294: The One On The First Day Of School

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I shoot up in a panic. I try to catch my breath. I grab my phone and look at the time. "Shit!" I whisper noticing I have to be up on 20 minutes for school. I go to my contacts and call the school. "The number you're trying to reach right now is unavailable, please leave a message after the tone." I hear a beep. "Hi! I'm Jennifer Topaz, my daughter Antoinette won't be able to come into school today. Thank you." I say before hanging up and going back to sleep. I wake up to a pounding on my door. I get out of bed and go to the door. I open it and see Cheryl. "Where the hell were you it's the-." I stop her. "I couldn't go." I whisper. "Toni, it's the first day of school! Why not?" She ask quietly. "I couldn't sleep and then once I would sleep I would have a nightmare and it's been happening every night for the past week leading up to today." She looks at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She ask quietly. I nod. We go and sit down on the couch. "I do this every year before school begins. I just panic before school starts every year." I whisper. I look at Cheryl. "What happened to have this happened?" She ask concerned. I look down. "You're dad?" I nod. "He'd always being me to school. I also just have nightmares about teachers being dicks and not following my IEP." She nods. "We have the same teachers as last year Toni." I look at her. "Wait, really?" She nods. "Well, we have a new science teacher but he seems like he knows what he's doing and I don't think you'll have to worry much." She explains. I take a deep breath. "Are we in the same classes?" I ask her. "Only a few but I picked up your schedule and saw who you had." She says handing me my schedule. "Do you want me to stay over to make sure you get to school tomorrow?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Ok. Where's your mom?" She ask concerned. "I don't know. I went back to sleep after I called myself out." She looks at me. "I'm sorry! I sound just like her and honestly it's really hard to tell the difference over the phone! One time my aunt thought she was talking to my mom for almost 10 minutes once!" She rolls her eyes. "You called the home phone and thought you were talking to me once!" I add. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that." She whispers. "It's fine! I was literally about to come out to her and honestly you made my life a bit easier with that." I whisper.

I look at Cheryl who's working on some homework. "You ok?" She ask looking up. "Yeah. Just tired." I whisper. "You slept all day Toni." She whispers. "Ok? And?" I ask confused. "God! You're up my ass!" I say getting pissed. "Go outside for a bit and calm down!" She says quietly. I nod and go outside for a minute. I hear a door open and Cheryl sits next to me after a few minutes of me being outside. "I'm sorry for getting pissed so quickly." I whisper. "New record." She says quietly. I look at her confused. "Usually it takes some back and forth but you didn't even hesitate to pick a fight." I sigh in frustration. "I'm really sorry. I'm just stressed and I'm being a stereotype by getting my-." She stops me. "I know." She looks at me. "You shouldn't deal with this. I honestly have no control over my emotions sometimes." I whisper. "When you're not wired you can be very calm." She tells me. "Cheryl that's when I'm actually taking my meds or stoned out of my mind." I explain. "Have you been taking your meds?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, it's just really high stress right now. They forgot how to work." She nods. "Did you take something to-." I stop her. "Yeah like an hour ago." I say quietly. We hear a car door close. I look up and see my mom. "You weren't in school?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. She sighs. "You're going tomorrow right?" I nod. She kisses the top of my head. "Stop pretending to be me." She whispers before walking inside. "I'm tired." I say standing up. I reach my hand out and help Cheryl up.

I sit down on the bed. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Hey, it'll be ok." She whispers rubbing my back. I look at her. "I'm serious." She tells me. I lie down. She kisses my cheek. "I'll be there the whole time babe." I take a deep breath.

I sit down on the couch in the student lounge. "Look who decided to show up!" Veronica says walking in. "You owe me 3 bucks for the coffee I had to waste yesterday." She says handing me an iced coffee. "Yeah, I'll Venmo you." I whisper. She nods and sits down. I take a deep breath. I slowly drink my coffee.


I walk into the cafeteria and see Toni and Veronica talking. I go over to them and sit down. "You aren't getting lunch?" Toni ask concerned. "I don't have the same lunch as you, this is a free period for me." She nods. I show her my schedule. "Oh you already ate." I nod. "I thought you were going to be with me all day." She says quietly. "In spirit." She rolls her eyes. "I never clarified babe." I add. "So close Cher, so close." She whispers. "I'll see you in math." I say before kissing her cheek and leaving.

Idk what else to do for this one

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