209: The One Where Toni Tries

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Cheryl walks into the bedroom. "You're home from work and already in bed." I nod. "Yeah, my leg is still bugging me." She smiles sadly sitting next to me in bed. "Maybe you went back to early." She says quietly. "It's fine, I did this to myself." She smiles. "You accidentally opened a drawer in the kitchen on your leg didn't you?" I nod awkwardly. We both laugh a little. "You did that to yourself." I nod. "Where were you?" I ask realizing where she was. "I just dropped off Jason with his dad for the weekend." She says quietly. I look at her. "Yeah?" She nods. "What do you want to do?" I ask quietly. "Relax." She smiles. "Define 'relax' Cheryl." I smile. "Not sex." I sit up. "Tell me more." She smiles. "Just being able to sleep in and not worry about Jason." I nod. "I like that." She looks at me. I pull her into a kiss. "Does that mean I can play video games all weekend without Jason trying to play anything?" She nods. I smile. "But I would like to spend some time with you." She whispers. I pull her into a kiss. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "I feel like Jason doesn't like me." I look at her. "It's been a few months, I think he is just getting use to you being here." I look at her. "You think?" She nods. "He doesn't do change so, give him some time to warm up to you." I nod. "Why did you and Reggie get a divorce?" I ask quietly. She takes a deep breath. "We were young and what we thought was love and we realized we weren't meant for each other. We got a divorce before we hated each other and so our son wouldn't hate us for fighting." She explains. "I also realize I was gay and didn't want dick." I smile. I look at her. "I hate you so much sometimes." I smile. "Also you married Reggie Mantle." She nods. "Don't remind me."

I walk into the kitchen and see Jason. "Hey kid." I say going to the fridge. He just looks at me. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "You're not gonna replace my dad." I turn around and look at him. "I know." I whisper. He looks at me confused. "I don't want to replace him." I say quietly. He nods. "Besides you still have a relationship with him and he doesn't seam like a bad guy. Take advantage of that. I didn't have a relationship with mine." I explain. "I don't hate you by the way." I look at him. "Mom told me you think I don't like you, I don't. I just don't know what to do with you yet." I smile. "Same." He smiles a little. "What do you want to do for dinner?" I ask quietly. "I don't know. Ask mom! That's her job usually. She has the next 2 months of my life planned out." I nod. "Yeah, I'll go talk to her." I whisper. The fridge starts beeping. I quickly close the door. He laughs quietly. I roll my eyes. "So, I have to embarrass myself to make you happy?" He nods. "Because it's funny." I nod. "Cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt..." I whisper before walking out. We go into the living room. "Pasta." Cheryl says after hearing our conversation. I look at her. "Oh my god, I love you." She smiles. "I love you too baby." I smile.

Cheryl walks into the bathroom. "Can you do something for me?" She ask quietly. "Depends..." I whisper. "I have a last minute thing at work and I need you to drop Jason off at his dads house." I look at her. "Yeah, except the fact that I don't know where Reggie lives." I say awkwardly. She bites her lip thinking. "He lives in Greendale. Jason will know where to go put I'll give you the address. He might come out and talk to you. If he does just try to make it less awkward." I nod. "Can I finish using the bathroom now?" She smiles and walks out. Once I'm done I go to the kitchen. Cheryl hands me a paper. "Jason! Toni's driving you to dad's house!" She yells right in my ear. "Ow!" I hold my ear. Jason comes into the kitchen. "You don't have to yell I was in the other room and I think you have Toni ear damage." I nod. "Definitely gave me ear damage." I whisper. "Well, I'm gonna go put my stuff in the car you guys stop giving each other ear problems." He smiles, grab his bag and goes to my truck. "Why do you like yelling in my ear so much? This is the 3 time this week when you're trying to get Jason." She smiles. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I kiss her. "It's fine just next time, turn away from my ear." I look at her. "I'll see you in about 20 minutes." She nods and I walk out. "You ready?" I ask Jason. "Yeah." I smile. "Cool! Do you know how to get there?" I ask quietly. "Well yeah, I go there every other weekend." He says quietly. "Cool." I nod and get in the car. I drive off. "Greendale freaks me out." I whisper. "We live in Riverdale, how can this place freak you out?" I shrug.

