353: The One At The Engagement Party

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I look at Veronica. "Do you have a deal with anyone?" She ask quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Like if you and a friend aren't married by 40 you'll marry each other?" She ask me. "Yeah! I'm married to her." I say smiling. "Oh!" I nod. "Yeah! We started hooking up in Hawaii." I tell her. "Hawaii?!" She ask shocked. I look at her. "When did you think it all started?" I ask quietly. "Florida." She says quietly. "Oh no! That's just when you all found out!" I say awkwardly. "You guys were sneaking around for 5 months?" She ask quietly. "It's not that hard. It's not like we're on Friends were we are in and out of each other's apartments even when the owner isn't there!" I tell her. She nods. "Fair enough!" She shrugs. "What made you think of the married by 40 thing?" I ask her. "Well, we are sitting here watching our best friends get engaged!" I nod. "I never thought you and Cheryl would be the first to get married." She says quietly. "Why?" I ask her. "You too were already such an odd combination of people to get together. I didn't see it going past hooking up." I nod. "No! She's- she's my person." I tell her. She smiles. "I can't picture either of you with anyone else." She says quietly. "No one?" I ask her. "Ok, Cheryl dating Archie for 5 minutes to get something out of him when I met her! You didn't date anyone until Cheryl after I met you. I literally haven't seen anyone besides Cheryl." I nod. "When are you guys having kids?" She ask quietly. "We aren't." I tell her. "Why not?" She ask concerned. "We're happy with our cats and... fish." I tell her honestly. "You guys are dorks." I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. She smiles. "Well, if you're happy." I nod. "We are."

I walk over to the bed and lie down on my stomach next to Cheryl. "You ok?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says reading her book. "You sure?" She looks at me. "Yes. I'm just tired. It's been a very long day." She smiles. "Tonight was good." I say sitting up. "It was." She says smiling. "What were you and V talking about?" She ask quietly. "Not saying you have to tell me everything." I smile. "No! It's ok." I tell her. "We were talking about you and how happy I am with you." She smiles. "Yeah?" I nod. "You're my person." I tell her. She cups my cheek. "You're my person." I smile. "Can I ask you something?" I nod. "Have you talked to Fangs?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! We were helping planning the engagement thing." I tell her. She looks at me. "Right." I nod. "Do you want kids?" I ask her. "Do you?" I shake my head. "No!" I tell her. "Good to know when we're on the same page." I nod. "Why did you ask?" She ask me. "Veronica asked and I was wondering." She nods. "Do you ever want to have kids?" I ask her. "I don't know." She says quietly. "Ok." I say quietly. "What about you?" She ask me. "Maybe one day. It's just a lot of effort for 2 woman to have a child. I have a very short window on how long I can have a child for as you know. I want to have a timeline and/or plan." I tell her. "Well, we're 25. I can have a child essentially whenever. What about when we're 33?" She ask quietly. "We can save up for a bit, look into our options and go from there." She tells me. I smile. "I like that. But I don't think I'll be able to have the kid." She nods. "I know. That's ok." I nod. "I want a girl." I tell her. "What about a name?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say quietly. "That's such a great name!" She says sarcastically. "Babe." I say slightly annoyed. "Rosie." She says quietly. "As a nickname?" I ask her. "No as her full name." I take a deep breath. "No." I say quietly. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "Imagine being in a work environment and being called Rosie." I tell her. She thinks for a second. "Rose. But we call her Rosie? We can name her after Nana Rose." She tells me. "Watch us have a boy." I say quietly. "Yeah well, we can figure that one out later." She tells me.

