334: The One With The Hair

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I walk into a solon. "You look very out of place." A woman says quietly. I look the woman. "I need your help." I tell her and I show her my daughter. "My wife, is out of town and I don't know how to do my daughter's hair. Because my wife usually does it." I explain. The woman looks at her hair. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Don't be! It's not your fault! You came to the right place." She smiles. "What's your name sweetheart?" She ask quietly. "Anne." Anne says quietly. "Hi Anne! I'm Jessica, I'm gonna do your hair." Anne looks at me and I nod. "Ok." She smiles.

I look at Anne as she plays in the bathtub. "You ok?" I ask cleaning her back. "Those people looked like me and mommy." She says smiling. I smile. "Yeah! They did." I tell her. "Why don't you?" She ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "Because that's not how I was born." She looks at me. "People are born with different skin colors, you and mommy happened to have the same one, because mommy had you." I tell her. She nods. She's 5 she's not gonna understand race yet, I'm not expecting her too, if she has questions I'll explain it the best I can for a 5 year old. This is also a conversation for Toni and her. I know nothing. "When is mommy coming home?" Anne ask quietly. I look at her. "Monday night." I whisper. "How long is that?" She ask quietly. "2 more sleeps." I say smiling. "She'll be home to watch my play." I smile. "Yeah."

I look at Toni. "It's one night." I whisper. "I know!" She says quietly. "I can't." She whispers. "I don't want something to happen." She tells me. I cup her cheeks. "Breathe." I whisper. "I love her, but I can't go." She whispers. "She really wants you too go." She nods. "Can you try?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah." I take a deep breath. She sits down on the bed. "How was the trip?" I ask her knowing she probably wants the subject to change. "Good!" She says quietly. "Kinda boring though. It was just conference after conference." She tells me. "Why did you say it was good then?" I ask her. "Because it was! I met some people and was able to do some networking so I might hear back from some." I smile. "That's good." She nods. "How was it here?" She ask quietly. "It was ok." I tell her. "You don't sound to confident with that comment." She whispers. "I had to bring Anne to a place to get her hair done because I didn't know what to do and I almost burned all her hair off." I tell her. "Why didn't you call me?" She ask quietly. "Because I was embarrassed." I tell her. "You've always gotten her up and done her hair! I never had to worry." I whisper.


I look at the play and hold back tears. "You ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Yeah!" I lie. "I need some air." I get up and walk out of the theater. I sit down on the steps and try to regulate my breathing. "Why did you walk out?" I look over and see Veronica. "Flashbacks, to high school." I tell her. "What do you mean?" She ask confused. "Remember Carrie?" She nods. "Still? None of us did that though." I nod. "I know. I just worry that something could happened again. Especially when my daughter is up on that stage." I whisper. "Makes sense, I would be scared too." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "That's not helping." I whisper. "I know, I'm not a therapist. I honestly can't help you." I look at her. "It's fine." I whisper.

I jump awake. "No!" I yell. I feel a hand on my back. "What's wrong?" Cheryl ask sitting up. "Just a bad dream." I whisper. "About last night?" She ask quietly. "No! Serpent stuff." I whisper. "Just some memories coming back as usual." I tell her. She nods. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I whisper. She shakes her head. "It's fine." She whispers cupping my cheek. She pulls me into a kiss. "Are you just really stressed right now?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Why?" She ask concerned. "I don't feel like I've had time to rest since last year." She nods. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She ask quietly. "No." I whisper. "Nothing?" She ask quietly. "It's 2 in the morning." She shrugs. "So? We are both wide awake." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "I don't want to wake her up." I whisper. "Then don't be to loud." She whispers. I smile. "Don't give me that option." I tell her as I straddle her. She kisses me. "I'll try." She whispers. "Do we need protection?" She ask quietly. "Do you want protection?" I ask her. She looks at me. "No. Are you on the pill?" She ask. "No. But I don't want to use it either." I tell her. "Are we really going to make this decision right now?" She ask quietly. "Remember how hard it was to have Anne? It's not gonna happen first try and we've been talking about this for a while." She nods. "Right." She kisses me again as I grind into her. I feel her get hard. She pulls down our underwear and slide into me. "God!" I moan. "I want you to do most of the work." I tell her. She nods and rolls us over so I'm on my back. She thrust slowly into me. "Oh!" I moan quietly. "Her room is right there! Be quiet." Cheryl whispers in my ear. "The headboard!" I say quietly. She picks me up. "Then we won't use the bed." She tells me. "Floor?" I ask quietly. "No, It's hard to get a good angle." She says as she carries me into the windowsill and sits me down. She starts to thrust slowly. She pulls me into a kiss so I don't moan to loudly.

I walk out of the bathroom. "Not pregnant!" I tell Cheryl. "You sure you're ready to have a child?" I ask her. "If it happens then it happens. We won't go out of our way to try, but if we don't use protection or birth control and you get pregnant it happens." She says quietly. "Ok." I nod. "I like that!"

I sit down at the kitchen table and slowly drink some water as I try to regulate my breathing. "Mommy?" I look up and see Anne. "What are you doing up?" I ask quietly. "I'm thirsty." I nod. I get up and get her some water. "Sit." I whisper as I sit back down. "Why are you awake?" She ask quietly. "I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to bother mom." I tell her as I desperately try to slow my breathing. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I shake my head. "I don't know!" I say panicking. "You ok mommy?" She ask quietly. "No, can you go get mom?" I ask her. "You said you didn't want to bother her." I nod. "I know. But can you tell her that I need her, she'll know why!" She nods and runs upstairs. I go to sit down on the floor in case I faint. I try to take a deep breath as I hear Cheryl come downstairs. She comes over to me. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "I can't breathe." I whisper. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" She ask quietly. "I know you're not dying but they might be able to give you something to calm you down." I nod. "How long have you felt like this?" She ask quietly. "An hour." She nods. "I'm gonna call Veronica to take Anne, you stay here." I nod.

I look at Cheryl. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head. "You're ok." She tells me moving some hair out of my face. "Why didn't you get me sooner?" She ask quietly. "I thought I was fine." I tell her. I lie my head back. "What did they give me?" I ask her. "Something that'll make you loopy so you can sleep." I nod. "That's nice." I whisper. She nods. "What if I have a nightmare?" I ask. "Then I'll be here, they're tracking your sleep for the next few hours. So someone will also be here if something happens." I nod. "Get some sleep." She tells me.

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