370: The One With The Color Blindness

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I look at my daughter Maria as we play in the living room. "Which one is blue?" I ask her. She hands me a purple block. I look at her really confused. "No! This is purple." I say trying to sound calm. "Where's the orange?" I ask her. She hands me a yellow block and smiles. "One second kiddo." I say quietly. "Cher?" I say standing up. She comes into the living room from her office. I walk over to her. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "I was just playing with Maria and I asked her to hand me a blue block and she handed me a purple one. I asked for an orange one and she gave me a yellow one." I whisper. She looks at Maria. "No." She whispers going over to her. "Maria? Can you show me all the yellow blocks?" Cheryl asks quietly. Maria slowly starts handing Cheryl random blocks that are close to yellow. We look at each other. "I'll make an appointment with the doctor." I tell her.

I hold Maria in my lap as we wait for her doctor. I look at Cheryl who looks very nervous. "We'll figure this out." I tell her. She nods. "Let me do the talking you're about to burst out into tears." I say quietly. She nods again. Our doctor walks in. "Hello! How are you guys!" She ask quietly. "Good." I say quietly. She looks at the file. "See we're having issues with colors." I say quietly. "I asked for a blue block and she handed me a purple one. We asked her for all the yellow and she just handed us a bunch of blocks that were close to yellow on the color wheel." I explain. "Oh! That's not good." She says quietly. "Obviously!" Cheryl says pissed. "Babe." I say putting my hand out signaling for her to chill. She sits back. Our doctor looks at Maria and holds up a card with the color red on it. "What color is this kiddo?" She asks her. "Purple." Maria says quietly. "When did you notice this?" The doctor ask quietly. "A while ago, we just thought she was mixing up her colors but it's obvious now she isn't." I say quietly. "We'll run some test, I can already tell there's a problem it doesn't take much."

I look at Cheryl. "We'll get her the glasses and help her." I tell her. "Isn't that abuse?" She ask quietly. "Cheryl! If she was blind we would get her a cane! If she was deaf we'd learn sign language for her! If she can't see colors correctly we're gonna get her glasses that'll correct it and teach her all the colors!" I explain. "But she'll be wearing those glasses and people will she she's wearing sunglasses all the time!" She tells me. "I wore glasses for 16 years, it's the same thing! If someone ask why she's wearing sunglasses inside we'll tell them!" I explain. She nods. "Why are you so pressed about it?" I ask her. "I don't want her getting bullied!" She says quietly. "Cheryl. No one will care." I tell her honestly. "Not enough to bully her." I whisper. She nods. "You're right." She says quietly. "She'll be ok. This explains a lot though." I say quietly. "Oh yeah! I thought something was wrong with her." She tells me. "Well, like mentally." She adds. "Well there might be something wrong but we won't find out until she's in school." I tell her. "We should probably tell Fangs that his spawn is colorblind." She says quietly. "She's your spawn too! She came out of you!" I say quietly. "Yeah."

I sit down in front of Maria. I hand her some cards with colors on them. "What is that?" She ask looking at the sunglasses. "You know how everything looks like the same 2 colors?" She nods. "Well these will help!" I tell her. She looks at Cheryl for reassurance and she just nods. "Want to try these on?" I ask smiling. Maria nods excitedly. "Ok." I smile. I put the glasses on Maria. She looks at me and it's like her whole world changed. "Different right?" I ask smiling. She nods. I smile. I look at Cheryl. "This'll be ok." I tell her. She nods. Maria jumps excitedly. I smile. "You need to keep these really safe! Ok?" She nods. "It was hard getting those for you." She nods again. "We're gonna put on this strap that'll go around your head so they don't fall off." I tell her holding one up. She smiles seeing the color for the first time. "It's so pretty." I smile. "You like it?" She nods. "Ok." I smile. I put it on and tighten it. "That too tight?" I ask her. "No." She says happily. "Ok, if it starts to hurt tell me or mommy and we'll help fix it." She nods. "Thank you." I smile. "Of course." I say happily. I kiss the top of her head. She looks at me. "I thought you were yellow." She says quietly. "No." I smile. She looks at Cheryl. "Woah." She says quietly. "What?" Cheryl ask confused. "Your hair." Maria smiles. "Like it?" She nods. I stand up. "We should get ready for tonight." I say looking at the time.

I walk into the living room where everyone is. I look over and see Fangs holding a tray of food. Maria runs up to him and hug him. "Hey kiddo." He says excitedly. "Nice shades man." He says looking at her. "Where did you get those?" I take the tray he's hold. "My mommy got them for me so I can see colors." She tells him. "Really?" She nods. He takes his jacket off and looks at me. "She's colorblind." I whisper. "Wonder where she gets that from!" I say annoyed. "I'm sorry!" He whispers. "Tell that to Cheryl." I say quietly. He nods. "What's in this?" I ask quietly. "It's the chicken." He tells me. I nod. "Thank you." I smile. "Uncle Fangs! Uncle Fangs! Look what I did!" Maria says pulling Fangs away from me.

Maria sits on my lap. "Want to see?" I ask her. She nods. I grab her glasses. She puts them on and sees the sunset. "Wow!" She says excitedly. I smile. She sits back into me. I look at Cheryl and she's emotional. I wipe her tears. I smile. "Woah!" Maria says sitting up. "What?" I ask quietly. "Look!" She says pointing out a butterfly.

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