391: The One In Preschool

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I watch Maria go into her first day of preschool. "That's concerning how confidently she just went in." I say looking at Cheryl. "We'll be back in 4 hours. She'll be fine." She says quietly. "Let's head home." She whispers. I nod. "She seams happy." I nod again. "Yeah." I whisper.

I look at Maria as she slowly and sadly walks out of the classroom. "What's wrong?" I ask kneeling down. "I thought you were coming with me." She says between catching her breath from crying. "Mommy and I told you what was going to happen kiddo." I tell her. "I-I know. I thought you'd be with me today though." I wipe her tears. "We said mommy and I were coming to drop you off." I whisper. "I'm sorry. I thought you knew that." I say calmly. She lies into me and cries. I slowly stand up and bring her to to the car.

I look up and see Maria running over to me crying. "What happened?" I ask concerned. "I hurt my knee." She says showing me. "It's ok. Let's go inside and get that cleaned up ok?" She nods. I look at Cheryl. "The burgers are almost ready, they just need a few more minutes." She nods and goes over to the grill as I pick Maria up and go inside to the bathroom. I wipe her tears and put her on the counter. I help clean her knee off. "Oh! It's not that bad! You'll be ok." I tell her. "It hurts." She says calming down. "I bet." I tell her. "You'll be ok! The pain will go away soon." I say quietly as I put a bandaid over the cut. "It might hurt for a bit through and we'll keep checking on it. Do you want me to get you an ice pack?" I ask quietly. "No, it already feels better." I nod. "Ok. Do you think you can walk?" I ask. "Yeah." I nod and help her off the counter. We both walk back outside where Cheryl is. "Dinner is prepared!" She says dramatically as she motions to the table. We go to the table and eat dinner.

I look at Cheryl as we lie in the hammock. "She can't here us through the monitor right?" She ask quietly. "Not unless I press the button." I say showing her the baby monitor. Yes we still have one in Maria's room. She gets nightmares and we do this so she feels safer. We're also outside while she's in the house. "Why?" I ask quietly. "No, I'm just wondering." She says quietly. "Remember when we didn't want kids?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says quietly. "I'm so happy we changed our minds. I've never been happier." I tell her. "I mean I was severely depressed in high school and I didn't get that much better in college, then I met you. Life was looking a lot better. We got married, decided to have Maria and I don't think I could ever get happier." I tell her. "Wanna do it again?" She ask quietly. I look at her and she sits up a bit. "Do you want to?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "If you don't it's ok! It's not like we have to have more." She says quietly. "I don't." I tell her honestly. "Can I ask why?" She ask. "No, you are legally not allowed to ask why I don't." I say sarcastically. She looks at me annoyed. "I was the oldest sibling. And I got forgotten about and I don't want to do that to her." She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "Really?" She nods. "It was just something I threw out there."

"What's that?" Maria ask pointing at a stab wound on my stomach, I am sitting at the pool relaxing. "It from a boo boo I got a long time ago." I tell her. "Will my knee look like that?" She ask quietly. "No! The cut wasn't that deep, there might be something but nothing like this." I tell her. She nods. "Cool." I smile. "Why do you have it there?" She ask quietly. "Ah! It's because that's where I got the boo boo!"

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