361: The One At Lunch

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Toni sits down at the lunch table next to me. "You aren't sitting with the boys?" I ask quietly. "Sweet Pea can go die for all I care." Toni says pissed. Veronica and I look at each other. I take a deep breath. "What happened?" I ask her. She struggles to get her words out. "He's an asshole! All the fucking time!" She says getting pissed. I look at her. "Toni that's not a real reason." I tell her. "I can't explain it." I nod. "Ok." I whisper. "If he dropped dead right now I wouldn't be mad." She says pissed. "That's my boyfriend you're talking about." Veronica says quietly. "Sorry." Veronica shrugs. "I'm planning on breaking up with him tonight so go ahead." I look at her. "Why?" I ask quietly. "Probably the same reason's Toni hates him. He's not a good person." I nod.

"So are you just going to be really cold towards Sweet Pea until you die or have the guts to tell him how you feel?" I ask Toni. She nods. "It drives him crazy and I get pleasure out of it. Every time he gets pissed at me for being cold." She explains. I look at her. "You can't do this for the rest of your life!" I tell her. "You'll see." She says quietly. "I love you more than anything in the world but, you have always had a issue expressing your feelings and they tend build up until you can't express them except being pissed at everything that goes wrong." I explain. "You have a very short fuse and it scares me just a little." She takes a deep breath. "You know I'd never hurt you-." I stop her. "No! I know! I'm just scared of what you are going to do to yourself." I say quietly. "Physically or mentally." I add. She takes a deep breath. I look at her. "Why do you really hate him right now though?" I ask her. "He cheated on Veronica." She whispers. I look at her. "What?" I ask sitting up. "I told her. That's probably why she's breaking up with him." She tells me. "I couldn't sleep at night knowing."
She whispers.

Veronica walks into the blue and gold. "You really gonna cut him off?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "I don't know." She looks at me. "I will if you want me too." I tell her. "I don't want to ruin your friendship with him." She says quietly. I kick my feet up on the desk. "I was already getting there with him." I tell her honestly. I look at her. "Why?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "I don't really want to talk about. It's hard enough admitting I'm losing one of my best friends." I explain. She nods. "What he did to you want the final straw for me."

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now