314: The One With The Back And Forth

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I walk into Pops and sit at the counter. "Hello welcome to Pops-." I look up and see Veronica. She sees me. "Toni!" She smiles. "Long time no see." She smiles. I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "You're still working here?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! I don't hate it. So I still work here." I nod. "Cool." I whisper. "Where have you been?" She ask quietly. "School." I whisper. "You really didn't come back?" I shake my head. "It's to hard after my mom died." She nods sadly. "Have you talked to her?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "Have you?" I ask quietly. "No, that's why I was asking you." I take a deep breath. "Do you know where she is?" I ask quietly. "She's at Thistle House. Rebuilt it." I look at her. "Do you know if she's there right now?" I ask quietly. "I have no idea." I nod. "Do you want anything?" She ask quietly. "Just a burger." I whisper. "No... tomato?" She ask trying to remember. "Onions. I don't feel like ending up in the hospital tonight, maybe tomorrow." She nods. "Right! I was just testing you." We both smile.

The big doors open and I see Cheryl. She takes a deep breath. "Toni?" She ask confused. "Hey, I'm back in town and I came to check on you." I smile. "Well, I really just came to see how you were doing." I whisper. "Actually I just wanted to see your face." I say awkwardly. She nods. "Come in." She whispers. I walk through the door. "How are you?" She ask quietly. "I'm- I'm good." I tell her. "I heard about your mom." I look down. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you." She whispers. "It's ok." I whisper. "How was school?" She ask changing the subject. "It was good." I say awkwardly. "What did you do again?" She ask quietly. "I was down in Florida at Full Sale for Digital Media." I tell her. "You helped me get in remember?" She nods. I feel my phone buzz and see it's my dad. "I should head home. My dad's calling." I tell her. "Say hi to him for me?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "We should get coffee or something." I say quietly. "You free tomorrow night?" I ask quietly. "No, my girlfriend has something planned for me and her." She says quietly. I feel my heart shatter. "Oh! Ok! Well, maybe- maybe one of these days." I say trying to hold back my anger. "Yeah." I nod. "I'll see you later." I say before leaving. I drive home and walk into my house. "Dad, I'm- I'm home." I say sadly. "What's wrong?" He ask immediately. "She has a girlfriend." I say sadly. "Did you expect her to wait?" He ask quietly. "No... but maybe I'd gotten her at the right time or something!" I say sitting next to him. "Right person wrong time I guess." I whisper. "Did you see anyone when you were away?" I shake my head. "No. I didn't have any time and honestly all the people at my school were annoying." I tell him. "Were they? Or were they not Cheryl?" He ask quietly. "Both." I whisper.

I walk to the door and open it to Cheryl standing there. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "I don't have a girlfriend." She says quietly. "I just said that to make you jealous. I still love you." She explains. "Toni, who is that?" We hear Veronica. I look down. "You're home for 5 minutes..." Cheryl says quietly. "You lied to me." I whisper. "Whatever." She leaves. I turn around. "Was that Cheryl?" Veronica ask quietly. "Yeah." I whisper. "I think she now thinks we hooked up." I say quietly. "I'm kinda mad at her so I'm gonna let her think that for a bit." I tell her. We hear glass break. "She just threw a rock through the window in the living room didn't she?" I ask knowing Veronica can see into the living room. "Yeah." I take a deep breath and go outside. "What the fuck Cheryl?!" I ask pissed. "Slut!" She yells. "As you can see we're both fully clothed!" I point out. She looks at us. "How many people have you slept with?" She ask annoyed. "One." I tell her. She looks at me. "You didn't sleep with anyone when you were away?" I shake my head. "Why?" She ask. "I don't sleep with people unless I love them." I confess. "I never found anyone I was even attracted to." I say walking closer to her. "I only love you." I tell her. "Really?" I nod. "Why?" She ask confused. I shrug. "I don't know. I just am." I tell her. "That's not a good enough excuse for me." She says trying to act tough. "You just said you still loved me." I whisper moving some hair behind her ear. "Don't deny it." I say so quietly only she can hear me. She kisses me. I cup her cheeks and continue the kiss. "What now?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "That date." I whisper. She nods.

It's short, I know. Idk what else write sorry

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now