288: The One Where They Can't Decide on a Name

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I walk into the hospital room. "How is he?" Cheryl ask quietly. "He's in the NICU, he's doing ok. We'll be able to have him by tomorrow morning." I tell her. She nods. "You just need to rest." I whisper. "We all do." I say stroking her hair. "Yeah." I nod and kiss her head. "I love you sweetheart." I whisper. "What about Betty and Veronica?" She ask quietly. "I told them what was going on and told them to come back tomorrow at some point, I don't think they listened to me though." She laughs a little but stops when she winces. "Hey, be careful." I whisper. She nods.

I walk into the waiting room and see Veronica and Betty. "Please say you didn't stay here all night?" I ask them. "No..." I look at them. "We took shifts, but we did get sleep." I sigh. "Whatever." I say quietly. "How are they?" Betty ask concerned. "Cheryl's good, but we still haven't heard much on the baby." I tell them. "Have you guys still not come up with a name?" She ask quietly. "Nope! Cheryl was to worried to think about it and before he was born every time we would talk about it I would end up sleeping on the couch, so after we found out it was a boy and we fought a few more times we gave up." I explain. "That's sad." Veronica says quietly. I nod. "I know but it's out of my control sometimes." I tell her.

I look at the nurse. "You son is ok, we still want to keep an eye on him for a bit longer but he's going to be fine, we just need to make sure that actually happens." She explains. I nod. "When can we hold him?" I ask quietly. "Well, if Cheryl's up to it, she can come down and at least see him. He's still weak and we need to keep the place clean, so he doesn't pick up anything." I nod. "Thank you." I whisper. She nods. "Of course."

Cheryl and I look at our son. "He's so small." Cheryl whispers. I smile. "Yeah, he was born 3 weeks before he was supposed to be." I whisper. She looks at me. "What? He's premature! It's a statement of fact!" I tell her. "Yeah." She smiles. "He's cute." She whispers. "He has your face." I whisper. She looks at him for a minute. "You think?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I nod. "I don't see it." She says quietly. "Of course you don't." I smile. "It's hard to when it's your own face." I tell her. "My mom doesn't believe I look anything like her, when in reality I'm a spitting image of her." I whisper. "You really are." She smiles. "Except personality wise you are your father." I look at her. "Shit! I never called my parents to tell them." I say panicking. "Call them when we get back. The only reasons Betty and Veronica know is because they were with us. Don't freak out." She says quietly. "I have to call them now." I say quietly. I walk out into the waiting room and call my parents. I wait for them to pick up but they don't. "I already called Fangs who called your parents." Veronica says not looking up from her magazine. I look at her. She looks up and smiles. "Your parents are in Maine right now, they're driving back as we speak." I sigh. "I forgot that was this weekend." I whisper. "Wait, where the fuck is Fangs?" I ask pissed. "California with Kevin remember?" I groan. "Of all weekends to have a child and I'm stuck with you and Betty, is anyone else we know in town?" I ask quietly. "No, it's spring break and you and Cheryl are the last of us to have a child, while everyone else is on vacation with their kids." I look at her. "You and Betty aren't." I say annoyed. "Archie took Freddie up to Tennessee to see a Nascar race in person and I'm sorry but I have no interest in that. Jughead took Liam to Washington D.C." Veronica explains. "Betty just left to meet them there. Because she had work and was gonna go and meet them until Cheryl ended up here." She adds. I nod. "I'll give you this argument." I say quietly. Cheryl walks out of the NICU. "Ready to head back?" She nods and we all go upstairs. "You hear from your parents?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, they're coming back from Maine." I say quietly. "That was this weekend?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Damn." She says quietly. "We need a name." I whisper. She nods. "Not today."

