248: The Where They Go To Bed Mad At Each Other

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Cheryl walks into the kitchen. "Can we talk?" She ask quietly. I look at her and nod. "I'm sorry about last night." She whispers. "Me too." I say quietly. "I made breakfast." I say standing up and going to the counter. "It's nothing special. Just toast and some eggs." I add. "Guessing you didn't really feel like making anything." I nod. "You know, when we got married we got told not to go to bed angry at each other but, I think when we do and we talk about it in morning we actually get more accomplished because we're not screaming at each other anymore." I say quietly. "Yeah. We need that time to calm down." She whispers. "What were we even fighting about?" I ask quietly. "Work." I nod. "Yeah, I went through everything we can't afford to have a kid, I can't get more time." I say quietly. "I know. What about a dog?" She ask quietly. "No! I'm allergic." She nods. "Right." She whispers sitting down. "Cat?" She shakes her head. "No, we both had enough growing up." I nod. "What about a bi-." She stops me. "Never!" She says. "Oh! A fish!" I smile. "Maybe." I nod. "Or we could just save our money and be able to afford a kid!" She says smiling. "Yeah but that would be to easy babe."

I walk into the bedroom. I look at Cheryl. "You know, we could just use the mon-." She stops me. "No, I want to take that money from my father! He was a horrible person!" I nod. "Ok. But wouldn't you think maybe, just maybe, us, two woman! Using his money to have a child that we would raise better than he could ever imagine, would be the perfect way to fuck him over just one last time?" I ask her. She sighs. "Well, now that you day it that way then maybe!" She says quietly. "We still need to talk about it more, but I think you might have changed my mind a bit." I smile. "I love you baby." I whisper lying down between her legs. She looks at me. "I love you too." She whispers. "Baby." She adds. I pull up her shirt a little and kiss her stomach. "Boy or girl?" She ask quietly. "What?" I ask confused. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" She ask quietly. "Boy." I whisper. "You?" I ask quietly. "I want a girl." I sit up. "Are we gonna have a have to go to bed mad again?" I ask jokingly. She kisses me. "Sure." I kiss her. She straddles me. "What would we be called?" I ask quietly. "Well, one of us actually needs to be pregnant, then we need to actually have a baby." She whispers. "I want to be mama." I say almost ignoring her. "Yeah?" I nod. "Fine but I get to be mommy." I smile. "Ok." She kisses me. I play with Cheryl's hand. "Carolina?" I ask quietly. "No! Charlotte?" She ask quietly. "Maria?" I ask. "April?" She nods. "Maybe." I smile. "What about boys?" She ask quietly. "I know you want to put Jason somewhere in the name." I whisper. "I don't know if I'll be able to look at him and call him Jason to his face." She whispers. I look at her. "But I still want him to be named after Jason." She adds. "So something Jason Blossom-Topaz?" I ask quietly. "No, Topaz-Blossom." She whispers. "Topaz." I say quietly. "Blossom." She says. "Topaz." I say. "No, Blossom!" She says quietly. "How about we have the damn kid first?" She nods. "Yes, we need to actually have the baby first." She kisses me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." I kiss her neck. She kisses me. "Also, I swear to god, if you put our kid on a leash I'm calling CPS and filing for divorce!" I tell her. "There's a reason why I'm so fucked up." I whisper. "You were a runner you know that." She says quietly. "Yes and we will hold our kids hand if they are!" She nods. "Cool." She smiles. "Can we have sex now?" She ask. "Yes." She says kissing me.


I walk into the kitchen. "Morning baby." Toni says winking at me. "Nervous?" She ask quietly. "A little." She nods. "We're just meeting the doctor today and getting some blood work done. We'll be ok." She says quietly. "One of us will have our baby. I honestly don't care who, I just want to baby." She whispers. "Why don't we adopt, it'll be easier?" I ask panicking. "We'll come to that bridge if we get there." She tells me coming over to me. She takes my hands. "I love your hands." She whispers. "You're so weird." I whisper. "Do you have a hand fetish that I don't know about?" I ask quietly. "Because if you do, I might have second thoughts about our relationship." I add. "No, your hands are just really soft and I like holding them." She whispers. "Would you have a problem with kinks?" She ask quietly. "N-no, but hands?" I ask. "I just like how soft they are." She whispers. I kiss her. "You shouldn't be nervous about later."

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