379: The One Where Toni Finds The Truth

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I look at Sweet Pea I hold the gun to his head. "Don't do this." He whispers. I look at him. "She's gone." I whisper holding back tears. I hit him with the gun. He falls to the floor. He groans. "I know about your relationship with Cheryl!" He says in a panic. I look at him. He slowly rolls onto his back. "I know how much you loved her, I know how much she loved you and your kids." He tells me. "Then why did you kill her?" I ask. "I didn't she sacrificed herself." He whispers. "I didn't want her to." I look at him. "Please don't kill me." He whispers. I can tell he's serious. I put the gun down. "She loved you more than anything else in the world. If her dying meant that you'd be ok she's was ready to make that sacrifice." I take a deep breath. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. "She wanted you to have this." He tells me. I take it and realize the necklace Cheryl always wore. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "You're not the only one who misses her." He says quietly. "Toni!" I hear Veronica scream. "You will never know-." He stops me. "I know that! Doesn't mean I don't miss her." I nod. I look at him and walk away. I go over to where Veronica is. "Let's just go home." I whisper. "You can stay at my house until we're safe." She looks at me.

I walk into the house. "Mommy!" I smile seeing Rose. "Hey kiddo." I smile picking her up. "Who's this?" She ask quietly. "This is my friend Veronica." I tell her. "She's pretty." I nod. "Yeah. She's not my girlfriend though." I say putting her down. "You have a kid?" Veronica ask as Rose runs into the living room. "Kids." I correct her. "I have known you and Cheryl for 10 years, I find out last week you guys were married and I now find out y'all have kids together." I nod. "The guest bedroom is upstairs on the left next to the bathroom." I tell her ignoring her. "You can stay here until it's safe." I whisper.

I walk into Rose's bedroom. "Hey kiddo." I whisper. "Where were you?" She ask quietly. "I had some things to take care of." I tell her as I sit on her bed. I look at her. "Is it about mommy?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Why is she gone?" She ask quietly. "I'm going to tell you something and you can't tell your brother about this. I need to be the one who tells him. Ok?" She nods. I take a deep breath. "Just know, if you have any questions, I will answer them all. And I will be here for you." She nods. "Rose, mommy died." I tell her. "How?" She ask quietly. "Ok, I said I would answer any questions you had, but I can't answer that. It's something you are to young for." I tell her. She nods.

This one is a mess idk

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now