236: The One Where Toni Rains Hellfire

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I sit down in front of Jason's science teacher. "What seems to be the problem?" I ask quietly. "Your kid is lazy." He says immediately. I nod. "Ok and why do you want think that?" I ask. "He doesn't pay attention he doesn't listen to me." He says quietly. I nod. "I'll give him multiple directions and he only follows half of them!" He tells me. "Ok. Did you look at his IEP?" I ask quietly. "Because if you did you would know that he's not paying attention because he has severe ADHD and you giving him multiple directions and him not following them is because he has executive functioning and can't process everything especially if it's verbally. So maybe you should some research and realize that you are incompetent!" I yell the last part. "I swear to god if you continue to not follow my son's IEP I will rain hellfire on the school and you specifically! I will make sure you do not have a job by the end of March! And I will make sure you get all your degrees and certifications taken away from you so you can never get a job in teaching again!" I explain to him. I stand up. "Also I would reevaluate his grades." I say. "Because clearly you haven't been helping him properly." I say quietly. "Have a nice day sir." I say before leaving.

I walk into the bedroom. "You never told me how the meeting went!" I look at Cheryl. "How did it go?" She ask quietly. "Maybe you should go in and talk to his teachers next time. Also we should talk about having him change science classes." She sighs. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. "I'll make it up to you." I say grabbing a box. "Here I got you something for Valentines Day. Well, it's not really for you but you'll see!" I say quietly as I have Cheryl a little box. She opens it and it's a baby blanket. She looks at me. "I love it." I kiss her. "When are we telling Jason?" I ask quietly. "Soon. But we need to tell him in a way that will make it easier for him to understand what is happening without scaring him with the gory details." I take a deep breath. "Ok." I nod. "Also when are we gonna tell him about-." I get interrupted when we hear a loud crash. "Oh shit." We both get up and run downstairs. "Jason!" I gasp. He looks at us. "What did you do to the Tv?!" I ask freaking out. "I got bored so I started playing with my baseball and I-." I stop him. "Go to your room!" I yell. He goes straight up to his room. I sigh. "I can't belive he did this!" I say pissed. "I'm gonna kill him!" I say quietly. She stops me. "Calm down. You're still pissed off from this morning." She hands me my keys. "Go the Wyrm, go get a drink with Sweet Pea and come back when you're calmer." She says quietly. "I'll talk to Jason." She says calmly. "Ok?" I nod.


I walk into Jason bedroom. "I didn't mean to-." I stop him. "Calm down! I watch the cameras." I whisper. He looks at me. "Yes we have security cameras around the house! Yes I've seen you walk around the house naked around the house when we aren't home." He looks down in embarrassment. "I changed you when you were a baby. I really don't care." I say quietly. "Why didn't you tell me and mom exactly what happend?" I ask quietly. "I told you what happened! Until mom yelled at me!" I nod. "Why did you try to hide the tv? Did you have a backup in the closet waiting to be set up? I ask him. "N-no." I nod. "Than why were you hiding the damn tv? You did you think we wouldn't notice?" He shrugs. "I'm the only one who uses that tv! I thought maybe you guys wouldn't know that it's gone." I sigh. "You realize mom and I use that tv when you're at school?" He sits down. "You're 16 and have a job, you're paying for a new tv! No phone or computer unless you are at school and/or work and when you need it for school or work but you will be supervised at home ok?" He nods. "Any questions?" I ask. "I never had dinner." I sigh. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask pissed. "Well, mom was a little busy yelling at me!" He says pissed. "Ok. Do you want to go downstairs and eat?" He nods. "Ok, but unless it's actually important, no talking." He nods and we go downstairs. "And straight back to your room." I say. "We eat all of tonights dinner, what do you want?" I ask quietly. "Mac and cheese?" I nod. No one said me and Toni are good parents! We try but sometimes Jason just sits in his room through dinner and we forget he exist! I make him dinner and put it in font of him.

I pull Toni closer. "We forgot to feed him." I say quietly. "No! I told him to come down and he said he wasn't hungry." She says quietly. "Oh." She nods. "What are we gonna do with this tv?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say quietly. "I don't want to look at it though!" I tell her. "I'm gonna go up to bed, the beers are starting to hit me." She says quietly. "Ok." I whisper. "Goodnight babe." She smiles. "Goodnight baby." She says kissing me.

Jason walks into the bedroom. "I need my computer." He says. "Why?" I ask. "So I can get you a new tv." He says quietly. "Yeah." I pull his computer out of the drawer. "Sit. I'll help you pick one out." I say quietly.

I walk into the living room and see a new tv with a note. I sigh.

"I didn't know how to set it up and I didn't feel like ruining another tv, not today at least maybe tomorrow, depends on how bored I am."

I roll my eyes. "Toni! Jason got the new tv!"
I yell into the kitchen. "I saw! I gave him all his shit back already." I nod.

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