371: The One Where Fangs Moves In

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The door opens and it's Toni. "Fangs it's 3 in the morning." She says rubbing her eye. She's in a pair of boxers and an old t-shirt that she got when she was 5 that still doesn't fit her properly. "What happened?" She ask waking up a bit more. "My mom kicked me out." I tell her. She looks at me. "Come in." She says letting me in. "Where's all your stuff?" She ask quietly. "My car." She nods. "Do you want to talk now or in the morning?" She ask quietly. "I just want to go to sleep." She nods. "Do I have to be a good host or have you stayed here enough to get what you need?" She ask quietly. "I got it!" She nods. "Ok, good night." She says quietly as she walks back to her room.


"Who was it?" Cheryl ask as I walk into the bedroom. "Fangs, his mom kicked him out again." I tell her. She sighs. "Really?" I nod. "Why this time?" I shrug. "I didn't ask. He didn't want to talk about it." She nods. "How long are you going to keep letting this happen?" She ask quietly. "Wha- what do you mean?" I ask her. "He's always here! I don't care it's just he should just move in and pay rent at this point!" She tells me. "Oh! You don't mean kicking him out!" I say quietly. "No! I don't hate him as much as you think. The times he's stayed here while you were gone we got to know each other and I don't see him as your dumb friend." I smile. "I need to go back to sleep before I'm up for the rest of the night." I tell her lying in bed. She turns off the light and we go to sleep.


I hand Fangs some coffee. "Toni left for work already." I say quietly. "She asked me to do awkward small talk with you but I'll just talk to you." I tell him. He smiles. "Thanks for letting me stay here." He says quietly. "You might as well move in at this point." I tell him. "Can I?" He ask quietly. "You'll have to pay rent." I tell him.

I sit down on the ottoman and drink my coffee. The door knocks. We all look around. I'm here, Toni's here, Veronica, Jughead, Betty, Archie, Sweet Pea, Fangs and even Kevin is here. Who the hell could it be? "I'll get it." Toni says getting up. She opens the door and it's her brother Anthony. "Oh." Fangs and I say realizing who it is. "What are you doing here?" Toni ask quietly. "I was in town and wanted to stop by." Anthony says quietly. "Who are all these people?" He ask looking at everyone. "Well, you know Cheryl, Fangs and Sweet Pea!" Toni says quietly. "That's Jughead in the hat. Betty is the blonde. Archie is the ginger, not Cheryl's brother! Veronica is the one with the dark hair. Kevin is the only other person here." Toni explains. "Are you gonna introduce us?" Betty ask quietly. "Oh! Guys this is my brother Anthony." Toni say quietly. Anthony walks over to Veronica. "Hey, how you-." Toni stops him. "No!" She yells. I smile.

I walk into the living room where Anthony is sitting quietly. Kinda moping. I sit down next to him. "Why are you here really?" I ask him. "I just got out of rehab again." I nod. "Can't tell her though. I'm gonna tell her! I just want to be the one to tell her." I nod. I look at him. "Alcohol?" He shakes his head. "I don't drink." I nod. "Drugs?" He nods. "I've been sober for 2 months now and I feel a lot better." I nod.

I lie down in bed. "He just got out of rehab didn't he?" Toni ask quietly. "I don't know." I lie. "Cheryl, I can see right through your lies." I sigh. "He told me not to say anything because he wanted to talk to you and tell you first and be the one to tell you instead of me." I tell her very awkwardly. She sighs. "Can you act like you're just hearing this for first time when he tells you." I tell her. "I should go talk to him." Toni says getting up.


I walk out to the living room. I see Anthony lying in the couch wide away. "I know." I say quietly. "Cheryl didn't have to tell me." I add. He sits up. "I'm really gonna try to stay sober this time!" He says quietly. "So you came to my house while I was having a party?" I ask confused. "I didn't know." I look at him. "Mom won't let me stay with her." He says quietly. "Maria being in high school and all." I nod. "You can't live here though." I tell him. "I can help find you place to stay!" I say quietly. He looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "Remember Sweet Pea?" I ask him. He nods. "He can probably take you in for a bit! You'll have to pay rent though." He nods. "And stay sober!" He nods again. "And get a job which I can also help with. I think there's a job opening at Pops. It's not great pay, but it'll get you on your feet again." I tell him. "Thank you." He whispers. "Of course." I whisper. "You going to meetings?" I ask sitting down. "Yeah I'm gonna go tomorrow morning." I nod. "Need a sponsor?" I ask him. "Probably." I nod. "Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?" He nods. "Why can't I stay here?" He ask quietly. "Fangs is moving in." I tell him. He nods. "If you came here like 2 days earlier I'd try to convince Cheryl." I tell him.

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