222: The One Where Toni Loses Her Memory Part 2

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I walk out of the bathroom. I take a deep breath. "Did you wash your hands?" Cheryl ask quietly. I shrug. "Go wash them." She says quietly. I nod.


"Toni, come on." I whisper. She groans. I take a deep breath. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "I'm a burden." She whispers. I sit down on the bed. "No you're not." I whisper. "Yes, I am! You constantly have to make sure I'm ok. It's like you're taking care of a child!" She explains. "Toni, I love you more than anything in the world, I'm gonna be here no matter what." I explain. She looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "Of course." She sits up. "I love you Toni, I know you don't understand why or how but I do and that's not going to stop." I whisper. She pulls me into a kiss. I smile. "You really need to work on your kissing." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Why?" She ask confused. "Because you're mentally 13." She looks at me. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "It's ok. It means we have to kiss more." She looks at me confused. "Why do we have to kiss more?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Because you have the mentality of a 13 year old version of you." She nods.  "What are we doing today?" She ask smiling. "We are picking your parents up from the airport." She smiles. "Why?" I take a deep breath. "Because your parents are coming to visit." She nods. "Were we going to have kids?" She ask out of no where. "We were talking about it." I say quietly. "Why?" I ask quietly. "I vaguely remember it." She says quietly. I smile. "What do you remember?" I ask quietly. "About what?" She ask quietly. "How much of us talking maybe having a kid do you remember?" I ask. "Um... I remember us seeing a doctor about it." I nod. "Do you remember who was going to get pregnant?" I ask moving hair out of her face. She shakes her head. I smile and grab a book from my side of the bed. "What is it?" She ask quietly. "This is the baby book I made for when we were going to have our son." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Was I-." I nod. "It was going to be me but, we found out I couldn't get pregnant." She takes a deep breath. I look at her. "You almost died in the accident." I whisper. "The baby didn't survive." I say sadly. She sits back. "But honestly it's probably for the best because it would have been to hard with everything with you." She looks at me. "How far along was I?" She ask quietly. "About 4 months."

"You're happy about something and it's a little concerning because you have been moping for the past few months." Veronica says. I look at her. "I was talking to Toni this morning and we were able to hold an actual conversation!" She smiles. "That's amazing." She says quietly. "If I asked her what we talked about she wouldn't have a clue though." I whisper. "It's an improvement." I nod. "Whatever you are doing is working." I say. I look over at Toni. "Toni! We're going to the airport in a few minutes go get dressed!" I tell her. She gets up from the couch. "You got it?" She nods. "I think so." I smile. "Ok, get me if you need anything." She nods and goes into the bedroom. "Can't wait for her to be shocked at how old her parents have gotten." I say quietly. Veronica laughs a little. "Have fun with that." She says quietly. "You're gonna be here to." I say. She shrugs. I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna go check on her." I say before going into the bedroom and see her on the bed looking at the sonogram. "Toni, come on!" I take a deep breath. "Get dressed." I say quietly. She stands up. "Were you hiding this from me?" She ask quietly. "No! It must have fallen out of the book Toni." I say quietly. "Oh! That makes sense." She smiles. "Yeah." I smile. I go to the closet. "Here." I say pulling out a shirt. She takes it. "Grab a pair of pants." I say quietly.

Toni walks into the kitchen. She goes to touch the cookies I'm making but I slap her hand away. "Ow!" I smile. "You ok?" I ask quietly. She nods. "My parents are so old." I nod. "Yeah, it's been 20 years since you last remember them." I say moving some hair out of her face. "Go sit down and be with your parents." I say quietly. She sits there for a minute. "I need some more water." She says remembering why she came in here. "So get it." I say quietly. "Ok." She nods. "Do you want ice?" I ask going to the fridge "Yeah." I grab the ice out of the freezer and give some to her. "Veronica is trying to impress my parents." I look at her. "Yeah?" She nods. "It's weird." I smile. "Yeah. That's Veronica for you." I says before kissing her. "Go sit down I'll be there in a minute." She nods and goes sits down. I take a deep breath. I walk into the living room and sit next to Toni. She looks at me and smiles. I look at Toni. "I'm kinda tired." She says quietly. "Ok." I whisper.

I pick up the glasses and plates from earlier. "Toni is doing a lot better." Toni's mom says helping me. "Yeah! She is actually able to hold most of a conversation." I say quietly. "That's very new improvement." I add. "Do you think bringing her home might help? At least for her already existing memories?" I ask quietly. "Maybe. But we don't live in the same house as we used to. Because Toni went to college and didn't really come home, we moved into a 2 bedroom apartment for when she comes home. But we can try." I take a deep breath. "Yeah. I don't hate that idea."

Part 3?
There's more I want to do with this one but I don't want to make it a whole story

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now