362: The One With The Accidental Pregnancy

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I look at Sweet Pea as he walks into the apartment. "Hey." I say quietly. "Hey." He says in shock. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Ah! I just got back from picking my stuff from Veronica's." He says quietly. "Ok." I say quietly. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "She's pregnant." He tells me. "What?!" Cheryl and I ask in shocked. "She's pregnant with my kid and her and Betty are gonna raise it together. She said I could be as involved as I want to be." He explains walking over to us. "What are you gonna do?" I ask helping him into the chair. I sit on the Ottoman in front of him. "I'm gonna be there for her." He says quietly. "My mom was a single mother, I know she'll have Betty but I don't want her to have a child and be alone. I still love her. Even if she's not my wife anymore. I've always wanted a kid, it's a little messed up, but, there's not much I can do about it at this point, I'm gonna tell her not to have the kid! And I am happy for her and I am excited but this isn't how I was picturing this to happen. I thought we'd still be together at least." He explains. I can tell his thoughts aren't fully together and his words out coming out as fast as he can think them. I take his hand. "You're doing the right thing." I tell him. "Am I? I could be messing this kid up! What if the kid grows up thinking I don't love them because I don't live with them-." I stop him. "Sweet Pea. As someone who grew up not seeing their parents together, it's not easy but if you are there for the small things and you see the kid as much as you can for as long as you can. You'll all be ok. This kid is gonna have 3 parents who love and care about them." I tell him. "My mom was there for everything! Even in high school when she didn't need to show up to all of my softball games! It was a little annoying actually but it meant a lot it showed she loved me even if she wasn't with my dad. If you do that, with your kid, it shows you care." I tell him. "How often did you see your mom? Like you stayed over at her house?" He asks me. "Not enough. I was mostly there if my dad was going to be busy or out of town. Or when I wanted to see her. She had a one bedroom apartment so it was hard for me to stay there a lot." I explain. He looks at me. "I don't want to move out of this place yet-." I stop him. "I'm not saying you have too." I tell him. "What about when I have them for the weekend or something?" He ask quietly. "Well, either, I can go over to Cheryl's or I can stay here if you need extra support. I don't really mind either way." I tell him. He nods. "Also we have 9 months to figure this all out." I say smiling. "7." He corrects me. "Still, we have time." I tell him. "It might not seem like a lot but pregnancy is the longest thing you'll ever know." I tell him. "How would you know?" He ask quietly. "Sweet Pea, remember when my sister was pregnant with my nephew?" He nods. "That was the longest 9 months ever! Anticipating how long until the baby is born! It's painful!" I explain. He nods.

I look at Sweet Pea as he lies in my bed with me and Cheryl. "I'm scared." He whispers. "I know." I whisper. He looks at me. "I'm gonna be the worse dad is the world." He says quietly. "No, I think that title goes to my father." Cheryl says quietly. "As long as you don't kill your son because he pissed you off a little and then yourself so you don't have to deal with the consequences when a group of high schooler figure it out before the police. You'll be good." She explains. Sweet Pea and I look at her in shock. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "I don't even think about it anymore. I forget people are still awkward about it." She says quietly. I nod. "So I won't do that." Sweet Pea says quietly. "I'm gonna be an aunt." Cheryl says quietly. "What about Juniper and Dagwood?" I ask her. "They're actually related to you too." Sweet Pea adds. "Oh yeah." She whispers. I look at her. "I never see them, since they're in Ohio."

I go into the kitchen where Cheryl is, she's sitting at the counter eating breakfast. "Have you seen Sweet Pea?" I ask Cheryl. She shakes her head. "No why?" She ask quietly. "His truck is gone and I went into his room and a bunch of his stuff is gone." I tell her. "I didn't see him." She says quietly. I look at her. "He might have gone to Veronica's." She tells me. "Remember how scared he was last night?" She nods. "You really think he ran?" I nod. "We should check Veronica's first." She says getting up. "He might be there."

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