303: The One Where Grandma Dies

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Cheryl and I walk into the house. "Annie!" I hear Grandma say. She's the only person on earth that's allowed to call me that. "Hey Grandma." I say smiling. She hugs me. "How are you?" She ask smiling. "I'm good! You?" I ask quietly. "I'm good. What are you doing here?" She ask me. "Well, Cheryl and I thought we'd stop by since we could." I tell her. "That's nice. Come sit down, I was about to make dinner. What do you girls want?" She ask smiling. "I can make my mac & cheese." I smile. "That would be amazing." She smiles. "I'll get on that." She says quietly. "Can you make some extra for home?" I ask her. She nods. "Of course dear." She smiles. "Cheryl do you want some too?" She ask smiling. "Ah! Sure." Cheryl says quietly. "Ok, go sit down in the living room you two and i'll get y'all when dinner's ready." We both nod and go into the living room. I sit down and Cheryl sits next to me. "You take your meds?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I tell her. "Have you been to a meeting recently?" She ask me. "No, but I was gonna head to one later." I say quietly. She nods.

Cheryl walks over to my locker. "Topaz!" I look at her. "Blossom!" I say matching her energy. "Drink this and tell me what flavor it is." She say handing me a cup of coffee. I take a sip of it. "Caramel?" She ask quietly. "Why don't you know what flavor this is?" I ask quietly. "Because I didn't trust Veronica to get me what I want." I nod. "This is why I just order my own coffee Cheryl." I tell her. "Antoinette Topaz to the office." She sighs. "I'm sorry. I have to go to the office. That is Caramel, maybe you should consider trusting V." I say smiling. I walk into the office. "Dad?" I ask confused. I look at him and he looks sad. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "Take a seat." Mr. Weatherbee says quietly. I sit down. "Grandma died." Dad says quietly. "What?" I ask confused. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "From what?" I ask quietly. "Heart attack." I take a deep breath. "I saw her last night." I say quietly. He nods. "I know."


I knock on the door. "Toni? It's me." I say through the door. "Please just leave me alone." She says. "You know I can't do that." I tell her. "Can I come in?" I ask. "No!" I open the door. "It wasn't really a question." I say closing the door behind me. I sit down on the bed. I realize she's been crying and drinking. "Toni..." I whisper. "I'm sorry." She whispers realizing that I see the beer. "What happened?" I ask quietly. She just lies into me and cries. I lie back and sit there with her until she falls asleep.

"No!" I hear. I look over and see Toni wide awake, covered in sweat and hyper ventilating. She looks at me. "You're up?" She ask quietly. I nod. "I couldn't sleep." I say quietly. "Do you want to talk?" I ask her. She nods. I go over and sit on the bed. "My Grandmother died." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "Can you drive me to a meeting?" She ask quietly. I nod.

I look at Toni. She's just sitting quietly in the meeting. I take a deep breath and take her hand. She looks at me. Besides everyone at these meetings, I'm the only one who knows Toni has a drinking problem. Well, the only one alive. Her grandma knew because she was the one that helped get Toni the help she needed. I take a deep breath.

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