259: The One With The Revenge

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The timeline doesn't really line up but whatever it's a stupid fan fic


I walk up to the lunch lady to buy my lunch. "You need a milk." She says. "I got water instead." I say quietly. "You need a milk!" She says getting annoyed. "I'm lactose intolerant and I really don't feel like spending the rest of the day shitting my brains out!" I say pissed. "I don't care grab a milk." She says quietly. I groan and grab one. I start to walk away but turn around. "It's a waste of food bitch!" I yell. She turns around. "I hope you know that!" I say before walking to the table that Cheryl is sitting at. "What was that?" She ask quietly. "That bitch keeps trying to make me pay for milk I can't drink!" I yell the last part at the lunch lady. Cheryl grabs my arms. "Calm down!" She says. I grab the milk. "No!" She takes it out of my hand. "You're not throwing that at her!" She says making me sit down. "Ms. Topaz! Can I speak to you in my office?" Weatherbee ask coming up to us. "Why?" I ask. "You know why!" He says. I nod and grab my bag.

"You've been very angry lately." Cheryl says quietly. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "I don't want to talk about it right now." I whisper. "Is Maria ok?" She ask concerned. "Yeah! She's fine!" I say quietly. "Like I said before. The woman who killed my parents got out of jail and is back in town. She got out early because her good behavior. I don't know what to do." I explain. "Also, why is the school giving us milk with our chicken nuggets? It's not even worth the aftermath for me!" I ask annoyed. "Because U.S doesn't know how to feed kids." She says quietly. "If you have such a problem with it, go in front of the school board." She says quietly. I look at her. "I can do that?" I ask quietly. "If you get enough people to back you on this. Probably." She whispers. "Will you help?" She nods. "Cool." I smile. She takes my hand and we go outside to the car. "Do you think I'm missing out?" I ask quietly. "Because of Maria?" She ask to clarify. I nod. "Maybe, but you don't seem like someone who wants to join the cheerleading squad. So I don't know." She says quietly. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Betty asked if I wanted to join the blue and gold and I had to turn it down." I tell her. "To take care of Maria." I whisper. "You know I can help with finding someone to watch her so you can have a life." She whispers. I look at her. "Or, crazy concept, you let her see her father." I close my locker. "He's abusive and doesn't want anything to do with her." I whisper. "Trust me, I've tried."

I knock on the window and motion for the window to go down. "You're not Kevin." The Woman says quietly. "No, Penny, we've haven't formally met yet I'm Toni Topaz, you killed my parents and I came here to talk." I explain. She looks at me. "Jane and Samuel Topaz? Remember them?" I ask smiling sarcastically. "It's time I get revenge." I say grabbing her caller. "What are you going to do to me?" She ask smiling. I forcefully pull her out of the car and throw her on the ground. It was easy because she's an idiot and doesn't wear her seatbelt. I put my foot on her chest and press hard. I pull out my pocket knife. "Why did you do it?" I ask quietly. "Huh?" I get close to her face. "Because they're not supposed to be together." She whispers barely able to breathe. "Why?" I ask poking my knife into her cheek. "I'll show you." She whispers. She pulls her sleeve up. I look at her arm. "You fucking Nazi!" I whisper. I grab her arm and cut her tattoo off her arm. She spits in my face. I punch her in the face. "Nigger!" She yell. I don't what got into me but I punch her until I can't feel my knuckles anymore. "You have no right using that word!" I say quietly. "You killed my parents and let me live! Why?" I ask. "Because I knew you would want revenge. I knew you would hunt me down and try to kill me." She says smiling. I get off her. She smiles. I know what she's doing, she's making me believe that I'm doing her a favor by killing her then she tries to kill me. I look down at her and stab her in the stomach. She gasp for air. I twist. "I know what you're doing here." I whisper. "You think telling me that was gonna make me realize what I was doing. I've watched enough movies to know that isn't true." I explain and pull out the knife. "This was my dad's knife. You killed him with it, kinda fitting that I kill you with it too." I tell her. I watch the light from her eyes leave her. "Fuck you!" I whisper. I pick up her body, go the edge of the cliff and throw her body off and watch it fall into the water. "My daughter will never know her grandparents and it's your fault." I whisper. I get on my bike and drive home. I go to the trailer and walk in. "Mommy!" Maria says running over to me. I pick her up. "Hey Sweetheart." I whisper. I look at Cheryl. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her." I whisper putting Maria down. "Where did you go?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Honestly." She whispers. "I went to see my parents." I whisper. She looks at me. "Toni, please say you didn't do anything stupid?" I shake my head. "No!" I lie.

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