275: The One Where Toni Plays Soccer

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"You're not from here." Cheryl says quietly. I look at her. "You're from the Southside." She says. I look down. "Why are you at Riverdale high?" She ask quietly. "Um... my mom wanted me to get an actual education." I explain. She smiles. "Your mom seems cool." She says quietly. "You don't care or hate me?" She shakes her head. "You're to nice to hate." I look at her. "How did you get into this school if you're not in the district?" She ask quietly. "Oh!  Southside High doesn't have a soccer team and Riverdale has school choice so you could go to Southside High as long as they have a spot. I wouldn't recommend it though." She nods. "How did you find out?" I ask her. "Ah! Jughead told Betty who told me." I nod. "Are you seeing anyone?" I ask out of nowhere. "Ah! No, because I can't really do relationships at the moment." She says quietly. I look at her. "Can I ask why?" I ask her. "Um... it's a lot for me right now, maybe in a few months." She says quietly. "I'm sorry if you were going to ask me out or something. It's just, I'm going through a lot and a relationship would put me over the edge." I nod and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry really." I shake my head. "Oh no! It's ok! It's fine, you're going through shit. I get it!" She nods. "And I promise I'm not saying this just to turn around and be making out with someone at a party!" I smile. "Stop! It's ok honestly!" She nods.

I sit in front of  Veronica. "What's up Topaz?" She ask quietly. "I can't believe I'm going behind her back but is Cheryl not into me?" I ask her. "Cheryl is definitely into you." She says quietly. "Then why will she not go out with me?" I ask. She looks up. "Is she single?" I ask her. "Yes." She looks at me. "Then why?" I ask again. "Is she gay?" I ask. "Can you let me answer?" She ask. I sit back a little. "Sorry." I say quietly. "It's not my story. But Cheryl has a lot going on!" She says quietly. I nod. "Is she ok?" She nods. "Yeah! She just can't really do relationships right now."

I drive up to the church the NA meeting is being held. "You good on your own?" I ask my mom. She looks at me. "I don't want to put you through this sweetheart." She says quietly. "Honestly, I don't really care. It gives me something to do." I tell her honestly. "That's sad." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "Go you're going to be late." She nods. "Can you pick up Liam? From day care?" She ask me. "Yeah!" I smile. She nods and goes into the meeting. I look over and see Cheryl. "So that's why she can't do relationships?" She sees me and I can see the panic in her eyes. She comes over to the truck and knocks on the window. I roll the window down. "What are you doing here?" She ask. "Dropping my mom off. What are you doing here?" I ask her. "So you're not stocking me?" She ask quietly. "No, that's a lot of effort I have to follow you and know your every move!" I explain. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. "What are you doing here?" I ask again. "Spoiled rich girl things, got pissed at my parents existence. I developed a drug addiction." I nod. "Well, I have my shit, you have yours." I say smiling. "Is this why you don't want to be in a relationship?" I ask her. She nods. "Can I be honest?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." I take a deep breath. "I can't be in a relationship with someone with a drug problem. I see what it does to relationships. My parents would get into a fight and my mom would relapse." I explain. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "That's why I turned down your offer. I didn't want to get into a relationship, have a stupid fight or something and relapsed." She says quietly. "How long have you been sober?" I ask her. "Almost a year. I almost died last year, spent the entire summer in rehab and the only people who know are you, Veronica and Betty. And my parents obviously but I mean at school!" She tells me. "Your secret is safe with me. And I'm really happy for you, a year is really hard and you did it." I whisper. "I know you bugged Veronica." She says quietly. "Yeah... I'm sorry." She shrugs. "Obviously she didn't tell you anything." I smile. She looks at me. "Hey, I have a game tomorrow morning if you want to come." I say smiling. "Yeah! I think I have to be there." She says quietly. I smile. "Cool! See you then." I whisper. "You should go in. Before you're late." I say quietly. "Yeah." She smiles and goes in. I take a deep breath and drive off and go to practice.

I rub my eyes and go to lie down on the bed. I sit up immediately. "This isn't my bed!" I say getting up. I look at it and it see the toddler bed. "Sorry Toni I switched your bed with Liam's." Mom says quietly. I look at her. "Why?" I ask. "It's closer to the door so I can get to him." I nod. "Cool... should you have told me. Because I would like to be warned. Or put him in a different room because this has to be illegal." She nods. "I'm sorry, it happened last minute while you were at practice." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "I have a game tomorrow morning and I need to sleep." She smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Good night sweetheart." She says quietly. "You coming tomorrow?" I ask her. "Yeah! I might be late because of work but I'll be there." I smile. "Bring Liam." She nods.

I fall to the ground and feel a sharp pain in my leg. I roll over and hold my leg. "God!" I yell in pain.


I look at Betty. "Do you know what's happening?" I ask her. "No. I think she hurt herself." She says knowing I'm talking about Toni who's on the ground. We look at Toni. "Fuck!" I whisper. We watch a doctor run over to her. "She's definitely hurt." Betty says quietly. "Yeah!" Toni rolls on the ground in pain.


Cheryl walks into my room. "Wh-what what are you doing here?!" I ask panicking. "Your mom let me in." She says quietly. "How's your leg?" She ask quietly. "How did you find out where I lived?" I ask her. "Jughead. Crazy concept our circles overlap!" I nod. "I'm gonna kill him." I whisper. "Go ahead." She says smiling. "You're a stocker!" She nods. "I was worried about you but, if it helps you sleep at night thinking I'm a stocker." She says quietly. "Well, actually it's the opposite." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm sorry for accidentally stocked you. It just happened. I was worried." I smile. "I know I was just seeing how long you would go." I say quietly. She laughs a little. "How's your leg?" She ask quietly. "Better the meds are working." She nods. "You can sit." I say quietly. She sits down. "What did you actually do?" She ask quietly. "Went to kick the ball, while doing so, someone on the other team also did that and went straight into my shin and broke it, like bone threw skin broke it." I explain. "How are you feeling?" She ask concerned. "I can't play for the rest of the year and this was my chance to get out of here. There's supposed to be a few scouts at the next few games looking for kids for college." I tell her. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "It's fine, I'll just find another way into college." She takes a deep breath. "I might not be able to get you out of this town but I might be able to help you about getting your life together after high school." I look at her. "You can drive trucks right?" I nod. "Well, it'll kinda get you out of town. You'll keep coming back, but you know. It's something." I smile. "I'll talk to my dad about sending an email about it to you about shit." I nod. "Thanks. But I was planning on working at Pop's actually." I tell her. "Oh! Do you want me to talk to my dad anyways?" She ask quietly. "It wouldn't hurt." She nods. "Cool."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now