227: The One After Collage

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Veronica walks into the Whyte Wyrm. "Holy shit! Is that Veronica Lodge?" I announce. "Toni?" I smile and go out from behind the bar. "Oh my god! You're pregnant!" I smile. "Yeah! Fangs and Kevin wanted a kid but they didn't want to go through all the work of Adoption." I explain. "Well, congratulations. When are you due?" She ask quietly. "Any day now." She smiles. "Do you know the gender?" I nod. "It's a girl." I whisper. "What are you doing in town?" I ask changing the subject. "I needed a break from my crazy life in the city." I nod. "What are you doing in town?" She ask quietly. "I've been here since I graduated college, I was kinda hoping Cheryl would be mature enough to be in a relationship with me again but I guess not." I explain. She looks at me. "I kinda ended up taking over the serpents after Jughead went off to college." I say quietly. "Do you know where I can find her?" She ask. "Riverdale high." I tell her. "Why?" I ask. "I just want to see her. I know last time I saw her she was on a power trip." I nod. "Yeah, she's taken over the school again." I whisper. "I thought she was going to take over the town!" I nod sadly. "Your dad did that before she could." I say quietly. "Really?" I nod. "Let's go talk to her than." Veronica says quietly. "Ok, I'll give you a ride." I say as we walk out. I get on my bike. "Can you ride this?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. I've been doing it for 10 years. I think we'll be ok." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Veronica! I'm probably the safest person to ride on a motorcycle with!" I explain to her.

I walk into Cheryl's office. She looks up at us. "Veronica!" She says smiling and completely ignoring me. I take a deep breath. "How's your power trip going?" Veronica ask. "Good until she showed up!" Cheryl says. "Told you." I whisper.


Toni walks out of the office. I look at Veronica. "Your father is taking over this town and its not going to end well and I'm happy you got here when you did." She looks at me. "I need your help." She nods. "Meet me at Pop's. At 3:30." I tell her.

"Why is Toni here?" I ask pissed. "Because I can be." Toni bites back. "You went and got yourself pregnant!" I yell. "I am Kevin and Fangs surrogate!" She yells. "Ok! Can you guys pretend to be civilized?!" Veronica ask pissed. We both sit back and we discuss how we're going to take down Hiram. "I have to go. I'm picking Archie up from the bus stop in about 20 minutes, I'll catch him up." Veronica says quietly. "Wait I-." Toni starts to say something to Veronica but she's gone. "I'll just call Fangs to pick me up." She says. "I can drive you home." I say quietly. "I'm not heading home, I have a doctors appointment." I nod. "I can still drive you." I say. "Can you be civilized about it?" I nod. "Ok, but I need a ride home after wards they both have to go back to work and my house is in the opposite direction of their jobs." She explains. I go to the counter and start to pay but Toni stops me. "I'll pay." She says quietly. She pays and we walk out. "What?" She ask smiling. "This just reminds me of old times." I say stepping closer to her. She pulls me into a kiss. "I've missed you so much." I whisper kissing her again. "I still love you." I whisper. 

I sit up on Toni's bed. She slowly wakes up. "Where are you going?" She ask quietly. "This was a mistake." I say quietly. She stops me. "What makes you think that?" She ask quietly. "We broke up a long time ago." I look at her. She kisses my back. "What about us?" She ask quietly. "It can't happen." I whisper. "Because you're with someone else?" I shake my head. "Than why Cher?" I take a deep breath. "I'm not ready." I whisper. "It's been 7 years!" I get up off the bed and quickly get dressed. "I just can't." She grabs my arm and kisses me. I can't help but kiss back. "I have to go." I whisper. "Please don't leave." She says desperate to keep me here. It's like we're both stalling leaving. "I love you too much to let you go this time." She says. I kiss her again. "I'll see you later." I say walking out.

I look at Toni, Veronica and Archie across the diner. I take a deep breath, go over to them and sit down. Toni and I just look at her awkwardly. "Oh my god!" Veronica says smiling. "You guys did it." We look at each other. "How are we taking over Riverdale?" I ask distracting her. "Oh! We should kill Hiram!" I suggest. "No!" Toni and Archie say while I get a maybe from Veronica. "Thank you." I whisper. "Petition?" Archie suggest. "No! Already tried that." Toni says quietly. I nod. "What about-." Toni stops what she's saying to hold her stomach. We all look at her concerned. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. "What about we get him arrested?" Toni ask quietly. "Already tried that remember?" She nods. "Oh, I for-." She stops again. "Oh shit!" Her eyes widen. "I need to go to the hospital." She says quietly.

I walk into the hospital room. "How are you doing?" I ask awkwardly. She looks at me. "Like I just pushed out a kid." I nod. I walk over to her. "It's been a day." She smiles. "How are Kevin and Fangs doing?" She ask concerned. "Good! They are just admiring their new son." She smiles. "I'm still shocked he's a boy, the doctor obviously was wrong even though that kid is now going to be dressed in everything pink until they can get new clothes and donate the other stuff." She explains. She grabs my shirt and kisses me. "Can you stay with me while I get back on my feet?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Yeah." I whisper sitting on the chair. "Do they have a name?" She ask. "Well they were expecting a girl so no." Kevin and Fangs walk into the hospital room with their son. "We have a name." Kevin says. "Drew Anthony Keller." I smile. "Keller?" Fangs ask. "Oh god not this again." I whisper. "Yes." Kevin says. "Actually probably best." I roll my eyes.

I walk into the kitchen. "Having fun?" I ask seeing Toni pumping. "No!" She says pissed. "I want to go to sleep." She says quietly. "You knew what you were getting into." She nods. "I know." She says quietly. "We still gonna take down Hiram?" She ask quietly. "I think so?" She nods. "Cool." She says quietly. "Hey, how's your mom doing?" She ask immediately realizing what just came out of her mouth. "She died 3 years ago." She nods. "Yeah, I realized that as I was saying it but it was to late." I smile a little. "How did the will go?" She ask quietly. I sigh. "Messy. She left everything it Jason, like literally everything." I say quietly. "Aren't you just her next of kin?" She ask. "Yes but when she puts in her will that she hopes that her demon child Cheryl Blossom never gets anything in her will it's kinda hard to argue with that!" I say sitting down. "Nothing to Nana Rose?" She ask. "She was gone by then, which meant everything went to Jason." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "It's fine." I say quietly. "It's all sorted out now and I don't have to deal with her anymore." I say quietly.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now