201: The One At The Chrismas Party

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I look at Cheryl, who's staring at her family Christmas party. "So, your family likes me?" She nods. "Why do we both have to be in every photo your dad takes?" I ask knowing the answer. "Because my father thinks that us being together is a movement." She says taking a big sip of her wine. "Because we're gay?" She shakes her head. "Oh! Because I'm black and your father is still living in the 80's and thinks any kind if relationship like this a new fascinating thing." I say sarcastically. She laughs quietly. "I didn't think my parents would act like this." She says quietly. "Do you want to steal a bunch of booze and get drunk upstairs in my old room and maybe doing more?" She ask quietly. "Oh god yes!" I sigh in relief. "Come on, my parents have the fancy stuff downstairs." She says taking my arm. Luckily we were standing by the door so we are able to sneak downstairs.

"You know, Christmas is use to be my favorite time of year." Cheryl says slightly drunk. "It use to be?" I ask. "Yeah!" She whisper taking a big sip of the vodka. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Because it was Jason's favorite holiday. It's dumb, I still like Christmas! It's just bittersweet." I look at her. "It's just a hard time for me too." I confess. "It's a hard time for a lot of people." I say quietly. I sit closer to her. "What happened to make Christmas hard for you?" She ask quietly. "Instead of a bunch of presents my parents started to show their fighting in front of me and Fangs and by New Years my mom was filling for divorce." I explain. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "I've gotten over it. They forgave each other and they're both happily remarried and I don't hate who they are both married to." I say quietly. She nods. "When did they separate?" She ask quietly. "I was about 12 and Fangs was almost 13." I say. "How is that possible?" She ask. "Fangs was adopted because they thought they couldn't have a kid than a few months later, I came into the world!" I explain to her. I look at her. She cups my cheek and pulls me into a kiss. "I love you." She whispers. I smile. "I love you too." I say before pulling her into another kiss. There's a knock on the door. We both sit up. "Come in!" I say. Veronica walks in. "Why are you guys on the floor?" She ask quietly. "Because we can be." She nods closing the door and sitting with us. "You got anything good?" I ask quietly. "No! But I brought more alcohol." I smile. "Great." I say quietly. "Toni, remember when you made the entire sheriffs department chase you around town?" Veronica ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "Why?" Cheryl ask. "You were there!" I say quietly. "Oh yeah." She laughs. "Wait what did you do?" Veronica ask quietly. "Punched a cop." I say quietly. She smiles. "Probably deserved it right?" I nod. "They were doing a random check thing and they stopped me, but not Cheryl and Sweet Pea." I say quietly. "Oh shit." I nod. "It's fine, we can laugh about it now. It was worth the charge." She nods. "Were you at that fight?" She ask quietly. "Which one?" I ask. "The one between Archie and his boys and some of the Serpents. The one I had to stop by shooting a gun into the air." I think for a minute. "It was pouring rain." She says. "No! I think I was doing something with Jughead." I say quietly. "Like sleeping with him?" I look at Cheryl. "You're aren't gonna let me live that down are you?"

I walk into the kitchen and see Cheryl and Veronica at the table. "Hungover?" I ask quietly. They both nod. "How weren't you drunk last night?" Cheryl ask. "You started drinking before the party, Veronica you are a lightweight and I barely drank anything." I explain. They both groan. "I also stopped drinking before you guys because I knew this would happen." I says quietly. "I'm gonna go bring Max on a walk. I'll be back in an hour." Cheryl nods. "Did you take your meds?" I ask quietly. "No, but I will. I need to wake up." I nod. "Ok." She smiles. "No coffee!"

"You excited for tomorrow?" Cheryl ask as we walk to the car after watching the tree lighting at City Hall. "Yeah!" I smile. The bells across the street at the church start ringing. "It's Christmas." She whispers turning to me. I smile. "What?" She ask quietly. "Can I give you something?" I ask quietly. "I know we should probably wait until the morning but, I picked it up after work and it's in my pocket and I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose it." She nods. I pull out a box from my jacket pocket. "It's not a engagement ring! I'll tell you that now." We both laugh. "We haven't been together long enough for that." She says. "Thank you!" She looks at me confused. "I had Veronica come and help me pick this out and she kept trying to convince me to get an engagement ring and I had to explain to her that neither of us are ready for that." I explain. I hand her the box. "Open it." I smile. She opens the box and pulls out a necklace with a locket on it. She smiles. "Your blood isn't in here right?" We both laugh quietly. "No! It's just a picture of us and Max." She opens the locket. "Aw! That's when we first got him." She smiles. "The other side is blank." She says looking at me. "Yeah! That's for when we get married and have a kid." I say quietly. "What happened to you telling Veronica we aren't getting married yet?" She ask. "I want to marry you! Just not right now, neither of us are ready for it." She smiles. "Good to know we're on the same page." She whispers before pulling me into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper kissing back. "I love you too." She smiles. "Can we go home?I'm freezing!" I ask. "I was thinking we could go to Pops." She says. "Everyone is gonna be there and I've had enough socializing for the day. I'm all peopled out." She nods in agreement. "Ok, we have to be up early to let Fangs in." I look at her. "Unless you want to go." I say realizing she might be compromising. "Toni, we can go to Pops anytime and I'm tired so we can go home." I nod. "You sure?" She nods. "Yeah, we can go to Pops later. I'll just make something." I nod. "How about I make you something?" I smile. "Toni. You can't cook." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "Come on, let's head home." I whisper.

I walk into the bedroom, sit down on the bed and lean over to Cheryl. "Merry Christmas." I whisper. She looks at me. "Come on." I look at her. "In a minute." I nod. "Coffee?" She ask quietly. "It's decaffeinated." She nods. "Ok." I kiss her. We get up and go downstairs. We open a bunch of presents. I push one last box over to Cheryl. "Why is it so big?" She ask quietly. "It's something for both of us." I say quietly. "Is it another dog?" I smile. "No!" She gasps. "A microwave!" She says way to excitedly. "Open it." I whisper. She opens it. "A microwave! We've needed this!" I nod. I reach over and get another box. "Max!" He sits up on his bed. "Come here bud!" He runs over to me. "What's this?" I smile and open it. "A new toy!" I throw the toy in the opposite direction. I sit down next to Cheryl. "Do you want another dog?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "Maybe a cat or a parrot." I look at her. "What?" She smiles. "I have to take my meds." She says getting up. "Wow! That is the best stalling I've seen you do in a while!"

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