355: The One With The Bedroom

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This is Toni's bedroom but picture it darker walls and look more like something Toni would live in

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This is Toni's bedroom but picture it darker walls and look more like something Toni would live in


"I hate this room." Cheryl says quietly. "Me too." I get up and go into the kitchen. I look at Fangs. "What?" He ask quietly. "I want my room back!" I say pissed. He smiles. "No, I won it fair and square!" He tells me. "I'll give you season tickets to the Rangers!" I tell him. He sits up. "No!" He says pissed. "Please!" I beg. "My room smells like weed and sex! Because you can't keep it in your pants!" I say pissed. "But your room is so much cooler, it has that platform for the bed! And it's so big. I really like your-." I stop him. "Ha! You admit that it's my room." He stands up. "No!" He yells. "Mine!" He says pissed. "Rangers season tickets. The first game is tonight!" I say pulling them out of my pocket. He looks at them, practically drooling. He goes to grab them but I pull away. "Give me the room back!" I yell. "Never!" He says quietly. "You really want your room back?" I nod. "Let's do a challenge! If I beat you, I get to keep the room and get the tickets. If you beat me, you get the room back and I get the tickets." He suggests. I nod. "Deal." I shake his hand. "Are you guys really doing this?" I look over and see Cheryl. "Yes."

"No!" I scream. "Haha! Thank you." Fangs says taking the tickets out of my pocket. "I'll see you tonight." He says before going into my old room. I sit down on the couch and look at Cheryl. "You should switch his stuff out when he's gone tonight." She says quietly. "Will you help?" I ask her. "Yeah!" I nod. "It's a plan."
She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "Hopefully that room doesn't smell like weed." I whisper. "What about sex?" She ask quietly. "He hasn't really had anyone over since we switched." I tell her. "Kevin is in Ohio, I think he's coming back today. I think he's getting him today because the game." I say sadly. "Did you actually spend all that money on those tickets?" She ask quietly. "No, my dad won them at his job. He hates sports." I tell her. "How did he win them?" She ask quietly. "He sold a bunch of shit? I don't know what he does." She nods. Fangs walks out of MY room. "I have to go pick Kevin up. We're going straight to the game. Touch my room and I kill you." He tells me. He leaves. "I hope he gets hit in the face with a hockey puck!" I say pissed. "Toni, one episode of Friends at a time!" She says quietly. "What?" I ask confused. "Friends? The one where Monica and Rachel switch apartment with Chandler and Joey because of bet, then like 3 episodes later they switch apartments while Chandler and Joey are at a Knicks game." She explains. "Oh! Damn." She nods. "Well, whatever


Kevin pulls me into a kiss. "Let me get the door." I tell him. He nods. I grab my keys and unlock the door. We walk in and the house is quiet. "You should give that hoodie to Toni." Kev says quietly. "Yeah. I kinda feel bad for kicking her ass." I say quietly. We walk to my old bedroom. I knock and come in. "Ah!" I yelp. "Holy shit!" Kevin yells. I go to the other bedroom and knock on the door. Cheryl opens it. "Sorry Toni can't come to the door right now, she's to busy basking in glory." Cheryl tells me. I force the door open. "Fuck you!" I yell. "It was one time, never need to do that again." Toni says quietly. "You said you'd never mention that again!" I yell. "You took my bedroom!" She yells back. "No! You took my bedroom and then were stupid enough to leave the house!" She explains. "Now go have sad sex with Kevin while I have victory sex with Cheryl!" She tells me. "Fine!" I yell. "You're lucky I don't feel like moving again." I tell her. "But if move out I'm taking your room!" She nods. "Ok." I walk out and slam the door behind me. "You ok?" Kevin ask quietly. "Yeah. I don't really care I just hate when Toni is right or on top." I say sadly.


Cheryl turns around. I smile. "I got my room back!" I say excitedly. She comes over to the bed. "I get my own bathroom with my own shower. I don't have a bathtub but I can live without that." I explain. She smiles as she lies down on the bed. "I still hate the bed on the floor thing." She says sitting close to me. "It's less squeaky when we're having sex." I say quietly. I rub her thighs. "True." She whispers. I pull her into a kiss. "Speaking of we should probably get on that." I tell her. She nods straddling me. She pulls me into a kiss.

I roll over and look at Cheryl. She looks at her. "Thanks for helping me." I tell her. "I can't believe we pulled this off." She whispers. "I was more worried about getting all of his stuff out and set up in his room but we managed to get my room done too so it added insult to injury." I tell her. "I'm kinda afraid to leave this room though." I say quietly. "Don't be! I heard him talking through the door. He doesn't feel like doing this again." She tells me. "Good because I don't either." We hear some moaning for the other room. "Yeah I think he's fine." I say. "How are they still at it?" She ask quietly. "We could have kept going..." I say smiling. "Yeah! But I do you want to?" She ask quietly. "No I'm tired. We moved a lot of shit today." I say quietly. She nods. "Yeah I'm good." She says smiling.

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