400: The One With The Pleading

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I look at Sweet Pea. "What now?" I ask pissed. "Why wouldn't she go out with me?" He ask quietly. "Who?" I ask confused. "Cheryl! She keeps saying no to me asking her out." He says quietly. "You're her best friend! Can you talk to her for me?" He ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "You need to learn how to let things go! You sound like a creep." I tell him. "But I'll talk to her, only because it'll get you to shut up." I says quietly. "She's gonna say no! And after that you have to accept it!" He nods. "Do you know why though? Why she won't even give me a chance?" He ask quietly. I hesitate for a second. "I don't- I don't know." I lie. "Is she gay or something?" I shake my head. "No! I don't think so, you would know." I lie. I hate lying to Sweet Pea, but Cheryl and I are in a relationship and I was sworn to secrecy about her sexuality. I don't mind it gives us a lot of privacy. "I'm hanging out with her tonight. I'll talk to her then." I tell him.

I sit down next to Cheryl and hand her a glass of water. "Sweet Pea keeps bugging me about how you won't go out with him on a date." I say quietly. "He's not my type." She says quietly. "Obviously! If he was we wouldn't have just spent the last hour in my bedroom. The mirror still has an your ass print on it." I explain. She smiles. "That was hotter than I thought it be." She says quietly. The door to my closet is one big mirror and we had sex against it. It was amazing. "He doesn't know we're even in a relationship! He doesn't know you are gay he thinks you're straight." I tell her. "I'm not ready to be out!" She says quietly. I can hear the pain and fear behind her words. "I'm not forcing you out of the closet! It's kinda funny how everyone thinks we're just really good friends even when we are clearly on a date at Pops but everyone thinks we're just hanging out." I tell her. She looks at me. "But Sweet Pea is up my ass and it's driving me crazy! He really likes you." I whisper. "I'm not even gonna entertain this with him." I nod. "I know! He's a good guy. He's kinda pushy when it comes to going out on a date with you but he's really sweet and I think he just really likes you! He's crazy about you." I tell her.

I look at Cheryl as she rides me slowly. "It's so big." She whispers. "Thanks, I can't take credit though, It was purple so I just bought it." She looks at me. "I hate you so much." She whispers before pulling me into a kiss. I hold her hips and rocking back and forth a bit, I make sure not to break our kiss. She moans quietly in my mouth. I move one hand down and rub her clit. She moans lying her head on my shoulder. "I love you." She whispers. I stop. "What?" She sits up. I look at her in shock. "I love you." She says running her hands up to my cheeks. "You- you- you love- you love me?" I ask in shock. She nods. "You love me?" I ask again. "Yeah! Why else would I say it?" She ask smiling. "You love me?" She nods. "Me?" She nods again. "I'm sorry, I have to go." I say quietly. "This is your place." I nod. "Yeah. I know."

I walk into Pop's and see Cheryl. I walk over to her booth. "Oh look who it is." She says pissed. "I panicked ok? No one has said that to me!" I tell her. "I love you more than anything else in the world!" I tell her. "Really?" I nod. "God! I'm crazy about you! You're all I think about! I honestly just froze and panicked! You picked a really weird time to say it." She looks at me and smiles. "I love you so much you don't even know." I tell her. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you-." She stops me. "What?" I sit up. "See? Freaks you the fuck out when someone says something like that without any warning!" I almost shout. "Not that I don't want to do that! It's just I know neither of us are ready for that! We're in high school." I tell her.

I look at Sweet Pea. "You need to let it go bud." I tell him. He nods. "Ok." He says quietly. "Do you know why she's not into me?" He ask quietly. "She said you weren't her type." I say quietly. "What is?" He ask quietly. I shrug. "I think you're to tall." I say just trying to come up with something. "She doesn't want to need a step ladder to kiss someone." I say quietly. That was more me making fun of his height than actually trying to help him. "Oh." I nod. He's kinda stupid and if you sound convincing enough, he'll believe you. "There's probably some other reasons, but she didn't really tell me much." He nods sadly. "I'm sorry. What about Josie? You seemed to be interested in her." I ask quietly. He shakes his head in a panic. "What did you do?" I ask quietly. "We have history." I nod. "I'm not helping you get any girls just saying." He nods. "I have to go to class I'll see you later." I say standing up. You coming to the party tonight?" He ask quietly. "No, I have plans." I tell him. "Maybe you can find someone there." I suggest. He nods.

I look at Cheryl as we sit on the couch. "I love you." I tell her. "I can't stop saying that. Once it was finally said." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you too." She kisses me. I cup her cheek and deepen the kiss. I move my hands down to her shirt and move to her bra. She pulls away and takes off her shirt. I take off my shirt and unclasp her bra. I slowly kiss down her chest. She moans quietly. Before you ask, yes we have sex almost anytime we hang out, we're both very very horny. I go down to the floor and kneel down in front of her. She stands up and pulls her skirt and underwear down. She immediately sits back down on the couch, I spread her legs and push them back and I go to eat her out. She grabs my hair and moans. "You're soaking wet babe." I whisper before sucking of her clit. She moans quietly and grinds into my face. I slide a few fingers into her and she gasp out in shock and pleasure. "Toni! You're so good!" She tells me. The door opens to my trailer. We both shoot up in shock."Hey Toni, Fangs and I-." Sweet Pea stops. "Oh hey." He smiles. "Oh..." He says realizing what he just saw. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He ask quietly. "I'm not ready to be out." Cheryl says covering herself. He nods. "Ok." He says quietly. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna go. I'm sorry." He says walking out. "Well that's a way to shatter a heart and come out all at the same time." Cheryl says quietly. "I'm sorry, I forgot I gave him a key to my place, his mom kicks him out a lot, I just gave him a key so he didn't have to wait for me to get home." I tell her. "He tends to abuse the privilege of having a key to my trailer but I'm also not usually eating out my girlfriend when he's home!" I tell her.

I sit down next to Sweet Pea in the student lounge. "I'm sorry." I whisper. He shakes his head. "You really like her?" He ask quietly. "I love her so much." He nods. "She makes me so happy." I whisper. He smiles. "How long have you been going out?" He ask smiling. "4 months." I tell him. "Way before I even started getting interested in her." I nod. "She really does want people to know that's she gay. She's just not ready!" He nods. "I can respect that. So she doesn't actually think I'm to tall?" He ask quietly.
"No! She does! She thinks you're unusually tall." I tell him. He nods. "I asked Josie out again, we're going on a date tonight actually." He says quietly. "That's good." I smile. "We don't have to talk about what you saw yesterday do we?" I ask him. "For Cheryl's dignity we never mention it again and if she ask, I didn't really see much." He says quietly. "What about mine?" I ask him. "Were you naked on the couch?" He ask quietly. "Fair enough." I say quietly. "Next time, knock before you come in! You can still use your key just knock and I'll tell you to come in." He nods. "Ok."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now