337: The One With The Pool

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Toni is a guy in this, the two of them are extremely horny, I might make a part 2 tell me at end if you want one


I look down at my dick. "No." I shake my head pulling up my pants. I look down and see that I'm still hard. "Toni! Come on! We have to go soon!" Cheryl yells. "In a minute!" I yell back. "I'll be downstairs!" I pull down my pants back down. "Come on! You need to get going and your need to get rid of this!" I whisper to myself. I could get Cheryl but I don't want to make us late. I place my hand on my dick and start to thrust slowly. I hold back a moan and thrust harder. I feel myself need to cum so I grab some toilet paper and place it over my dick as I cum. I throw the toilet paper in the trash and watch my erection go down. I pull up my pants and wash my hands. Once I'm done I walk out and go downstairs. "What took you so long?" Cheryl ask fixing my tie. "I couldn't poop." I whisper. "You feeling ok?" I nod. "Yeah!" She kisses me. "You look really handsome tonight. You're the best husband in the world for doing this." She whispers. "There's alcohol right?" She nods. "Don't get to drunk though." I nod.

I look at Cheryl. "What?" I ask quietly. "So what was really taking you so long?" She ask quietly. "I was hard and nothing I thought about would turn me off so I had to relieve myself. Because I didn't want to cause us to run even more late." She nods. "Do you want to have sex when we get home?" She ask quietly. "What kind?" I ask her. "The one where we have sex because we love each other not the one to get our anger and frustration out." I nod.

