249: The One With The Twins

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I walk into the kitchen. "Morning boys." I say looking at my kids. "Mom! Can you tell Jason that he's wrong?" Sam ask looking at me. "Can you tell me why first?" I ask him. "Well, Jason was being a dick!" He says pissed. "Why?" I ask. "Because he's trying to steal my girlfriend!" I look at Jason. "No! She's just my friend!" Jason says. Sam goes over to him and pushes him. "I hate you!" He yells. They push each other back and forth a few times until Sam goes to punch his brother. I stop them. "Hey!" I yell. "Why are you stealing my girl?" Sam ask pissed. "I'm not! I can't!" Jason yells. "Why not? Your already doing it!" Sam ask. "Because I-." Jason stops. "Forget it." He says before walking out. I look at Sam. "Go to your room!" I say pissed. "Why is he like that?" He ask. "I don't know, go to your room and calm down!" I tell him. He grunts and goes up to his room. I hear the door slam. I walk into Jason's room. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "I'm not trying to steal his girlfriend!" He says immediately. "I don't want to!" He whispers. "Ok. You don't need to explain yourself!" I whisper. I look at him. "I just came to make sure you were ok." I say grabbing his chin and looking at his eye. "Do you want ice?" I ask him. "No, I'm still getting the adrenaline rush. In like ten minutes I'll go get some." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "Don't punish Sam." He says quietly. I look at him. "He doesn't know." He adds. "Know what?" I ask quietly. "That um... that I'm gay." I stop. "You're..." Jason nods. "Ok." I whisper. "I know you and mom will be ok, but I'm still trying to come to terms with it, so can you not tell anyone?" I nod. "Of course, it's not my story sweetheart." I say quietly. "Does anyone else know?" I ask him. "Sarah." I nod. "That's why Sam thinks you're taking his girlfriend." He nods. "Please don't ground his dumbass for the rest of his life. Like just yell at him until you can't anymore." I smile a little. "I have to do something Jason." I whisper. "Like what?" He ask quietly. "I don't know yet, usually mom handles this stuff. But she can't at the moment." I tell him. He looks at me. "When is she coming home?" He ask quietly. "Sometime next week, why?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "I couldn't remember." He says quietly. "You can just text her, you have phone." He nods. "Yeah, but that would be to easy." I smile a little. "Can I ask you something completely random?" I ask looking at him. "I guess." He says quietly. "Do you hate being downstairs?" I ask quietly. He looks at me. "Like my room?" I nod. "No, I like it better because it's right next to the kitchen and I don't have to listen to Sam's music." He explains. "Yeah, he thinks he's all gangster." I whisper. "Well, he's black." I look at him. "That's offensive." I whisper. "Yeah! But he can think he can be a rapper and shit and it doesn't look like cultural operation." He says quietly. "You realize you are too right?" I ask genuinely concerned that he hasn't looked in the mirror or at Toni in 15 years. "Go get some ice for your eye, I don't feel like having this conversation with you." I look at him. He gets up and goes into the kitchen for some ice while I go upstairs. I knock on the door to Sam's room. "What was that?" I ask concerned. He looks at me. "I know about you and mom." He says immediately. I look at him. "About the divorce." He adds. "We aren't getting a divorce Sam." I say quietly. "Why did you punch your brother?" I ask him. "Because he's trying to take my girlfriend!" He says. "No, he's not!" I say quietly. "Trust me when I say this, they are just friends, nothing more!" I tell him. "How would you know? You don't see them!" He says pissed. "Samuel, I know Jason, he's not interested in Sarah." I whisper. "Why?" He ask standing up. "I can't tell you Sam, it's not my business." He looks at me. "Oh." He whispers. "I'm sorry mom." I shake my head. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Also, don't tell Jason about your mom and I!" I whisper. He nods and runs downstairs.

