229: The One With The Death

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I walk into the trailer and see FP. "Where is she?" He motions over to the living room. I go over to her and sit in front of her. I cup her cheeks. "Toni.." I whisper. She doesn't respond. "Come on! Let's go home!" I say quietly. I help her up and we slowly go to my car. I help her in and close the door. "What happened?" I ask FP. He shrugs. "I came home from work and saw a bunch of commotion happening over at Toni's trailer and went over. What I got from the police is that Toni's mother had overdosed on heroin, there was no saving her." He explains. "I brought her over to my place and called you, because as much as I care about Toni, I can't stay with her all night and I know she's most comfortable with you." He tells me. I look over at Toni. "Try to get her in the shower or something. Also get some food inside her." I nod and get into the car. I drive off. I pull into my driveway and look at Toni. She's still clearly in a state of shock. I get out and help her out. "Toni says something." I whisper. She turns away and throws up. I rub her back. "Come on let's get you inside." I say quietly. We go inside. "She's gone." She whispers. I look at her. "I know. It's ok." I whisper. "Let's get you in the bath." I say as we go upstairs. I sit her on the bed in my room and get the bath ready. After a few minutes I help Toni into the bathroom. Luckily I have one in my room so it's easier to get to get her in. I slowly take off her clothes and get her in the bath. I grab a loofah, get it wet and put soap on it. I rub Toni's back with it while she just sits in the bath quietly. The only noise is the water and our breathing. You could hear a pin drop and honestly I hate it. Toni isn't a quiet person. "Do you want some music?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "Do you want something to eat?" She shakes her head again. "How about a movie?" I ask quietly. "No." She whispers. I take a deep breath and finish washing her. I help her out and dry her off. I kiss her cheek. "All clean." I smile. She looks at me. "She's gone." I nod. "It's ok." I whisper. "I could have done something." She says quietly. "Toni..." I cup her cheeks. She turns to the sink and throws up. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "It's ok."

Sweet Pea walks into the bedroom. "She barely moved in 2 days." I tell him. "This isn't just her mother." He says. "It can't be." He adds. I look at him. "Give it a few more days. I don't know what else to do yet. Just keep her away from anything she can hurt herself with." He says quietly. "When was the last time she ate?" He ask quietly. "A few hours ago. She can't keep anything down though." I say quietly. "Why?"
I shrug. "She's been throwing up since we got home." He sighs. "Probably finding her mom. I can even imagine what's going through her head." He says quietly. "I can only get her to eat slices of apples." He shrugs. "At least it's something healthy." He says quietly. "Yeah, but I'm running out." He nods. "Fair enough."

I rub Toni's back. "One more." I whisper. She slowly takes another apple slice and eats it. "Sweet Pea was by earlier." She looks at me. I can see her start to retch, I quickly grab the bucket and let her throw up. "Let's go brush your teeth." I say getting up. "Go brush your teeth I'll clean this out." I tell her.

Toni slowly walks downstairs. "Look who's up!" I say smiling. She comes over to the couch and lies down next to me, putting her head in my lap. She doesn't do or say anything she just lies there and watches tv with me. I rub her arm the whole time. "It's getting late." I say quietly. She moans quietly lying further into me. Not sexually she just doesn't feel like moving. I sigh. "Toni, come on. It's been 2 hours." I tell her. She sits up. "I have to plan the funeral." She says quietly. "Talk to FP, if it's to hard." I whisper moving hair out of her face. "No, I- I have to." She says getting up. "Can't you do this in the morning?" I ask quietly. "No. I need to do it now." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "Do you need me to help?" She shrugs. "Do you want me to stay up with you?" I ask. She nods a little. "Ok." I whisper.


I sit down in the student lounge with Betty and Cheryl. "Hey, where's Toni?" I ask concerned. She looks at me. "What?" She ask completely spaced out. "Where's Toni?" I ask again. "At home." I say quietly. "Why?" I ask. "Her mom died." She whispers. "She's barely gotten out of bed until last night where she thought it would be a good idea to stay up all night and play her funeral." She explains. "You didn't sleep last night did you?" She shakes her head. "None." She whispers. "Do you want to go take a nap in the Blue and Gold?" Betty ask concerned. "That would be nice." Cheryl says quietly.

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