217: The One Where They Hide A Body

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I walk into the bedroom. "Cheryl, have you seen Fangs?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "He heard something weird in the woods and he went after it." I sigh. "Dumb ass." I whisper. "Me?" I look at her. "Really?" She smiles. "I'm gonna go hunt him down." I whisper. She nods. I walk out and go downstairs. "Veronica, I need a flashlight." I say quietly. She nods grabbing me one. I go outside and go find him. "Fangs!" I yell. I gasp seeing him looking at a dead body. I look at Fangs. "What did you do?" I ask panicking. "He was here when I found him!" He yells. "Is that Hiram?" He nods. I notice the rock in his hand. "Why are you holding a rock clearly with his blood on it?" I ask motioning to his rock. "I don't know." He whispers dropping it. "We gave to hide the evidence." I say calmer than I should be. "What about the body?" He ask. "We hid it too." I say looking at him. "We can't do this by ourselves, he's to heavy." He says freaking out. "We are not dragging everyone into this!" I yell. "Than get Sweet Pea we can leave everyone else out of it!" He says grabbing my shirt. "You can leave everyone else out of all of this." He says pissed. I nod. "You stay here, I'll get them, ok?" I whisper. I walk back to the house and go inside. I walk into the kitchen. "Ah... Sweet Pea."

20 minutes later

"How are we going to do this?" Fangs ask. "Stuff him into the suitcase." I say quietly. Sweet Pea turns around and throws up. "We don't have any other choice." I whisper. "How did this happen?" He ask quietly. We look at Fangs. "He- I-." He takes a deep breath. "Fangs, what happened?" I ask calmly. "Tell the truth." I whisper. "I heard a noise and went to go figure out what it was. This guys comes by and tried to attack me so I grab the rock and hit him with it and he hit his head against the other rock." He explains. "You what?!" I yell. "Oh my god. You killed him!" Sweet Pea says in shock. "Well, technically the rock killed him, but I just happened to knock him into it." He says. "It was self defense!" He says quietly. "It better be!" I yell. "What do we do after?" Fangs ask. "We burn our clothes. So there's no evidence on us at least." I say quietly. "What about our DNA on him?" Sweet Pea ask. "I brought gloves." I say pulling them out and handing them to everyone. "Why do you have these?!" Fangs ask freaking out. "There for Cheryl she has the big cut on her leg from my bike and she makes me clean it because she gets more freaked out by wombs." I explain.

2 hours later

I walk back into the bedroom covered in dirt and sweat. "Why are you in your bra and underwear? Did you and Fangs get into a fight so you left your clothes outside?" Cheryl ask looking up. "What?" I ask panicking. I look at her. "Yeah! We got into a fight. No hitting, not in the face at least." I smile. "I have to go to the bathroom and shower." She nods and I go into the bathroom and take a long shower. All I see is the body. Once I'm done I go out and go into the bedroom. "How's your leg healing up?" I ask quietly. "Better." I smile. "I'm sorry, this happened." She smiles. "It's not your fault, it's your mom's dogs fault. Also, can you help clean it later?" She ask. I nod. "Why are you so freaked out right now?" She ask sitting up. "Nothing, I'm just tired."

The next week

I walk into the Student Lounge and see everyone sitting around. I sit down next to Cheryl. "What's up with Veronica?" I ask her. "Her dad's been missing since the trip." I look at Fangs and Sweet Pea. "Do they know where he would be?" I ask pretending not to know where he would be. "No! No one has seen him." I nod.

3 days later

"Did you hear?" I look at Cheryl. "Hear what?" I ask quietly. "They found Hiram." My eyes widen. "He was found in the woods near the cabin we were at." I take a deep breath. "Wow. How's Veronica taking it?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." I sit up. "Do they have any leads?" I ask. "I don't think so."

A week later

Officer Keller walks into the class with 2 other police officers. I look over at Sweet Pea and Fangs. "Antoinette Topaz, Fangs Fogarty and Steven Peterson?" We all look up. "You're all under arrest for the murder of Hiram Lodge." I take a deep breath and stand up. "What?!" Cheryl ask. "This can't be happening." I look at her. "Call my Uncle." I say as Officer Keller puts the handcuffs on me. "Please!" She nods as we all get carted away. Everyone is staring at us it's weird. I see Veronica and she looks broken. I look down not wanting to make this real.

Later that night

Cheryl walks into the holding area with a lawyer. "Did you do it?" She ask. I shake my head. "Than why was it your suitcase?" She ask pissed. "It was self defense, he went to attack Fangs and he was just trying to get him off him, I found him over the body." I say quietly. "So you helped him hide the body and than just went on with life?" I nod. She sighs. "I had no other choice Cher." I say quietly. She nods. "Well, I got you a good lawyer. I'm gonna go talk to Sweet Pea and Fangs and see if you are telling the truth! You can talk to your lawyer while your uncle pays for you bail." I nod. "I would like to be tried separately!" I say.

2 hours later

I walk out into the lobby and see Veronica. She runs over to be and slaps me. "You killed my father!" She screams crying. I take a deep breath. My lawyer pulls me away before before I can do or say anything of substance. I walk outside and get swarmed by press. I go to the car and drive off.

2 weeks later

"In the case of Antoinette Topaz vs the Lodge family, we find the defendant, not guilty." She Jury says. I sit down unable to hold myself up. I look at Veronica who's ready kill me. I walk away and go over to Cheryl. "Veronica is gonna kill you." I nod. "What about us?" I ask quietly. "We'll talk later." She says before walking away. I take a deep breath. I look at Veronica and she walks over to me. "I didn't kill him." I whisper. "Fangs did, in self defense." I say quietly. She looks at me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I would never do that." I add. "You hid his body right under my nose. You'll pay." I nod. "I know." I whisper before walking out.


I walk into the house. "Fangs's sentencing is tomorrow." I say taking my jacket off. I walk into the living room and see Nana Rose. "You're not Cheryl." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Where is she?" I ask quietly. "At your mom's house looking for you." She says quietly. I take a deep breath. "Fuck." I whisper. After a few minutes Cheryl walks into the house. "We should talk." I whisper. We go up into the bedroom. "You went by my house?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. I forgot your mom doesn't speak any English." I nod. "I don't speak any Portuguese." She adds. "Yeah, that would be helpful." I say quietly. "What are we gonna do about us?" I ask changing the subject. "I want to be with you but, I don't know if I can do this to Veronica. As much as I love you, I want to keep my relationship with Veronica, she's my best friend." I nod. "Yeah, I totally get that." I say awkwardly. "I'm gonna go, you can come by any time to drop my stuff off, I'll get some of your stuff from my house." I whisper before leaving.

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