380: The One With The Fight

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I look at Cheryl as she pushes the cart. She immediately stops in front of the baby section. "No!" I say annoyed. "Shouldn't we get something for little Freddie? Veronica would love that!" I look at her. "You can't pull that anymore." I tell her slowly pushing her away from the baby section. Cheryl is dying to have kids. I want to have kids too! But we're just out of high school and I would like to enjoy my life for a little bit before having kids. I look at her. "I'm not ready." I tell her. She stops and looks at me. "Why not?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "I want to enjoy my life first-." She stops me. "You can't do that with kids?" She ask. "Cheryl I want to go and do stuff. I want to be able to be out late at a bar on a Friday night with you and some friends and not have to worry about getting our kids up for soccer practice. I want to be able to enjoy my youth before having a kid! I want kids! I really do! But we're 23! We can revisit this when we are 27. Ok?" She nods sadly. "I'm sorry." I whisper realizing that I probably just hurt her feelings. She looks at me. "If you don't want kids I don't know if we can keep doing this." She says quietly. "I do! Just not right now! Are you even listening to me?" I ask her. "Do I say no and you tune me out!?" I ask annoyed. "I'm not having this fight in the middle of a Walmart!" She tells me. "You're the one ignoring me!" I say. She shakes her head and keeps walking. "Cheryl!" I yell louder than I would have liked. "Cher!" She stops and turns around. "I am not doing this right now!" She says pissed. "God! You can be such a bitch sometimes!" I yell in total frustration. We both look at each other realizing what just came out of my mouth. "Cheryl-." I say softly but she stops me. "I'm not doing this right now." She says walking off leaving me with the cart. "Shit!" I yell.

I walk into the house. I go into the kitchen where Cheryl is. I put my keys down on the table and sit down. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. "I can be a bitch sometimes?" She ask repeating my words. "You know I didn't mean it." I whisper. "You know, before you said that, you were the only person not to call me that." I look down. She stands up. "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to stay with Betty until you are ready be an adult or I finally have enough of your bullshit!" She tells me. "You mean want a child by tomorrow." I say pissed. "What aren't you telling me?" I ask standing up. "I can't have a kid after 25." She tells me. "Why didn't you just say that?" I ask concerned. "I thought I could change your mind." She tells me. "Cheryl. If you had told me that... I might have!" I tell her. "What about now?" She ask quietly. "I don't know. I think we need to go to therapy or something before we even think about having children first." She nods. "Also, you are not the only one with a uterus." I remind her. "I really want to carry a child." I nod. "Understandable." I whisper. "You don't have to go anywhere." I tell her. She nods sitting back down. "See what happens when we talk instead of embarrassing ourselves at Walmart?" I ask her. She nods. I look at her. "I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. I promise that is the worst my anger will ever get you know I am not a violent person." She nods. "I'm sorry for leaving you at Walmart with all our stuff." She whispers.

I lie down next to Cheryl. I look at her. "How many do you want?" I ask her. "1." She says quietly. I look at her. "Really?" I ask her. "How many do you want?" She ask quietly. "2." I whisper. "We can have 1." I tell her. "Really?" I nod. "It's not the end of the world if we don't have 2 kids!" I tell her honestly. She looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "When can we start?" She ask quietly. "I put more thought into it, I think we should do it soon." I tell her. "Yeah?" I nod. "You're not just saying that to make me happy right?" I shake my head. "No!" I smile. "I think we should really look into it." I tell her. "I know how badly you want a kid." I whisper. She pulls me into a kiss. "You sure?" I nod. She kisses me again. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I tell her. "Next time we get into a fight at Walmart can you not leave me there?" I ask quietly. "I'll think about it." I smile.

I look at the pamphlet. "Oh my god!" I say louder than I thought I would. "What?" Cheryl ask quietly. "You really want to do this?" I ask showing her a picture of a woman giving birth. "Well, yeah." She says awkwardly. "Ok, I thought maybe down the line I could convince you that we should have another kid but the more I look at this the more I think it's ok if we do this once." I explain. "Ok." She smiles. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" She ask quietly. "We don't really get to choose that." I say quietly. "I know! I'm just asking which one you are hoping for." She says quietly. "I kinda want a girl." I tell her. "Really?" I nod. "I thought you'd want a boy." She says quietly. "Yeah! But I want a girl more." I tell her. "You realize when she gets older and hits puberty we will all be cycling together and you think both of us on the same cycle is a pain, wait until she is another version of me." My eyes widen. "Ok maybe I want a boy." I say quietly. She smiles. "Hopefully this works." She whispers. I nod. "It will." She looks at me. "We'll keep doing this until it does." I tell her.

I look at Cheryl as she walks out of the bathroom. "Well?" I ask quietly. "We're having a baby." She says showing me the pregnancy test. I immediately pull her into a hug. "Oh my god." I whisper. "We're gonna be parents." I say quietly. She nods as I pull her into a kiss. "When do we tell people?" I ask her. "Not yet. I don't want people to know until we know for sure we're actually having a baby." I nod. "I can do that." I whisper. "But we can tell your parents. I think they should know." I nod. "Well, we are having dinner with them tonight." I say quietly. She nods. "Maybe not tonight though, I kinda like having this between us." I nod. "How are you getting away with the no drinking thing until then?" I ask her. "New medication." She says quietly. "You already used that one." I tell her. She nods. "I've been on 10 different antidepressants, I usually can't drink on those anyways." I nod. "Are you going to be on now that you're off them?" I ask her. "I think so." She whispers. "If not tell me. We can probably figure something out." I tell her.

I swim over to Cheryl. I pull her into a kiss. "What?" She ask quietly. "I'm just so happy." I whisper. She smiles. "I can't believe we get to have a kid together." I whisper. She looks at me. "For someone who didn't want have a kid yet you seem really excited." She says quietly. "Because I am!" I tell her.

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