239: The One Where Veronica Drives Up a Wall

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I open the door to a really panicked Veronica. "Hey! What's up?" I ask concerned. I accidentally drove up part of your wall onto the hill into the garden." She says almost in tears. "It's ok." I say quietly.

It's kinda one of these walls but on a driveway

It's kinda one of these walls but on a driveway

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"Cheryl! It happened again!" I yell. Cheryl walks downstairs. "Oh my god!" She gasps. "Come on." I say quietly. "Get in the car, we'll help you get out." I say quietly. Veronica gets in the car and we slowly help her get out. "Thank you so much!" Veronica says hugging me. I look at Cheryl who kinda just laughs quietly. Veronica leaves. I look at Cheryl. "How did Jason not come downstairs to see what's going on?" I ask turning around and looking up at Jason's bedroom. "I just got him to sleep." I nod. "He was still stimulated from dinner?" She nods. "But he's asleep now! So maybe we could have the rest of the night to maybe have some fun." She says lying her arms on my shoulder. "Not tonight. Unlike Jason, I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow when Jason goes over to Fangs and Kevin's." I say quietly. "I'm ok with that. Probably best so you can walk tomorrow for our date night." She says grabbing my ass. I smile and pull her into a kiss. "Come on, let's go inside." She kisses me. "What are you going to do about the plants?" I ask quietly. "I'll figure it out later." We go into the house. I lock the door and we go upstairs. "Did you start the dishwasher?" I ask quietly. "No. I'll go do that you go check on Jason." She says quietly. She goes back downstairs and I go into Jason's room. I walk in and he's still wide awake. "Come on! Go to sleep." I say. "One more story?" I sigh.

I pour Cheryl more wine. "What's something embarrassing you've never told me?" She ask quietly. I smile. "If I tell you, you have to do the same." She nods. "When I was about 3, I had this lion thing, that you could sit on right, I got ahold of one of my mom's purses like the ones with the straps so it goes down to your hips on and thought the lion was a horse so I put it around the lion like the rope you use for a horse and thought it would be a good idea to rap it around my next too, I ended up choking myself luckily my mom was able to help me but I think it freaked her out, not as much as me choking on an ice cube!" I explain. She smiles. "That explains the choking kink." I roll my eyes. "Shut up." I smile. "You?" I ask quietly. "Oh! I used to think Disney world specifically was in the clouds." I look at her. "Yeah! Well, you have to fly to get there! And I thought Disney world was just chilling on a god damn cloud! And my mom just went with it! I don't know if it was on purpose or not but still! I also used to think Dinosaurs went up into space and brought humans down to earth." She explains. "No! Oh my god Cher!" I sigh. "I tried telling my mom! But she was doing the smile and nod thing parents do when their kids with they won't shut up!" She says smiling.

I look over at Jason and he's holding a Barbie. I look at Fangs. "Is he playing with a Barbie?" I ask quietly. "Y-yeah? Do you have a problem with that?" He ask quietly. "No! I just didn't think he had any interest in them. We made them an option when he was younger, he would have rather played with a truck. Well, be rather put it in his mouth but still." I say quietly. "Yeah, we ran out of stuff to keep him occupied so we offered him some of Sarah's old toys that she doesn't play with anymore and he picked the Barbie up." He says quietly. "Can he keep it?" I ask. "If he wants." I nod. "Thanks for watching him again, Cheryl and I really need to time off since he's not in school yet we really have no time alone yet." He nods. "Anytime! I love hanging out with my nephew." He smiles. "Jason! Let's get going! Mommy is waiting in the car." I tell him. He runs over to me. I pick him up.

I look at Cheryl. "Cheryl..." She looks up. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "Do you think we're doing everything right?" I ask walking over to her. She pulls me closer. "We'll find out in a few years." She says quietly. "If he beats a kid up for no reason at all or if he sets something on fire within the next 2 years we can be concerned!" She adds. I nod. "I like that rule." I smile. She raps arms around me. "Do you want to take a bath?" She ask smiling. "Not really, I just want to go to sleep. But definitely tomorrow." She smiles and kisses me. "Ok. I'm gonna take a shower then, if you want to join you can." She says getting up. "I know what you're doing but seriously I'm tired and just want to go to bed." She nods. "Ok." She kisses me. "I love you." She nods and walks out. I take a deep breath.

"I thought you were tired." Cheryl says quietly. "I thought you loved me." I say back. She looks down. "I'm sorry if I don't want to-." She stops me. "It's not that. Toni! Honestly I don't really care about if we have sex or not! It doesn't define our relationship." She says walking over to me. "Then what is it?" I ask pissed. She looks at me. "I got the job in California." She says quietly. I smile. "That's great! What's so-." I stop. "We'll have to move." I say quietly. "I'm just more worried about Jason." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "I don't want you going out there by yourself." I say quietly. "Not in a controlling way! I just don't want to you to be all lonely out there." I add. "I'm not really worried about you cheating or anything. I just-." She stops me. "You're digging yourself a bigger hole I knew what you meant the first time." She says quietly. I nod. "I'm gonna shut up now." She smiles and we lie down. "Wait, what are we gonna do?" I ask realizing we never actually talked about it. She sits up and shrugs. "We should talk about it in the morning." She says quietly. I nod. "Yeah. When do you have to make a decision?" I ask quietly. "Next week." She says lying next to me. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier. It's just kinda threw me off when you didn't say that you loved me back." She smiles sadly. "It's ok. I would have been pissed to." I look at her. "Also I love you too baby." She says quietly. "And I'm not just saying that to say it. I mean it."

"Jason sit down." I say quietly. He comes over to me and Cheryl and sits down on the couch. "So mom and I have been talking. Mom had a job offer... in California." He looks up. "We both decided that she will take the job offer but, you and I are going to stay." I say quietly. He looks at me confused. "Are we gonna see you again?" He ask Cheryl. "Yeah! I'm gonna come home every weekend! And the weekends I don't come home you and mommy are gonna come to me." Cheryl explains. "Also durning breaks we'll take a trip to her mom." He nods. "Ok." He smiles. "Why can't we just all move?" He ask quietly. "Because you need to stay where you are at school." I say quietly. "Ok." He says getting up and going upstairs. I look at Cheryl. "That could have gone worse!" She says quietly. I nod.

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