I slowly swim over to Cheryl. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods. "Just watching the sunset." I smile. "Are you naked?" She ask quietly. "It's just us." I whisper. "True." She whispers turning around. "You're also naked so does it really matter?" I ask her. "I'm not really in the mood right now." She says quietly. "We don't have to have sex. The swim trunks were chafing so I took them off." I say motioning over to them on the side of the pool. She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "Can I ask you something?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Do you want kids?" She ask me. I take a deep breath. "Not right now. But probably one day." I tell her. "Do you?" I ask her. "Not really." She says quietly. "Never?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head. "I'm happy, watching Juniper and Dagwood, every once in a while." I smile. "And any other kids our friends have." I nod. "I don't hate that." I whisper. "So no going off the pill any time soon." I whisper. She shakes her head. "Are you ok with that?" I nod. "Definitely, I'm not ready for kids anyways, but I'm open to it in the future if you change your mind, but it's not my life goal. So if we never have kids and we just get a dog or a cat and take care of that for the rest of our lives then I'm happy." I explain. "Do you want a dog?" She ask quietly. "Kinda." I whisper. She smiles. "What kind?" She ask. "I don't know." I tell her. "We don't have to plan this right now." I say quietly. She kisses me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too babe." She says rubbing my chest. "Do you want to go back inside?" She ask quietly. "Or we can just stay out here." I suggest. Her hands slide down by stomach and to my penis. I moan quietly. "I don't really like having sex in the pool." She whispers. "We can get out." I tell her wrapping her legs around me. She pulls me into a kiss as I take us out of the pool. "Where do you want to go then?" I ask her. "I don't care I just want you." I nod and sit down on one of the pool chairs. "Wait, I want to go down on you." She whispers. "Ride me first." She nods and sides onto me. I hold her hips and thrust slowly. She moans quietly. She grips the back of my head as I kiss her neck. "I'm so in love with you." I whisper. She moans not being able to speak. "Still want to go down?" I ask her. She nods. "Can you hold it I'm gonna cum?" I nod and thrust her faster as I feel her cum. "You're such a good girl." I whisper in her ear. She gets off of me, pushes me back and goes down to my dick. She slowly sucks my balls first. "Babe." I whisper sitting up a little and grabbing her hair. She slowly takes me in her mouth and starts to bob her head. I moan quietly. I feel myself need to cum and pull out. "What?" She ask quietly. I just pull her back onto me, put her on her back and thrust into her. "I hate cumming in your mouth." I tell her as I cum inside her. "Ah!" I groan. I get off her and let us both catch our breaths. "I do enjoy the kinky shit but regular sex is just as good." I tell her. "Do you want to go inside and do that?" She ask quietly. "Maybe tomorrow night so we can plan what we're gonna do." I suggest. "Well, make a list of what you want to do and what you want to be done to you and I'll do the same." She tells me. I nod. "Have you ever thought of having a threesome?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "With who?" I ask quietly. "I don't know, maybe me and Veronica." I take a deep breath. "Have you thought about that?" I ask her. "Yes, that's what I was hoping to talk to you about." I look at her. "I'm not against it. What about with another guy?" I ask her. "Like a separate time." I add. She nods. "Who were you thinking?" She ask quietly. "This is gonna make me sound like a douche bag but in high school, Fangs and I wanted to do it." I tell her. "I'm not against that." She says quietly. "You realized Veronica and I have also talked about this?" I nod. "I figured." I whisper. "Like you this was in high school ironically we talked about doing it with you." I smile. "I kinda want to see what you and Fangs can do." She tells me. I look at her. "Not now though." I nod. "Is there anything you want to do right now?" She ask quietly. I shake my head. "Want to go back in the pool?" She ask smiling. I nod. We both immediately go back into the pool. "You're still hard." She says quietly. I look at her. "So?" I ask quietly. She slowly reaches her hand down and strokes slowly. I moan quietly. "Have you ever had sex with another guy?" She ask quietly. "Are you we just gonna have a normal conversation about my past sex life while you give me a handjob?" I ask her holding back moans. "Yes." She says quietly. I nod. "Ok! the answer is yes." I tell her. "Did you enjoy it?" She ask quietly. "Honestly?" She nods. "Yeah! I really did." I whisper. "Was it Fangs?" She ask stroking harder. "Yeah! We dated for a while." I tell her. "And you want to have a threesome with him?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah!" I say grabbing the edge of the pool as I try not to moan. "We realized we didn't actually have feelings for each other but we would hook up occasionally after we broke up." I explain. "Then I met you and obviously we stopped." I tell her. "Faster Cheryl! I'm gonna cum." I beg. She stops. "What the fuck?" I ask annoyed. "That's edging." She says quietly. "Meet me inside if you want to finish she says getting out. Yes, we have a lot of sex, we're young and horny! What do you expect? I get out of the pool and follow her. We both go upstairs. "What are you going to do?" I ask her. "Lie down." She says quietly. "We're both soaking wet." I say quietly. "Notice how were in the bedroom that we don't use and when we do it's for shit like this." I nod and lie down. She gets on the bed. "We're still doing the kinky stuff tomorrow right?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. She goes down to my dick and stokes slowly. "We're gonna work on something. You struggle to hold it, so every time you feel like your going to cum, tell me and I'll stop, you'll have time to calm down and we'll start all over again." I lie my head back. "How long are we gonna do this for today?" I ask her. "Not long, maybe 3 or 4 times, we'll do this every night for a week and see where you are." I nod. She strokes slowly. "What about next week?" I ask her. "We'll see where you are and then start adding toys." I nod. "Can you go a little faster?" I ask her. She nods and strokes faster. "You're gonna let me cum at the end of this right?" I ask her. "Of course." She says quietly. I nod and moan quietly. "Do I just lie here?" She nods. "Sit back and relax." I nod. "Are you gonna give me head?" I ask her. "No that'll probably be next week." I nod. I sit up a little. "I still don't want to-." She stops me. "I know." I nod. "I'm gonna cum." I moan. She stops. I lie back. "How long do we wait?" I ask her. "As long as you need." She says quietly. "When you were with Fangs-." I groan and roll my eyes. "Were you the bottom or top?" She ask quietly. "Bottom." I say quietly. "But you don't want to be pegged?" She ask concerned. "I realized my ass felt better the less I did it." She nods. "Ready?" She ask quietly. I nod. She goes back to stroking my dick. "Babe!"

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now