8 years later

I look at our daughter Rosie as she sleeps on my chest. "It's weird how we're technically strangers." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl and she looks at me confused. "Why do you say stuff like this and wonder why I hate you sometimes." She says annoyed. "I'm so happy we decided to do this." I tell her. "Definitely." She says smiling. "I just hope we don't fuck her up." I whisper. "Just do everything our parents didn't do! And I think we'll be ok." She says quietly. "Sometimes that fucks people more." I say looking at her. "Well, we'll figure it out and give her the world." She tells me. "What if she gets depressed and we need to get her into a psych ward?" I ask quietly. "Then that's what we do." She says quietly. "If she ever needs therapy which she probably will, I don't know who doesn't. We'll get her therapy." She tells me. "We've got this." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. "Right?" She smiles. "I think so." She says quietly. "We'll figure out." She tells me. "What if she's autistic or has dyslexia or ADHD?" I ask her. "Then we give her all the support she needs." I nod. "ADHD medication fucks with people. I barely ate for a month. My mom thought I had anorexia! I just didn't have an appetite!" I tell her. "There's therapies. Or, crazy concept, our kid is 2 weeks old and probably doesn't have ADHD. Stop
Pre-disastering things." She says rubbing my cheek. I nod. I look at her. It's quiet in the house. The only sound is the rain outside and some soft music Cheryl likes to listen to. It sounds calming. We hear a loud crash and then a few meows. "Milo or James?" I ask quietly. "I don't want to know." She says quietly. "You have some bonding time, I'll go make sure everyone is still alive." I say sitting up and handing Rose over to her. I get up and walk out of the bedroom. It's quiet in the house, and knowing these cats, that's not good. Either one is dead or about to be dead. I walk downstairs and see Milo standing over a broken vase. I sigh. "Bud." I pick him up.

I walk into the bedroom and see Cheryl asleep with Rosie in her crib. I smile. I turn off the light on Cheryl's side. I look at Rosie and kiss the top of her head. "I love you." I whisper. I go over to my side of the bed and lie down. Cheryl jolts awake. "Mhm! Where am I?" She ask confused. "At home." I tell her. "I know, I just say that." She says quietly. "Go back to sleep babe." I whisper. "Do you want to turn the music off?" She ask quietly. "No, it's ok. It's calming and it's probably better than having friends on until the tv shuts off." She nods. I kiss her. "Go to sleep sweetheart. Rosie is getting more sleep that you." I joke. "Who did what?" She ask me. "Milo dropped a vase. I cleaned everything up don't worry." She nods as she rolls over and goes back to sleep.

I sit down on the couch with Rosie in my arms. "Let's watch some tv while you go back to sleep." I say rubbing her back. I grab the remote and put Friends on. It's the only show I can sit down and zone out in front of. "That's Jennifer Aniston." I point out. "Mom and I fight over her because both of us would leave other one for her." I explain. "Oh! That's Courtney Cox. Not to judge woman on anything. But she's had a lot of work done on her face so her face kinda looks frozen the older she gets. But she's still hot. You're allowed to do what you want to your body but don't get botox it doesn't look good." I tell her. "Oh! That's Mathew Perry! He had some issues, don't do drugs. They aren't fun." I say quietly. She looks up at me. "Don't tell mommy I'm telling you this stuff. She doesn't really want you watching tv in general." I say quietly. I smile. "That's Lisa Kudrow. Another woman mommy and I have fought over. There's a bunch of woman we have done that for." I say quietly. I hear the door knock. I stand up and go to the window and see Cheryl. I sigh, grab her keys and get the door. "I left my-." I hand her her keys. I smile. "I was gonna run out and give them to you but somebody started crying." I joke. "You?" She ask smiling. "A little."

2 years later

I look at Rosie as she watches tv with me. We're watching Sesame Street. I hate it. I miss adult shows. Not porn. I mean like actually tv shows that are about actual people not muppets teaching my abc's and 123's. We can watch those shows but Rosie has a hard time sleeping and when she's asleep we're also asleep or doing something important. Don't get me wrong, I love being a parent, but I can't wait until she's a little bit older so I can sit down and enjoy my shows or show them to Rosie. I look at her and move some hair of her face. She looks at me. I smile. "Mama." She walks closer to me. I pick her up. She giggles. I smile. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles. "Where mommy?" She ask quietly. "She's at work baby. She'll be home by 5."

I kneel down on the bed in front of Cheryl. "The little creature is asleep." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm tired, I had a long day at work." She tells me. I nod and lie down next to her. "I'm sorry." She say quietly. I sit up. "No! It's fine. I'm not gonna push." I tell her. "How did you end up being the one who stayed home?" She ask quietly. "Well, I have a job that I can do from anywhere, you are a psychologist, at a school." I tell her. She nods. "How was your day?" She ask quietly. I smile. "Good, we watched Sesame Street. We when to Pop's and got food. She ate like half a pancake but then got mad when I finished it." I tell her. I hear crying on the baby monitor. "I'll get her." I say getting up. I walk out the bedroom and go to Rosie's room. "What's wrong baby?" I ask walking over to her crib. "I threw up." I look at the crib. "Yeah! You did!" I sigh. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "It's ok!" I look over at Cheryl. "I'll clean this up you to with mommy." She nods as Cheryl takes her. She looks at me. "We'll get through this." She nods.

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