I look at our son. It's been a few days and we're finally able to hold him and actually be with him. I smile realizing that he has my eyes. "Nathan." I whisper. "No!" Cheryl says storming out of the bathroom. "Yes!" I say quietly. "Charlie!" She says quietly. "No!" I say. "Yes!" I groan. "This kid is never getting a name is he?" I ask quietly. "Of course not. That would be to easy." She says quietly. There's a knock on the door. We look over and see my mom. She smiles. "Need to see my grandson!" She says walking in. "Does he have a name?" She ask quietly. I look at Cheryl. "N-no." She says quietly. "What did you suggest?" Mom ask me quietly. "Nathan." I say quietly. "You?" She ask Cheryl. "Charlie." Cheryl says quietly. "No." Mom says quietly. "Definitely not Charlie! Maybe Nathan as a middle name." She explains. "His middle name is Jason." Cheryl and I both say. Mom nods. "I know I have a bit of a Bias but, I think you should name him Nathan and just call him Nate." She says quietly. I look at Cheryl. "2 against 1." I say quietly. She sighs. "That's not how something like this works." She says quietly. "But, it does work and I only said no to piss you off." She says almost embarrassed by it. I smile. "I'll take it." I say quietly.

I look at Cheryl. "You ok?" I ask her. She looks at me. "Toni, I don't think I can go through having a kid again." She whispers. I nod. "Ok, what do you want to do then?" I ask her. "I would like to get a hysterectomy." She says quietly. "You sure? What if we want another kid?" I ask quietly. "I don't want to have it and I don't want to deal with the risk of getting pregnant anymore." I nod. "We'll find another way." She whispers. "It's your body." I tell her. "I want you to have a say though." She says quietly. "Cheryl, there's other options for us! You know your body better than I do, if feel like it can't handle having another kid physically, you need to listen and do what you think is the right option!" I explain. She nods. I rub her cheek. "This is your choice." I whisper. She nods. "I'm here no matter what." I tell her. "Really?" I nod. "Forever and always." I whisper, taking her hands. She pulls me into a kiss. "We should talk about this more though." I look at her. "Not because I don't want this, I just think we need to talk to our doctor and all that to just get an idea if you really want to go through this or not." She smiles. "Well, yeah!" I smile.

6 months later

Cheryl rides me. "Oh!" She moans quietly. She wraps her arms around me. I kiss her neck. "I'm gonna cum." She whispers. I flip us over and thrust harder. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. I thrust a few more times until we hear crying. We both groan. "It was fun while it lasted." I whisper. "He's probably just hungry." She says getting up, grabbing clothes, putting them on and walking out. I take a deep breath and put some clothes on. I walk out of the bedroom and go to Nate's room. "You want coffee?" I ask quietly. "Not really but if you're making some I'll have some." Cheryl says sitting down on the chair in his room. "Ok." I nod. I pull her into a kiss. "I'll go make some, if you don't drink it we'll just have more iced coffee." I tell her.

I feel Cheryl wrap her arms around me. "Nate's back down." She whispers. "Yeah?" I ask smiling. She nods. "Good for him." I say quietly. "Toni!" I look at her. "Maybe tonight." I whisper. "I'm not really in the mood right now." I say quietly. She nods. "But maybe tonight?" She ask. I nod. "Ok." She smiles. We hear crying. "See? We wouldn't have even gotten up the stairs!" I say quietly. "I'll go see what's up." I say before going upstairs. I walk into Nate's room. "Hey bud." I whisper. I pick him up. He stops crying. I smile. "You probably just woke up and got scared. Didn't you?" I ask smiling.

6 months later

I hand Nate the baby fork. He takes it and puts it in his mouth. "Toni!" I hear Cheryl yell from the living room. "Excuse me as I kill your mommy!" I say smiling. I walk out of the kitchen. "What's up baby?" I ask her. "I need some more water." She says quietly. I sigh. "One more week." I whisper. "Give me your glass." I say. She hands me the glass. "One more week." I whisper. I walk into the kitchen. I dump out the water and just put some ice in it. I walk into the living room. "I said water." She says quietly. "Well, you get to play this amazing game called waiting!" She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "You and Nate have me running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Can you chill for a few minutes for me?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'll get you some water, but let me finish giving Nate his dinner." I explain. "But I'm thirsty." She says quietly. "You can get up and do the bare minimum if you really need to." I tell her. She nods. "Now if you would excuse me, I'm gonna make sure Nate isn't choking on rice." I say quietly.

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