354: The One in the Waiting Room

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I grind against Toni as we make out. We're all over each other. I'm sitting on her lap with my legs wrapped around her. This isn't one of those times where we're being horny and ripping our clothes off and having sex just to release some tension! This is 2 adults, actually making love. It doesn't help that it's valentines day and we are a little drunk. She moans quietly. I pull away and unbutton her shirt. I stare at her abs as she takes her shirt off and throws it to the side. I kiss her neck and slowly move down her chest as she starts to unhook my bra. I sit up and finish taking my bra off. She kisses by breast slowly. She looks up at me in awe. "I love you." She whispers pulling away. I pull her into as kiss. "I love you too baby." I tell her. I kiss her again. We fight for dominance as we make out. I move my hands up her stomach and to her back not breaking our kiss. I moan quietly as she grabs one of my breast. I feel her hand move down my body down into my underwear. I look at as I moan quietly. I slowly reach my hand down and into her underwear. With her free hand she pulls me into a kiss as we both start to finger each other. We both moan in each other's mouth as our pace picks up. We pull away from each other as one of our phones ring. "Is that you or me?" She ask looking at me, we both snap out of the trance we were in. I look over at the night stand where both our phones are. I see her phone lighting up. "You." I tell her. She leans back and grabs her phone. It's so hot how she does that. "It's my dad." She says nervously. She picks it up. "Dad what's wrong?" She ask concerned. I watch Toni's face as she listens to her dad. "What?" She ask concerned. "Dad slow down." She says grabbing her shirt. "She what?" She ask in shock. "Where are you?" She ask concerned. "When can you get home?" She ask.  "Ok, we'll be there." She says before hanging up. "What's wrong?" I ask getting off her. "My dad got a call saying my mom was just in a car accident. He's out of town and can't get home until tomorrow afternoon." She says quietly. "Let's go to the hospital." I tell her grabbing my clothes.

I hand Toni a cup of tea. "Thanks." She whispers. I sit down next to her. "Any news?" She shakes her head. She takes one sip of the tea before looking at it weird. "This is yours." She says handing it to me. "Sorry. I put the tops on and then I had to put them down for a second. I thought I had the coffee." I says quietly. "It's ok." She says quietly. I give her my cup. I take a sip of the one she just handed me. "Yeah! That's definitely coffee." I whisper. "How do you drink that black?" She ask quietly. "I need to caffeine but I don't want to put effort into it." She nods. "You know they make energy drinks right?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, I tried those, my heart started racing like crazy because I wasn't used to that much caffeine. I don't need to do that again." She nods. "Also Red-bull taste like battery acid. How the hell do you drink those?" I ask concerned. "The same way you drink black coffee." She says quietly. "There's ones that are tolerable taste wise." I say quietly. "You can add cream and sugar to your coffee but here we are!" She tells me. "Says the woman you drinks leaf water." She looks at me. "Shut up." She smiles. We get quiet for a minute and the mood drops as we remember where we are and why. "Oh fuck!" She gasps placing her hand on her mouth in shock. I move some hair out her face. She sits back in her chair and struggles to keep it together. I rub her back. "Toni..." I whisper. She shakes her head. "I need some fresh air." She says standing up and walking out of the waiting room. I give her a few minutes to have a moment and then go out and get her. This is not how I planned on spending my Valentines day.


