206: The One Where Toni Gets Around

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"So what do you do here?" Veronica ask quietly. "What do you mean?" I ask looking away from the sun set. "Well, I can't be the first girl you've brought here." She whispers. "Well, if you want. I usually end up having sex with who ever I'm on the date with." I say quietly. "Only if you want to." I add. "As long as you let me take control." I nod knowing that means a blowjob. She smiles. "Do you have protection?" She ask quietly. I go into the arm rest and grab one. "Always." I wink. "The rumors are true, you really get around." I nod. "Don't worry though, I always where a condom or make the other person where one. Also I've been tested not to long ago and I don't have anything." I say quietly. "What's your number?" She ask moving her hand down to my pants, I can feel myself get harder by the second. "Do you mean just dates or actual sex?" I ask quietly. "Actual sex." I think for a second. "Not as many as people think. There's a few repeats in the list. Sometimes the person doesn't really want to do anything so we don't." I explain. She smiles. "You?" I ask quietly. "Not as many as you think." She says unbuckling my pants. "We should go in back there's more space." She whispers. I nod and we both slowly climb in back. She pulls my pants down to my ankles and kneels down on the floor. She pulls my dick out of my underwear and strokes it. "Fuck!" I moan quietly. I notice the light in the car is on and quickly turn it off as she starts to bob up and down on my dick. "Oh!" I moan in shock at how good she is. "Holy shit!" I lean forward. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself. "O-o-oh!" I moan out as my hand grabs the handle bar. "I'm gonna cum!" I whisper as she goes harder. She lifts her head up and strokes my dick. "Cum on my face." She squeezes my balls as I cum all over her. "O-oh!" I lie back and catch my breath. She gets on top of me and takes off my shirt and wipes the cum off her face with it. "You're so hot." I whisper. "Let's take this back to my place." She whispers. I nod. I pull my pants back on which is really hard with my dick and we go back to her apartment. "My parents aren't home and Sweet Pea is with Fangs tonight, so we should be good." She whispers. "We just have to worry about the butler." She says. "Must suck being rich." I say quietly. "Funny." We go upstairs and go to her room. We make out for a few minutes and quickly strip off our clothes. She grabs the condom and puts it onto me. "I'm just gonna warn you, I tend to squirt." She whispers. I nod. "Ok. I've dealt with that in the past, it doesn't freak me out as much as it use to." I say quietly. I look down and slide into her soaking wet pussy. "Oh!" I thrust slowly. I pull her closer and thrust harder. She grips the back of the bed and moans loudly. "Oh!" I kiss her neck. "Do you want something more?" She ask bitting my ear. "Anything." I groan. "Get up." She whispers. I pull out and get off her. "Now sit on the edge of the bed." I do as told. She kneels down and sucks me off again. "Oh my god!"

I look over and see Veronica sound asleep. I put my shoes on and grab my shirt. I slowly walk to the door to leave her bedroom. "Going already?" She ask waking up. I look over. "I have to be up in the morning. My mom is forcing me to go to church with her." She nods. "I don't usually leave like this. I'm sorry." I apologize. "I usually wait until the morning." I add. "It's ok, just if we do this again tell me before just walking out." I nod. "Do you want me to turn off the light?" She nods. "Ok." I smile awkwardly. "Thanks for tonight it was nice." She whispers. "Anytime." I smile, I turn off the light and walk out of the apartment.


I walk over to Veronica at her locker. "How was the date? Is she a complete douche bag?" I ask quietly. "She's sweet!" She says quietly. "Did you guys sleep together?" She nods smiling. "And?" She looks at me. "You should find out yourself." She motioning over to Toni who's walking over to us. "Act natural!" She whispers. I stand up straight. "Hey! Veronica, Cheryl." Toni says smiling. "Saturday was great." She says quietly. "Maybe we should do that again." She adds. "Maybe, or you can talk to Cheryl and get a date with her." Veronica says. "What?" I say nervously. "What are you both doing tomorrow night?" She ask. I think for a second. "Exactly. You'll go on a date." She leaves before we can do or say more. Toni smiles. "I'm down. I'll pick you up around 6. That ok?" I nod not able to say anything. She smiles. "Cool." She walks away. I go chase after Veronica. "Why did you do that Veronica?!" I ask pissed. "You need some dick." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "No, I don't." She looks at me. "You haven't been on any dates with anyone since Heather. You need to move on!" She says quietly. I look at her. "It's too soon." I whisper. "It's been 3 months Cheryl! Come on! Just one date!" I sigh. "Fine! Only because you're literally giving me no other choice!"

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now