310: The One With The Dinner

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I walk into the bathroom. "Good morning!" Cheryl says smiling. I groan and sit on the toilet. "Good morning my love, you're the reason I get up every morning!" She says sarcastically. We both laugh a little. "I hate you." I whisper. "Why are you so happy today?"
I ask quietly. "Because it's someone's birthday." She smiles. "Can we not do much. I don't hate my birthday or anything! I just want to have a nice dinner with you and my aunt." I tell her. "Yeah, I'll make sure the dj gets here before 6!" She jokes. "I'm serious." I say quietly. "I know, I got reservations for 3 at Pink Sumo at 6:15 just like you asked." I smile. "Thank you." She nods. "Also, if we don't come home to late and we're not exhausted, I have a very nice surprise for you." She whispers before kissing my cheek. "Also, I told everyone that I was gonna propose to you tonight, but we know I'm not. I told them that so it'll be funny when we see them on Saturday." I laugh. "So they don't know that I already did it?" She nods. "I like that." I smile. "Knew you would."

Cheryl hands me a small box. "This is for you." I smile. "It's nothing much. I have more later just thought I'd keep you occupied with this for a bit." I open the box and see a tile device. "I know you were getting tired of you losing your keys. So I got you one of these to put on your keys to make it a little bit easier to find them." I smile. "Thanks baby." I pull her into a kiss. "How did you know I wanted this?" I ask quietly. "Might have taken a look at your Amazon." I nod. "Creep." I joke.

"So! Let me see the ring!" My aunt says excitedly. She's the only one who knows we're engaged. Cheryl shows the ring. "It's so pretty." She smiles. I place my arm around Cheryl's shoulders. "Not a big deal! Only cost me 3 years of my hard earned money." I say slightly depressed. "Really?" I laugh. "No! I used the money my homophobic dad tried to keep from me after he died. Just to fuck him over one last time of course." I explain. "But I had been saving money for something like this long before we started dating." I say quietly. Cheryl shakes her head. "Don't think you need to worry about that now." She says quietly. "No. But instead of buying a jet I bought a ring, because I'm smart and rational or something." I tell her.

Cheryl walks over to the jacuzzi holding a bucket of ice with champagne on top and 2 glasses. I take a deep breath. She gets in. She looks at me. "Happy Birthday babe." I smile. "Thanks Cher." I whisper. "This is what I meant when I said I wanted a chill birthday. I didn't hate going out with my aunt but honestly I just wanted to be with you." She nods. "I know, but I wanted a fancy dinner so I got it through your birthday." I smile.

I walk into the kitchen holding a magazine. "How did they find out?" I ask pissed. "What?" Cheryl ask looking up from her breakfast. I hand her the magazine. "High School sweet hearts Toni Topaz and Cheryl Blossom engaged!" She reads out. She groans. "I'm sorry baby." She whispers. "This is bull shit!" I yell throwing the magazine in the garbage. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's ok." I sit down at the table. "I'm just tired of stuff like this happening." She nods. "Pancakes?" She ask offering me some. "I'm good." She nods. "I try having a private life and people keep butting in." She nods. "It's kinda what you get. You knew this going into it." I nod. "Honestly I think this is why I don't want kids, I don't want to put them into the spotlight without them wanting it." I tell her. "You know, I totally agree." She whispers. "This is the only place I can be without people up my ass about shit."

I look at Cheryl as she reads quietly. I take a deep breath and get up. "Where are you going?" She ask quietly. Not in a controlling way, it's more of a genuine need to know where I am going, especially if I just get up. "Bathroom." She nods. "Have fun." She jokes. I smile. "I will." I go to the bathroom and use it.

The door opens and see Veronica. "Hey! Toni! What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I need help and I don't want Cheryl involved." I say quietly. She nods. "I need to go to an AA meeting but I don't want to go alone and besides Cheryl you're the only person I trust with something like this." I tell her. "Ok, I'll go grab my shoes." She closes the doors and a few seconds later she comes out. "Come on, i'll drive." I nod. "Thank you V." She nods. "Of course."

I drink my coffee. "How long?" Veronica ask quietly. "On and off shortly after Stars Between Us." I whisper. "That was your first movie." I nod. "Yeah, there's a reason why I don't sign onto many movies anymore. Everyone says it's because I'm losing my fame but, I wouldn't be mad if that happened because then people wouldn't be in my business and I wouldn't have to do shit and people would treat me normally!" I explain. "I also have enough money to just pick and choose what I want to do bad or good." I add. She nods. "Makes sense." She whispers. "I don't really know how any of this works." She says quietly. I nod. "I figured that." We both laugh. "It's ok though. I just needed support from not Cheryl." She nods. "Why don't you want Cheryl to know?" She ask quietly. "She doesn't know that I have a problem because I realized there was a problem before it got to bad." I tell her. "You should tell her." I shake my head. "N-no! She... she can't know. She'd... she'd kill me." I whisper. "If she loves you and you love her, she'll understand." I take a deep breath. "You're the only person who knows." I whisper. "I need it to stay that way." She nods. "How long have you been sober?" She ask quietly. "Like since your last drink." I take a deep breath. "Couple days. I drank at my birthday dinner. So I looked normal." I say quietly. "That's kinda why I needed to go to a meeting because that need to drink started back up."  She nods. "We also had Champagne that night."

I pace back and forth. "Toni? What's wrong?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I need to tell you something." I say quietly. "And you can't hate me." She nods. "I know." She says quietly. "I saw the 7 days sober chip in my jacket that you took." I take a deep breath. "I'm not mad. I just wish you told me." I nod. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Don't be." She whispers. "I'm not mad." I feel my heart start to race. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I can't do this." I say walking out. I get into my car and go for a drive.


Veronica sits next to me. "Any news?" I shake my head. She hands me a coffee. "What happened to her?" She ask quietly. "I found out about something and she kinda panicked and went on a drive and drove into a tree." I tell her. A doctor walks out. "Family of Antoinette Topaz." I stand up. "Is she ok?" I ask quietly. "No. We couldn't save her." I sit down and try to process that. "Can I see her?" I ask. He nods.

I take Toni's hand. "I'm not mad at you." I whisper. "It was hard being you and I get that. I do. I just wish you told me." I tell her knowing she's not able to hear me. "You had your demons. I know." I whisper. "You're at peace now and that's ok." I say crying a bit. "It's ok." I say quietly.

I look at Toni's will and take a deep breath. "She wanted to be buried with her mom." The lawyer says. "I know." I whisper. "She left everything to you." He says quietly. I nod. "Can I go? I can't do this." He nods. I get up and go home.

"Cheryl you ok?" Toni's aunt ask sitting next to me. "No." I whisper. "It's all my fault." I say holding back tears. "Why?" She ask quietly. "I found out she had a drinking problem. We barely had a conversation about it and she started to panic, so she did her usual drive to get her mind off things and got into an accident." She shakes her head. "Not your fault." She says quietly. "I'm assuming you don't want to see me." I shake my head. "I want to keep in touch. You don't look enough like
Toni to make me hate you." I tell her. "I know she left everything to you but there's a few things that were our parents and Toni was keeping them from her father." I nod. "I'll get them to you." She looks at me. "Toni told me what is was. She didn't put them in her will in case her father found out. She told me to give them to you." She nods.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now