212: The One Where They Don't know About Us

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I play with Cheryl's hair and look at her. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. I smile. "It's getting late you should probably head home." She whispers looking at her watch. "A few more minutes." I say quietly. She sits up. "My mom could come home any minute now." She whispers. I nod and kiss her. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She nods kissing me back. "My place or yours?" She ask quietly. "We can go over to mine, my dad isn't gonna be home until late at night so you can just tell your mom we're working on a project." I whisper. She nods. I look at her. "I'll see you at school." I say getting up. She smiles.

I open my locker and like everyday Veronica and Cheryl walk over to me. Can't wait to act dumb. I turn to look at them. "Veronica!" I smile. "You still gonna say no to the offer?" She ask quietly. I nod looking at Cheryl who's all quiet. "You ok?" I ask genuinely concerned. "Yeah! I just have to go class." She says before walking away. I watch her leave. "You don't have much of a chance with her." I nod. "Sure." I whisper. "She's straight Toni!" I nod completely ignoring her, I know what she's saying, we go over this almost every morning. "I know." I nod. I look at her. "It's never gonna happen between us." I say quietly. "But it can with us." I roll my eye. "I mean you and me! I'm into girls with daddy issues, so if you want you can go find one of the male history teacher who looks like he's 20 and fuck him in his classroom. Mr. Smith looks like a good option!" I smile before walking away.

Cheryl lies on my stomach and between my legs. I rap my arms around her. "Veronica is still trying to hit on you." I nod. "I sent her to one of the male history teachers." I whisper. "Why?" She ask smiling. "Because she has daddy issues and is only into me to piss off her father, might as well, make it the teacher I hate, kill two birds with one stone." She nods. "Cool." She smiles. "Do you wish we could be public?" She ask sitting up. I shrug. "Do you?" I ask. "Kinda, I'm just not ready." I nod. "It's ok." I whisper. She smiles a little. "I'm ready when you are." I say sitting up. She pulls me into a kiss. I want to say it, but I'm afraid I'm gonna scare her away. She looks at me. "I love you." She whispers. "Oh thank god!" I say out loud. "What?" She ask confused. I smile. "I love you too." I pull her into a kiss. She cups my cheeks and deepens it. I quickly pull away realizing something. "What?" She ask concerned. "What time is it?" I ask quietly. She looks at her watch. "4:30. Why?" She ask. "Fangs might be storming over in a few minutes." I say quietly. We both sit away from each other. "I'm sorry. I should have told you." I whisper. She smiles. "It's ok." She whispers. I look at her. "We don't have to sit so awkwardly." I say sitting back. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She says standing up. "Ok." I smile. After a minute Fangs comes storming in. "Hey man." I say quietly. He sits on the couch. "Is Cheryl here?" He ask quietly. "Yeah, we're just hanging out, why?" I ask quietly. He looks at me. "You guys have been hanging out a lot, I just kinda assume she's here, I was just confirming." I nod. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Because, I don't want to go home." He says quietly. Cheryl walks out of the bathroom. "Hey Fangs." She smiles. "Are you guys dating?" He ask quietly. I look at Cheryl. "No!" I say calmer than Cheryl will. "Why do you think we'd be together?" I ask quietly. "Oh! I don't know, you guys are just really close, but you guys could just be friends. It's not really any of my business." He says awkwardly. I look at her and nod telling her not to freak out and just let me do the talking. She takes a deep breath. "Well, you should head home." Fangs says standing up. "I'll leave you guys to do whatever." He says before walking out. Cheryl sits next to me. "Give him a minute. He always forgets something." I say stoping her from lies into me. Fangs burst through the doors. "I forgot my bag." I nod as he grabs it and leaves. I watch him get on his bike and drive off. "Ok we're good." I say as she lies into me. "He knows doesn't he?" I nod. "Probably." I whisper. She sits up. "He won't say anything! I promise." I whisper cupping her cheeks. "He's not like that."

Fangs walks over to me. "What's going on with you and Cheryl?" He ask quietly. I look at him. "Nothing." I lie. "Toni, I see the way you look at her and the way you immediately denied-." I cover his mouth. "Cheryl's not out to anyone besides me yet, What ever you think is going on between us is probably happening but you need to keep your month shut because I don't want to hurt Cheryl." I explain. He nods. "I won't tell anyone. But you guys are definitely together?" He ask quietly. "I said what I said." I say before walking to my next class. I sit down and a few minutes go by and Veronica sits next to me. "No." I say immediately. I look at her. "One date!" She begs. "Nope!" I shake my head. I look over and Cheryl and watch her try to keep it together. "One date? Really?" Veronica ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "I'm with someone." I say quietly. "Who?" She ask. "No one you know." I lie. "Is it Cheryl?" I shake my head. "Nope." I lie. "Who is it?" She ask sitting. "F... Fangs!" I say regretting it immediately.

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