397: The One With The Emergency

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I feel my phone buzz. "Who is that?" Veronica ask quietly. "I don't know, I don't really care either." I whisper. "It might be important Toni." I look at my phone. "Oh shit." I whisper. "Everything ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, is anyone actually making sure people are 18 to sign out of school?" I ask quietly. "No, I watch Fangs sign out everyday, he's not even a senior." I nod. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "Nothing, I was just wondering!" I tell her. She nods. I put my phone back in my pocket. I look at the clock and start bitting my nails. Veronica looks at me. "That's not good for your nails." She says quietly. I stop. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say awkwardly. I go back my work. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "My dad is back in the hospital." I tell her. "Go!" She whispers. "I don't want to leave class early!" I whisper. "Toni, he's asleep. Go." She whispers. I nod and grab my stuff. I walk out of the class and go to the office. "Toni! I was about to call you down." The secretary says quietly. "Just signs out, your mom gave permission." I nod and sign myself out of school. I walk to my car and unlock it. I throw my bag in the back. "Toni?" I look over and see Cheryl. "Hey." I say quietly. She walks over to me. "Where are you going? You never leave school early." She ask quietly. "My dad is in the hospital again! I need to go!" I whisper. She looks at me. "Do you want me to go with you?" I shake my head. "Toni, I don't want you to be alone right now." I sigh and nod. "Ok." I whisper. "I'll meet you there." I nod. She starts to walk away. "I'm sorry about earlier." I tell her. She looks at me. "It's ok! I'm not really mad at you it was kinda a boiling point." She tells me. I nod. "Stop picking at your nails it's not good for them!" She says walking away. I look down and realize I've picked all the nail polish off of my nails. I groan and get into my car and drive off. I pull into the hospital. I step out of my car and see Cheryl waiting for me. "You got here faster than me?" I ask her. "You obey traffic laws." She says quietly. I walk over to her.  "Your mom is in side waiting for you." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "If I go in there, it's real." She nods. "I know." She whispers rubbing my cheeks. "Did she say anything? About how he's doing." She shakes her head. "No." She whispers. I walk into the hospital and see my mom. I can tell it's something bad this time.


I unlock the door and let Toni into the house. "He's gonna die." She says quietly. I take off her jacket and hang it up. "You don't know that." I whisper. She sits down on the couch. "He's gonna die!" She says again. I sit down on the coffee table and grab her leg. She looks at me confused. I slowly untie her shoe. She sits back on the couch. "I don't know what to do." She whispers. I take off her shoe and help her get the other one off. "Why do you have to wear boots all the time?" I ask her tossing the shoes over to where Toni's family puts their shoes. She shrugs. She sits up and sits closer to me. "Thank you for being with me." She tells me. "Of course." I smile. She kisses me. "I know what you're doing Toni, it's late, you are exhausted! Your emotions are all over the place." I tell her. "I want to." She says quietly. "Babe." She kisses me again. "I need to be distracted." She whispers. "Toni, I don't want to have sex with you if you're like this. I know you might not feel the same but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you in this state." I tell her. She nods. "Ok." She says sitting up. "That makes sense." She says quietly. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Can you stay the night at least? It's not like we have school tomorrow." She ask quietly. "Yeah. I'll stay." I smile. "You put my shoes in the wrong place." She says bitting her nails. "I'll go fix them." I say moving her hand away from her mouth. She nods. "Go take a shower or something." I say getting up and moving her shoes. I turn around and she's already ran into the bathroom.

I look at Toni as she walks out to the waiting room. I stand up as she comes over to me. "He's gone." She whispers. I immediately pull her into a hug. She starts crying. I rub her back. "I'll be honest I don't really know how to comfort you." I tell her. "I just need you to be with me for now." She says quietly. "I can do that." I say as she looks at me. She nods.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now