We pull up to Reggie's house. "Wow." I whisper. I look at Jason. "Yeah, I don't get why they got a divorce either. They're both sitting on so much money!" He smiles. "Are you going to go in?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." He nods. I look at him. "Well, have fun. Call your mom if you need anything and don't die." I smile. He nods and get out. Reggie walks out of his house and sees me. "Hey bud." He smiles looking at Jason. "Go inside." He nods and goes up into the house. "You're not Cheryl." He says quietly. I nod. "She had a work thing." I say quietly. "Cool, and why are you dropping off my son then?" He ask confused. "Because I'm Cheryl's girlfriend and I've live with Cheryl and Jason." I smile. He nods. "Oh. How long?" He ask quietly. "A little bit over a year." I whisper. He nods awkwardly. "Didn't you guys hook up all the time in high school before Cheryl and I got together?" I nod. "What made her go back to you?" I shrug. "I was working on fixing the stoves at Pop's and she was helping Veronica with some promotional stuff for a fundraiser and we kinda reconnected." He nods. "I should go be a dad." I nod. "Ok, I don't know who will be picking him up or what but I'll probably see you later." He nods. "Ok." He goes back to the house as I drive off.

Cheryl walks into the house. "Hey babe." I say looking up from the tv. She sits next to me. "Did you drop Jason off?" I nod. "Did Reggie and you have an awkward conversation?" I nod again. She smiles. "I'm sorry." I smile. "It's fine." I whisper. "You hungry?" I ask changing the subject. "I brought home Pop's. I think your burger should be warm." I say quietly. She gets up and goes into the kitchen. "What do you want to do this weekend?" She ask from the kitchen. "I don't know!" I say. "Do you just want to hang out?" She ask. "Sure!" She walks back over to me. "Do you mind picking him up on Monday?" I nod. "Yeah! It might actually help us." She smiles.

Jason gets into the car. "How was it?" I ask quietly. I look at him. He shrugs. "Good." He smiles a little. I nod. "Thats good." I smile. "Dad told me more about you." I look at him. "Ok." I say quietly. "You have a dark past." I nod. "That's not a secret." I say quietly. "So mom knows you were a serpent?" I nod. "We went to high school together." I say quietly. He looks at me. "So mom knows you used to have a drug problem?" I smile. "I didn't." I say quietly. "It's just, your dad would only see me at parties because he didn't pay attention to me and my friends unless we were selling him some cool drug that he thought was cool." I say quietly. "Don't tell your mom I said that." He nods. "And that you're bipolar." I look at him. "How did he know?" I ask slightly pissed. Jason shrugs. I sigh. "Does mom know?" I nod. "But we don't talk about it because I refuse to."

I walk into the kitchen. "Hey babe." Cheryl smiles. "Can I ask you something?" She nods looking at me. "How did Reggie find out I'm bipolar?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "Than how did he find out? Because besides my doctor you're the only other person who knows." I ask slightly pissed. She thinks for a second. "Remember when we ran into him at the pharmacy?" I nod. "It had all your information in it, he might have seen it." I take a deep breath. "Damn." I whisper. "How do you know that he knows?" She ask quietly. "He told Jason who was trying to make me look bad." She sighs.


I knock on Jason's door. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Yeah." I slowly open the door. "What?" He ask. "I heard you tried to blackmail Toni into breaking up with me." I say sitting down on his bed. "Yeah so? Did it work?" I shake my head. "I know Toni has a issues in the past. We both did, so did your dad. None of us are perfect. Stop trying to ruin this." I whisper. He looks at me. "I'm not used to having someone who you just happened to become close with after a while." He whispers. "Jason, do you know how hard it was to raise you by myself?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "Toni has been really helpful around here and I do love her and she's trying to make a bond with you." He looks at me. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I don't need to be the one you apologize to." I whisper. He nods. "Also, don't tell anyone what dad said what he said about Toni." I say quietly. He nods. I look at him. "I don't want to sound like a dick but, I honestly don't know I feel about you and Toni. And it's not because you're both woman, I don't care about that. It's just the divorce is still really fresh and I think it's still to soon." I nod. "It's been 5 years Jason." He nods. "I know." He whispers. "You know, if you're not ready to live here with Toni, you can go stay with your dad." I suggest. "I don't want to leave school." He whispers. "I'm not gonna make you kick Toni out." He adds. I look at him. "So what do you think we can do about this?" I ask quietly. "Toni, stays out of my shit while I stay out of hers." He says. I nod. "I'll talk to her, or you can talk to her, you are almost 16!" I smile sarcastically. "Because I'm not your Messenger!" I say. He takes a deep breath.

Part 2?

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now