276: The One With The Tension

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I look at Cheryl as she walks out of the bathroom. "What's wrong?" She ask sitting on the bed. "What if she doesn't like me?" I ask her. She looks at me. "Toni, I've talked to Rose about you, and she didn't hate my last girlfriend." I look at her. "Last?" She nods. "Yeah, I was in a relationship before you!" She says smiling. "And you're not worried that Rose is gonna hate me because of it?" I ask her. "Trust me, she won't. She's actually really excited to meet you." She tells me. I lie back and look at the celling. "You sure?" I ask quietly. "Toni, trust me when I say this, she will like you because you are both two of the nicest people I have ever met and even if she doesn't like you immediately she will grow to like you, because she does that with everyone! She will at least give you a chance!" Cheryl explains. "Trust me." She whispers. "Why are you so worried?" She ask concerned. "I hated my stepdad for the longest time, I don't want Rose to go through the same thing. I didn't realize until my mom died that he was actually a decent guy! I still don't really like him, but I have a level of respect for him and I'll talk to him when he wants if I'm not busy, but I thought he was a horrible person because he was trying to replace my dad!" I explain to her. "He wasn't. Like at all the more I look back! He literally was the opposite of my dad, both in a good way." I tell her. "Why did your parents divorce?" She ask quietly. "Oh! They got married young and then realized something wasn't right so instead of getting a divorce they had me thinking everything would be ok! It wasn't so before it got really bad they got a divorce and were surprisingly civil about it." She nods. "You really trust us?" I ask her. "We've been together for a little bit over a year. I'm honestly not worried about it." She tells me. "When are we meeting up again?" I ask quietly. "6, she has soccer practice after school until about 5:30. She needs to shower and get her shit together." I nod. "Also you're not a raging alcoholic so my bar is kinda low." She says quietly. I look at her. "Sorry." She says awkwardly. I shrug. "It's ok." I tell her.

I look at Rose. "So you're Mom's girlfriend?" She ask quietly. I nod. She nods. "You're older then I thought you were." I say quietly. "I didn't mean that to be rude! I thought you were like 13." I tell her honestly. "No, I'm 15." I nod. "Yeah." She nods. I look at her. "You really care about her." She says quietly. I nod. "Yeah. Your mom is amazing." I tell her. "Do you have any kids?" She ask me. "No, I don't." I say drinking my coffee. "Do you want kids?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "This is a trap, because if I say no, you're gonna get offended and if I say yes you're gonna think I'm moving to fast with your mom." I tell her. She smiles. "You're good. I like you." I smile a little. "Unless you're an asshole or something." I shake my head. "No, that's a lot of effort." I say quietly. She nods. "I just want to make it clear that I don't want you to hate me. I get what it's like to have a parent have a new relationship, I hated my step father for the longest time. I still don't really like him but I'll show up to Christmas dinner! It's mostly for my brother." I explain to her. "How old is your brother?" She ask quietly. "He's 16." I tell her.  "Does he go to school at Riverdale High?" She ask quietly. "Ah! No. My step father is loaded and my brother is at some fancy boarding school." I tell her. She nods. "Did you go there?" I shake my head. "No! I just went to Southside High." I whisper. "What do you do?" She ask quietly. "I work at Andrews Construction. I work on the financial stuff. It's really boring." I tell her. "Do you love her?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Does she love you?" She ask. "I think so, she keeps telling me she does and she trust me enough to introduce me to you!" I say quietly. She nods.

"Well?" Cheryl ask smiling. I smile. "She's cool." I say quietly. She smiles. "She doesn't hate you either." I nod. "Cool." I smile. "Ah! What now?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "I think we should still take it slow with her, now that you are in her life doesn't mean that you have to be here all the time, that would be pretty drastic even for her." I nod. "Yeah! I get it. Does that mean we still have my place to ourselves?" I pulling her closer. "Oh yeah!" She smiles and I kiss her. "I love you." I whisper. She cups my cheeks. "I love you too baby." I smile. "Can I ask you something?" She nods. "Why were you in the bathroom for so long?" I ask confused. "I knew that you guys weren't really gonna budge if I sat there." I nod. "Good thinking." I smile.

It's been a few months and Rose and I are friendly. Which is good. "What are you doing here?" Rose ask as she walks into the kitchen. "I was told that I need to drop you off at school. I really don't know, Cheryl kinda ran out the door this morning." I tell her. "I don't have school today, it's a teacher development day, I just have to be dropped off at the school for practice." I nod. "I'm sorry if this is weird." I say quietly. She shrugs. "I've known you long enough." I nod. "Cool." I say quietly. "When do you have practice?" I ask her. "In an hour. We'll leave in 20 minutes because I have to be there early to help get ready." She says smiling. "Ok!" I nod. "I'll be here." She nods. "How did you not notice I was here all day?" She ask confused. "Oh! I just woke up about 10 minutes ago. Cheryl said to drop you off at school and honestly I wasn't conscious enough to process what she said until I woke up freaking out! Then realized you either already went or I was supposed to pick you up!" I explain. "You are so used to not having to deal with children!" She says smiling. "Oh yeah! This isn't my thing! I'm trying though! So I deserve a 'you tried' sticker." She smiles. "I think mom still has some of those from when I was potty training so I can give you one." She says sarcastically. "So sweet!" I say sarcastically back to her. "Go get ready!" She nods and runs upstairs.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now