360: The One Where They Get High

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I start to walk to the front of the school, where Cheryl's car is. "Where are you going?" My sister ask as we start to pass each other. "Cheryl's." I say quietly. "Can I go?" She ask quietly. "Are you 18?" I ask her. "No." I shake my head. "Then no. Get on the bus." I tell her. She nods and goes to the back of the school where the busses are. I see Cheryl walking over to me. "Hey babe." I smile. "What was that about?" She ask. "My sister wondering why I'm not going with her." I tell her. "Does she want a ride?" She ask quietly. "No." I lie. "Toni..." I sigh. "Yeah! But I don't want her getting in our way." I say quietly. "I can drive her home and then we can go off on our own." She tells me. "I don't mind." She adds. "Text her." She whispers. I sigh and text her. "I hate you." She nods. "Sorry for being a decent person for once in my life." I take a deep breath as my sister comes running over. "Ha!" She says to me. I look at Cheryl pissed.

We pull up to my house. "Bye! Aiden." Cheryl says smiling. "Bye." She says smiling. She hits me in the back of the head with her bag. "Bitch!" I say turning around. "Oh I'm sorry! Did I do something you didn't like?" She ask pissed. I start to go grab her but Cheryl stops me. "Go before she kills you." Aiden gets out and goes inside. I groan as I sit back in the seat. "Why do you hate her so much?" Cheryl asks quietly as she drives off. "Because everything I do she has to do too! I want to go over to your house after school, she wants to join!" I say pissed. "She's your little sister! Of course she does she looks up to you." She tells me. "I don't want her too though!" I say pissed. "Why?" She ask annoyed. "Because I don't want her to end up like me." I confess. "What happened that you don't want her to end up like you? You're 18! What could have gone wrong already?" She ask quietly. "You are a stoner but you're not addicted to Weed, you can function without it! You don't drink, you have a well paying job! You aren't a teen mom!" I look at her when she says the last one. "You're not in jail! You don't have a dead beat boyfriend." She explains. "What happened to you that you're afraid would happen to her?" She ask concerned. "Forget it." I say quietly. "I'm serious Toni!" She pushes. "Cheryl, let's just drop it." I say awkwardly. We pull into her driveway. "Toni..." I shake my head. "You're right! She'll be fine." I say quietly. "What happened?" She ask softly. I look at her and see she's genuinely concerned and that it's safe to tell her. "This can't leave the car." I tell her. She nods. "You know how I told you about that one night with Jughead?" She nods again. "Well, I wasn't on any birth control yet and we had unprotected sex. I did end up getting pregnant but, I couldn't afford to have a child and I didn't want to have a kid just to abandon them. I know how much trauma adopted kids go through. So I called Sweet Pea, since he was the only person I knew with a car that wasn't my mom, and I had an abortion. And no I don't regret it, it was a hard decision and it still hurts, but it's better than my whole life changing because of the one time I was genuinely being stupid and careless." I explain to her. She sits there in shock trying to process everything. "Please say something." I whisper holding back tears. She looks at me trying to find the right words. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." She tells me. I look at her. "Please don't tell anyone! Not even my mom knows and I'm not ready to tell her." I tell her. She nods. "Of course. Even if we have a horrible break up and I want you to suffer, I won't, I'll take that to my grave." She explains. "I can see why you don't want Aiden looking up to you. But the fact that you were able to do that shows the kind of person you are and it shows that you are strong enough to make your own decisions and be smart about it." She explains to me. "I just wonder sometimes if I was being selfish." I whisper. "You were, but it's ok to do that especially if there's a long term effect that's completely life changing like having a child." She tells me. "You don't hate me?" I ask her. "No. You could have murdered someone." She says quietly. "Well, I kinda did but the baby wasn't even a baby, it was a clump of cells. Which isn't much." I whisper. She smiles a little. "It's not murder Toni." I nod. "I know." I whisper. "Is there anything else?" She ask quietly. "No. What about you?" I ask her. "Not saying because I told you that you have to do the same." I tell her. "I'm not ready to talk about it." I nod. "Ok. Do you want to go get high?" I ask her. "Yeah. But we're picking up Pop's first. I'm hungry."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now