I pull Toni into a kiss. She looks at me. "Now tell me, what did I miss?" She ask quietly. "Well, Sam was pissed that Jason was stealing Sarah away from him." I say quietly. "He's not! Sam has nothing to worry about!" I add. "Why? Besides the fact that Jason isn't a back stabbing cunt!" She ask quietly. "That is why actually." I lie. She looks at me. "Ok! We don't have to talk about it but we both know when you look up gay in the dictionary Jason's face shows up." She says smiling. "He hasn't really come out to himself yet, so just let him come to you about it." She nods. "I know." She says quietly. "Anything else?" She ask quietly. "Oh! Sam thought we were gonna get a divorce." She looks at me. "I think it was the fight we had before you left that we resolved not in front of the boys." I explain. "Yeah." She whispers. "I'm still sorry about that." I adds. I smile a little. "It's ok baby." I whisper cupping her cheeks. She kisses me. "I love you." She whispers. I smile. "I love you too baby." I whisper. "You never told me about your trip." I say quietly. She sighs. "It was fine, almost lost the deal, but then I pulled the my father probably slept with your wife and you need revenge so you're gonna invest in my company just to piss my father off." She explains. "Your father seriously is a womanizer!" She nods. "Yeah, and but it's ok because he at least divorced my mom before he went on his 'how many women can I sleep with in a month?' Rampage!" She says sarcastically. I pull her closer. "I don't hate him, for that." She says honestly. "And we was always there when I needed him, but he could have handled me coming out better. You know, like supporting me and not calling me a Fag every time he sees me now." She whispers. "I'm fine but I think if I had the chance I'd punch him in the face to prove I'm better then him." She tells me. "Yeah?" She nods. "Can I be there?" I ask bitting my lip. She smiles. "Yeah." She says pulling me into a kiss. There's a knock on the door. "It's me! Can we talk?" Jason ask quietly. "Come in!" I say. Toni stands up straighter. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth." She says as Jason walks in. "She does that a lot doesn't she?" I nod. "What do you need to talk to it?" I ask quietly. "There's this guy at school." He says quietly. "Already?" He nods. "I have for a while." He says quietly. "I just feel more comfortable talking to you about it now that I don't have to worry about accidentally using the wrong pronouns and outing myself." He explains. "So this boy?" I ask smiling. He looks at me and smiles awkwardly. "Um... yeah! I really like him! But I can't tell him, because he is as straight as an arrow. Like girlfriend and everything." He tells me. "I'm ok, though, I've come to terms with it. I just need to move on." He explains. I look at him. "It feels nice to tell me doesn't it?" He nods and smiles a bit. "It doesn't hurt." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Can I ask you something that's been bothering me for a while?" I nod. "Um... who's my dad?" He ask quietly. Toni pops her head out of the bathroom. We look at each other. "We can't tell you until your 18." I say honestly. "As you know he was a sperm donor, and he didn't want to be reached out to until you boys were 18." He takes a deep breath. "Ok. We aren't allowed to give you guys any information until then to." He nods. "I'm sorry, bud. We would have told you! But we couldn't." Toni says breaking her silence. "You also never really asked about him, you only really asked how you were made and didn't really ask more." She adds. "Has Sam?" He ask quietly. "I don't think he even knows." I say looking at Toni. "We sat you both down but I think he forgot." She says quietly. "Damn, really?" I nod. "He's has to many concussions from football." I whisper. "Definitely." Toni and Jason say at the same time. "Unlike you. Who spends most of his time doing homework." I say quietly. "Can you get a life?" I ask him. "No, that equals socializing and I have social anxiety, like can even raise my hand in class." He says quietly. "I know. It's ok." I whisper. "Can I ask you something else?" I nod. "I know you can't tell me much about my biological father but um... this is gonna sound weird but what color is he?" I stop for a second. "He's black." Toni says quietly. "We didn't really have a preference, we just wanted someone sane!" She adds. "Cool." He smiles a little. "You came out looking more like me though." Toni says walking over. "Which is ok!" She adds. Jason nods. "Cool, I was honestly just wondering." He says quietly. "Also, I have to be up early. I have band first period and I need to get there early to set up the drums." He tells us. "Tomorrow's Wednesday, so we know. So get to bed." I say quietly. He nods and gets up. "Cool." He says before walking out. I look at. Toni. "He's so awkward! I love him." She smiles. "It's funny how our boys became complete opposite of each other." She says quietly. "Sam is the captain of the football team." I whisper. "Jason, is the drummer for the schools band. They both have a some championship winnings under their belts." I say quietly. "You know, I'm really happy he joined the band at school." She says quietly. She looks at me. "Yeah, really stepped out of his comfort zone for once." She smiles.

Jason walks into the kitchen. I look at him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Can I ask you something?" He ask quietly. "You've been doing that a lot recently." He looks at me. I smile. "Ask away!" I nod. "Another competition is coming up and I want to something different with my hair." He says quietly. I look at Jason. "Oh! Ok! Well, this is more of a question for mom. I want to help, and I want to help by sending you to mom!" He smiles a little.

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