I run out the waiting room and go outside. I collapse against a wall and cry. Cry is an understatement, I'm sobbing. A few minutes later Cheryl walks out. I feel one of her hands on my back and one on my knee. "Honey, look at me." She says moving her hands to my cheeks. I slowly look up at her. "Your mom is gonna be ok. She's strong." She tells me. "You don't know that." I tell her. "She'll be ok." She says quietly. She helps me up and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry Sweetheart." She whispers rubbing my back. "You want to go back inside?" She wiping my tears as I calm down a little. I nod. She nods. I wrap my arms around her arm and we walk in. We go back to where we were sitting and sit down I'm able to calm down a bit more and slowly doze off. I jolt awake. Some time has passed since there's different people sitting in front of me. "What time is it?" I ask panicking. I look around and see Cheryl sitting next to me which calms me down a little bit. "It's 3 am."She whispers. "Anything?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "I'm sorry Honey." She whispers. I sit back in my chair. "She's been in surgery for 5 hours!" I say pissed. "7." She corrects me. I sit up. "Oh that makes it so much better!" I say angrier than I would have liked to say to her. I sit back again. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I didn't mean to raise my voice like that. Especially at you." Cheryl and I try to get yell at each other, if we have a problem we calmly have a conversation. But my emotions are all over the place right now, I can't keep myself in check. "Take a deep breath." She tells me. I nod and do so. It doesn't really help, but whatever. I look at her and reach my hand out. She takes it and squeezes it. I hold back tears. "It's ok to cry." She whispers. I immediately start crying. She rubs my back. I look at her. "I don't know what I'm gonna do if something bad happens." I tell her. "Let's hope it doesn't come down to that." She whispers. I nod and lie into her. "I need you." I tell her. "I'm not going anywhere." She tells me. "Well, maybe the bathroom. But you were asleep I wasn't to worried." She tells me. I look at her. "I'm sorry." She says awkwardly. A few minutes later a doctor walks out and comes over to us. I stand up immediately. "Your mother is out of surgery." He tells me. "How is she?" I ask him. "She's in a medically induced coma." He says quietly. "How long do you think she'll be in it?" I ask quietly. "Depends." Cheryl takes my hand and rubs my back. "She's gonna be like this for a few days maybe a bit longer. She broke her left leg and arm. Her jaw was broken completely, she broke a few ribs and there was some internal bleeding that we were able to stop. She punctured her left lung and she may never walk again." I sit down in shock. "Who did this?" I ask her. "Some drunk driver who died on the way to the hospital. Surprisingly he was in worse condition." He explains. "When can I see her?" I ask quietly. "Soon, we need to run a few test and then you can see her." I nod. The doctor walks away. I look at Cheryl. "She's alive." She says kneeling down in front of me. "Sometimes I wonder if the condition some one is in is worse than death." I say quietly. "Sometimes. But let's hope that doesn't happen." She tells me. "I should call my dad." She nods. "Go do that." I pull out my phone. "It's dead." I say quietly. She looks at her phone. "Same." I take a deep breath. "There's a charging station over by the vending machines." I woman says quietly. "Thank you." I go over to it and charge my phone.

I close the car door and look at Cheryl as she hands me the keys. It's 7 am, we were able to go home and get some rest. My dad got to the hospital an hour ago."Thanks for distracting me earlier. That was nice." I say awkwardly. "Toni, I know this all really scary right now. I know how easy it is for you to get distracted so I ran with it." She explains. "Did you switch our drinks on purpose?" I ask quietly. "Oh no! That was an accident." She tells me. I nod. "You feeling better?" She ask quietly. I nod. We walk into the house. "Last night was great until we got interrupted." I say putting my keys down on the table by the door. I take off my jacket and hang it up. I look at Cheryl. "Shoes." She says quietly. I look down and take them off. "We should get some rest and then go back around visiting hours." She says quietly. I nod.

I look at Cheryl as she hands me a cup. "It's tea this time right?" She smiles and nods. "I didn't get anything so unless I am Coffee Jesus, it's tea." She says quietly. I nod. "Fair enough." I whisper. "Where's your dad?" She ask quietly. "Talking to the doctor." I say quietly. "Any news?" I shake my head. "She hasn't woken up yet." I whisper. "It's been 3 days." She nods. "The doctor said that she'll be like this for a while." She says rubbing my back. We hear the door open. I look over and see dad. "Hey dad." I smile a little. "Anything?" He shakes his head. "No, we just need to sit down and wait at this point." He tells me. "She's gonna be ok right?" I ask him. "I don't know Kiddo." He tells me honestly. I look at mom. I take a deep breath. "It's gonna be a long and hard recovery process." I nod. "I know."

I look at my mom, it's been a week since the accident. She's finally awake. Still out of it, but awake. She can't talk because her jaw is wired shut and she can't write because her left arm is broken and that's the hand she writes with. We gave her an iPad to type on since you can do that with both hands. She picks it up and types something. She slowly moves it to show me. "When are you and-." I stop myself. "We aren't having children anytime soon mom." I tell her. She looks at me confused and types again. She shows me the iPad. "We don't want them mom." She nods. "We like having freedom." I tell her.

3 months later

My mom has been out of the hospital for a while. She's finally able to talk which is nice, but apparently my dad is getting annoyed because she's telling him things she couldn't when her jaw was wired shut. She's has to relearn how to walk but she's not really able to walk anyways since she just got out of a cast. "Your mom keeps asking about children." Cheryl says walking into the kitchen. I look at her. "You too?" I ask quietly. "Do you want kids?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I tell her honestly. "I don't think I'm ready." I say quietly. She nods. "We've been married for 3 years now. I know a lot of people have a child by now." She says quietly. "Do you want kids?" I ask quietly. "Like are we actually ready for something like that?" I ask her. "I don't know." She says quietly. "We're still young Cheryl, we don't have to have a kid tomorrow!" I say walking over to her. "We don't have to do this right now if neither of us are sure that we're ready." I tell her. "I don't hate that." I nod. "I know I'll want kids but I don't think we're ready." She says quietly. She kisses me. "How's she doing?" I ask quietly. "She's fine. I think she needs to go to the bathroom and I'm sorry, I love your mother but she's not mine so hell no." I smile. "I'll go help her."

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