254: The One With The Baby Gate

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Idk what this is!


I look at Cheryl as she walks out of Jason's room. "What are we gonna do?" I ask quietly. "It wouldn't hurt to send him to therapy." She says quietly. "Yeah, I guess." I notice something is in the corner of my eye. I look at the stairs. "Did you put up the baby gate already?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She nods. "Why? The damn baby hasn't even been born yet! We still have 5 more months!" I say quietly. "Yeah but, Jason almost fell down the stairs last night because he wasn't fully awake and kinda stumbled out of bed to go to the bathroom." She explains. "Oh!" I nod. "Wait how did-." She stops me. "He made a really loud crash that woke me up." I nod again. "You'd know that if you didn't accidentally fall asleep at Sweet Pea's." She says quietly. "See what you did there!" I smile. "I should go to work." I say realizing it's getting late. "Go teach those kids!" She says smiling. "Shut up." I say smiling and going downstairs.

Cheryl walks into my classroom. "I came to drop off you lunch, you forgot it." She says putting it on my desk. "Thanks baby." I smile. She looks around. "There's not much on the walls." She says quietly. "Yeah, we aren't really allowed to put anything up unless it's important." I say standing up from my desk. She looks at me confused. "It's to distracting for the kids." I explain. She nods. "I forget this school is for kids with Dyslexia." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "That explains your desk too." I look over. "No, I don't like a lot of stuff on my desk, kids come up and touch stuff. Also I've only been teaching here for a few weeks." I explain. "I do have these though." I say grabbing 2 picture frames one of the family and the other one of a sonogram. She smiles. "Our baby girl." She says quietly. "Are you sure we should be boasting about all of this? Something could go wrong." She ask. "Cheryl you put up the baby gate already!" I say quietly. "That was more for Jason honestly." I smile a little. "I'm worried about him." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I think he's just stressed. He does this when he gets stressed. He'll be ok." I say quietly. "If not, we'll do something but I think we need to give it more time, like a month then we will have him talk to someone or something." I tell her. "Ok?" I ask moving some hair out of her face. She nods. "He's just getting close to-." I stop her. "I know, I'll make sure nothing happens to him." I promise her. I hear a knock on the door. I look over and see one of my kids. "Hey! What's up Tommy?" I ask quietly. "I came to turn this in. I'm sorry I didn't get it in sooner." He hands handing me a packet. "It's perfectly fine!" I say quietly. "Just don't make this a regular thing." I tell him. He nods and leaves. I look at Cheryl. "Welcome to my job!" I say smiling. "Do you like it here?" She ask quietly. "Yeah actually! It's a nice change." I tell her. I look at the clock. "I have a class in 15 minutes that I need to get ready for." I say quietly. "You're kicking me out!" I nod. "Yeah, I don't feel like getting fired. And I'll make it up to you, I talked to one of Jason's friends yesterday because she came to drop off some of his work and she's gonna go out and see a movie with him just to get him out of the house for a bit tonight, when I get home and he's gone, we can do whatever you want." I explain to her. "Anything?" I nod. "Within reason Cheryl!" I say quietly. "So just our regular stuff?" She ask. "If that's what you want." I say quietly. "Yeah." She says kissing me.

I walk into the kitchen. "Jason still hasn't gotten out of bed." Cheryl says quietly. "Also I picked up some pizza hoping it would cheer up Jason and he just groaned at me." She says quietly. I grab a piece and eat it. "This is after he didn't sleep for almost a week. Right?" She nods. "Do you think it's bipolar?" I ask. "Maybe, we should talk to a someone. I don't want something bad to happen to him." I nod. "I know." I say quietly. "Do you think I'm being a little paranoid?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "I don't know, I've never lost a brother the way you did. I don't know how you should be acting. I just don't want you to put him in a protective bubble until he's 18 and hates us for it." I say putting my hand on her shoulders. "He's gonna be ok. I don't want to kill him, I hope you don't!" She laughs a little. "I don't think we have to worry about anything happening to him, we might have to worry about himself though. He's not the most emotionally stable." I say quietly.

"He doesn't have Bipolar." The therapist says quietly. Cheryl and I sigh in relief. "But he is depressed and I believe he has insomnia." She tells us. "Also, I believe his depression though, is a seasonal disorder. I think he just needs some therapy and we'll see how he's doing then." She explains. I look at Cheryl. "We can do that." She nods. "What about the insomnia?" I ask quietly. "Well, there's a sleep study we need to do, but until you are able to book an appointment, I would just let him do his normal stuff." I nod. "Ok! We can do that. When can we book an appointment?" I ask. "This Saturday night." We nod. "Ok." Cheryl and the therapist talk for a minute. I look at her name plaque and around her room. "Dr. Johnson." I whisper to myself. I look up. "Can I ask you something completely off topic?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Do you have a son?" I ask. "Named Samual?" She nods confused. "I teach at Winston Prep. Sammy is in my 6 period class." I say smiling a bit. "Oh! Really?" I nod. "Great kid! Quiet! But great kid! He gets his work done and ask for help when he needs it!"

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