Cheryl who's staring out at the sky. "You ok?" I ask sitting down and handing her some water. "Yeah actually." I nod. "Betty came forward about Jughead. Since he never actually did anything to me I couldn't do anything but Betty found out and actually had a case." She tells me. "Oh! And Jughead has no money so he can't afford an actual lawyer and this isn't his first time being arrested. So he's probably going to jail." I say smiling. She smiles. "What else has he done?" She ask quietly. "He stole a car, motorcycle, possession of drugs, possession of drugs within 500 feet of a school!" I tell her. "Wow." I nod. "He's been able to get away with those ones by pulling the 'I have no money and just needed to get by' card! I don't know how's he's getting around this one!" I say quietly. I look at her. "I can't believe you use to be friends with him." She says quietly. I nod. "Don't remind me." I whisper. "Hey, why were you in the office the other day?" She ask quietly. "Oh! We were taking a test in class and I got it in Spanish, I can't even introduce myself in Spanish." I say quietly. "Hola, mi nombre es Antoinette Topaz ¡encantado de conocerte!" She says quietly. "Growing up rich means my mom and dad not wanting to learn Spanish to communicate with our maid so they had me and my brother do so!" She says quietly. I smile. "So if we get lost in a Spanish speaking country we shouldn't panic." She nods. I look at her. "Good to know."

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