261: The One At the Movie Theater

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It's 2015 in this one shortly after Star Wars the Force Awakens came out. You'll see why that's important


"Hi welcome to the Bijou how may I help you today?" I ask automatically. I look up and see a very pissed off man. "I want a refund!" He says immediately. "Why?" I ask. "Stormtroopers aren't supposed to be black!" I hold back laughing and try to stay professional. "And you want a refund because of that?" I ask confused. "Are you a fucking idiot? Do you see why I have a problem with that?" He ask pissed. "Have you looked at my skin color? You're talking to the wrong person man!" I say. "I'm black, I'm a woman and gay! I'm check all the boxes for you to hate me! Go talk to someone else about this!" I explain. He storms off. "Have a great day asshole!" I yell. Cheryl walks up to the counter. "Hey baby." I smile leaning over the counter a bit. "What was that?" She ask quietly. "Some racist mad about a character in the new Star Wars movie." I whisper. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Don't be he stormed off after asking for a refund. I said he was talking to the wrong person about someone's skin color but, you know." I shrug. "We aren't losing money if he doesn't come back." I whisper. "I'm just afraid he'll come back with a shot gun. His hat did have a confederate flag on it." I explain. "What do you want?" I ask changing the subject. "2 tickets for Daddy's Home." She says handing me her card. "Veronica still getting over Archie?" I ask. She nods. "This is her comfort movie right now." I nod. I print out the tickets, hand them to her and hand her a voucher. "Here's a voucher for free popcorn and a soda." I smile. She nods. "Thanks baby." She smiles. "I'll see you later." She kisses me. "Ew." We hear Veronica says quietly. "Come over after work?" I ask Cheryl. "M-my mom won't be home for a while." I say quietly. She nods. "I'll be home around 7." I say. "I'll be over at 8. Give you time to shower and not smell like popcorn." She says quietly. They both leave and I go back to work. I genuinely hate my job. The only good thing is Cheryl showing up almost every night with Veronica. And before you ask, they are just friends! They literally sit in that theater while Veronica cries watching a comedy and Cheryl subconsciously memorizes every word in the movie.

I look at Cheryl. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah. Just a headache." I whisper. "Have a bit of a headache because I have not had enough caffeine today!" I say quietly. She smiles a little. "Well, that's on you." I kiss her. My mom comes into my room. Cheryl and I both pull away and sit apart. "Mom! What- what are you doing home?" I ask nervously. "I got off work early." She says quietly. "What are you guys doing?" She ask smiling. "Just um... just hanging out!" I say quietly. She nods. "I just came in to tell you that I'm home, don't do anything stupid." She says before walking out. "I can't." I whisper knowing what Cheryl is about to say. "I've tried! Every time I go up to her to tell her, I can't and I end up asking her what we're doing for dinner." I explain. "I'm not ready." I whisper. "It's ok. Your mom just needs to tell you when she's coming home early from work." She says before pulling me into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. She looks at me and smiles. "I love you too baby." She says quietly. I kiss her. "Come out when you're ready. Just know, I would like to go to Prom with my girlfriend." She says quietly. I smile. "I want to go to prom with you too." She smiles. I look at her. "I know she'll be ok with it! My uncle is gay and they're still talking."

"Mom. Can we talk?" I ask her. She nods. I sit down on the couch in front of her. "What's up sweetheart?" She ask smiling. "I- I umm... I- I'm- I-." I stop. "I'm sorry. I wasted your time." I say getting up. "Toni... what's wrong?" She ask grabbing my arm gently. "Mom, I'm-." I stop again. "I can't." I say quietly. "Can I guess?" I nod. "Are you pregnant?" I shake my head. "No, that's a lot of work." I say quietly. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She ask. "Again, lot of work." She smiles a little. "Did dad reach out?" She ask me. "Yeah, but it's not it. I don't really care about that stuff anymore." I say quietly. "Is it you and Cheryl?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Are you guys fighting?" I shake my head. "Are you guys together?" She ask me. I nod and start to cry. "Hey!" She hugs me. "Are you gay?" I shake my head. "I'm bi." She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "It's ok! I love you no matter what sweetheart!" She says rubbing my back. "Why were you so scared to tell me?" She ask quietly. "I don't know. Probably to be dramatic or something." I say quietly. We both laugh a little. "How long have you known?" She ask. "A while, I just wasn't really ready to do or say anything about it." She nods. "I'm sorry." She holds the back of my head. "It's ok! I get it." She whispers. "I love you mom." I whisper. "I love you to baby." She whispers. "How long have you wanted to tell me?" She ask quietly. "A while." She nods. "How long have you and Cheryl been together?" She ask me. "A year almost." I say quietly. "We've been moving slowly." I add. "It's nice." I whisper. "I don't have emotional whiplash. We just go when we just move when we're ready and stop when we aren't." I explain. "I'm afraid to ask." I shake my head. "We haven't. Neither of us are ready." I whisper. She nods. "Just come to me if you're going to, I just want to know that you are safe and that you are ok with it." I nod. "What if it just happens? Like in the moment?" I ask quietly. "Then come to after when you're ready." She says quietly. I nod. She kisses the top of my head. "Can we stop hugging? It's weird now." She smiles and pulls away. "You love her?" She ask. "More than everything."

I walk into the student lounge. "Someone's happy!" Cheryl says as I sit on her lap and rap my arms around her. "I came out to my mom!" I say quietly. "And how did it go?" She ask. "Good! She kinda came out for me because I literally could not get the words out of my mouth until she did." I whisper. She moves some hair out of my face. "But she knows and you aren't living with me so everything is ok." She says quietly. "And I don't mean that if you were living with me everything wouldn't-." I stop her. "I know what you mean." I say before kissing her. I smile a bit. "Speaking of my house, do you want to come over tonight?" She ask quietly. "I have a late shift tonight. But definitely tomorrow." I say quietly. "Ok." She smiles kissing me. "See? This is how a relationship should be!" Veronica says sitting down on one of the chairs at the table. "Communication and lack of cheating." She says quietly. I smile a little. "Also why are you so happy?" She ask quietly. "I came out to my mom last night!" I say quietly. "Oh! That's- that's good! Clearly it went well!" She says quietly. Cheryl kisses my cheek. "I love you." She whispers. I smile. "I love you too baby."

Cheryl kisses me. "Are you ready?" She ask quietly. "I think so." She looks at me. "Yes or no." She says quietly. "For now yes." She nods. "Stop me if you need to." She says quietly. "Same for you." We kiss. She smiles. "What?" I ask smiling. "Nothing, straddle me? It's kinda hot." I smile and do so. She kisses me. "Can I?" She ask motioning to my shirt. I nod.

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